Your Member Monthly News & Updates
Annual Association Meeting and Marketplace Info
Dates: October 10-11, 2018
Location: Bally's Hotel and Casino
October 10th
Annual Golf Outing - Atlantic City Country Club, 10:00 AM Tee Off
*Golfers: Register here. Prizes given out at the Meet & Mingle.
Meet & Mingle - Bally's Hotel & Casino, 7:00 PM
*Calling All Fun People :-) Register here. (free)
October 11th
Group Leader Appreciation Day & Marketplace - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
*Members: Reserve your slot to arrive with Group Leaders here. (free)
*Destinations: Register to exhibit here.
Mini-Marketplace - 12:00 PM
*Allied Members: Reserve your table here.(free)
Annual Meeting & Luncheon - 1:00 PM
*All Members: Register for the Annual Meeting here. (free)
For more information, including access to special hotel rates and sponsorship opportunities, please
Trans-Bridge to Assumes Most Bieber Bus Runs from Lehigh Valley to New York City
Trans-Bridge Lines Inc. has assumed the Lehigh Valley bus service provided by Bieber Transportation Group to the Port Authority terminal in New York City (effective July 28, 2018).
Read more
Sunoco Truck Stop Offers Fellow Members Perks
New Member, Sunoco Truck Stop, located at 327 Slapes Corner Road in Carneys Point, NJ off of exit 2C on Route 295 (1st exit after the last toll on the Turnpike) is offering 5 cents off on every gallon of diesel purchased, and will also offer a $20 rewards card for all member drivers each time they stop at their truck stop with a full bus. AWESOME!
The truck stop has 8 lanes for diesel and 8 dispensers for gasoline. They also sell DEF and operate a truck wash. Inside is a full convenience store, a Dunkin' Donuts, and a Dominican restaurant. In addition, they currently have a Nathan's, juice bar, and an ice cream parlor under construction due to be completed by mid-August.
They have a membership list on-hand, but drivers must mention that they are a member of the Greater New Jersey Motorcoach Association prior to purchase.
Welcome New Members!
The following new members have joined the GNJMA since our July newsletter. Please join us in welcoming them!
Be sure to visit with Adam at the upcoming Group Leader Marketplace on October 11th!
FMCSA on Automated Driving Systems in Vehicles
The Feder
al Motor Carrier Safety Administration scheduled a July 12 free public listening session to discuss issues related to the design, development, testing, and integration of automated driving systems (ADS) equipped commercial motor vehicles on roadways.
View the agenda and
watch the replay here
Clarification Sought on Park Fee Increases
WASHINGTON, D.C. A coalition of tourism-related associations is asking Congress to require the National Park Service to undertake a formal regulatory rule making process before increasing entrance fees for tour groups.
The National Park Service (NPS) announced in October that it would double or triple entrance fees at 17 of the most popular federal parks to address $11.6 billion in needed repairs and improvements at the 417 national parks across the country. Read more...
UMA and ABA Respond to House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee's New "Discussion Draft"
A draft proposal to fund infrastructure improvements, in part by removing the partial motorcoach fuel tax exemption, drew a swift reaction from UMA and ABA this week.
UMA President and CEO Stacy Tetschner wrote to House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Bill Shuster to express concern over ending the partial exemption, while applauding the overall goal of funding infrastructure improvements.
Watch for updates from UMA as this proposal develops.
Read the full letter here.
ABA President & CEO Peter Pantuso also released a statement "The motorcoach industry, like everyone else, recognizes the necessity to update our aging infrastructure to keep America and our economy moving. However, we are extremely disappointed that this proposal would target the diesel fuel tax exemption and at the same time raise the gas tax on our industry-it's a double hit, increasing our tax burden by nearly 40 cents."
Read the full release here
Reminder: E-File Highway Use Tax Return by August 31
The time to file Form 2290 Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax, which began July 1 and lasts until August 31, 2018. The highway use tax applies to highway motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 lbs or more. The tax is based on the weight of the vehicle, along with a variety of special rules. To learn more about the rules click here. Some taxpayers have the option of filing form 2290 on paper, taxpayers with 25 or more taxed vehicles MUST e-file Form 2290. To e-file click here. Returns must be filed and payments made by August 31, 2018 for Vehicles used on the road during July. There is no need to visit an IRS Office, as all of this can be done online. The IRS has provided a list of approved e-file providers here. Minutes after filing, taxpayers should receive their IRS-Stamped Schedule 1 electronically. They can then print the Schedule 1 and provide it to their state DMV.
For more information you can go to the IRS site here.
Upcoming Educational Opportunities
Driver Recruitment Efforts - Webinar Scheduled
Tina Hamilton is the founder of
myHR Partner, a company that provides HR outsourcing to small to midsized businesses and organizations in 24 states around the country. She wrote a recent article about the worker shortage, with a focus on driver shortage as well.
In this webinar, we will speak about the state of hiring. The available workforce is dwindling and for the foreseeable future, employees entering the trades are not trending upwards. Add to this, that the traditional method of hiring, running an advertisement and waiting for applicants to come in, is over. Today's employers have to take a more modern approach to hiring and branding their organizations.
Please join us on September 6th at 10:00AM for this insightful and current topic. Tina will discuss ideas on how to put steps in place to adjust your hiring and applicant attraction efforts. And we will also leave a portion of the time to take questions and interact so that you can walk away with some ideas to implement immediately.
Building a Business That Can Run Without You - Webinar Scheduled
Tom Garrity is the managing partner of
Compass Point Consulting, a family business consulting/coaching firm that helps fix family business problems and grow their business value. They are experts in developing growth and transition plans, and uncovering solutions to complex and emotionally charged challenges in their client's business and personal life
Tom has witnessed many owners who have painted themselves into a corner, what he calls the Owner's Trap. The Owner's Trap is when the business is not positioned in a manner that the owner can exit or step away on his/her terms..
Please join us on September 27th at 10:30AM for this insightful and current topic.
Tom will speak about the three components of setting your business up for a successful transition - business value acceleration, owner financial certainty, and a plan for the next chapter of your life. He will also discuss the owner's myth that often derails their life - "I'll plan for my exit when I'm ready to depart". It's often too late at that point.. And we will also leave a portion of the time to take questions and interact so that you can walk away with some ideas to implement immediately.
2018 DATES
September 6th
Driver Recruitment Webinar
September 27th
Building a Business That Can Run Without You Webinar
October 10th
Annual Golf Outing - Atlantic City Country Club
Meet & Mingle - Arturo's
October 11th - Bally's Atlantic City
Board of Director's Meeting
Fall Annual Association Meeting
Group Leader Marketplace
November 7th
- Tropicana Atlantic City
2018 Driver's Safety Meeting
2019 DATES
March 11-12th - Sands Casino Resort, Bethlehem
Annual Sponsor Appreciation Dinner
Spring Association Meeting & Motorcoach Professional Awards
October 9-10th - Resorts Casino Hotel, Atlantic City
Golf Outing
Meet & Mingle
Board of Director's Meeting
Fall Annual Association Meeting
Group Leader Marketplace
Member Event Alert!
Perfect Body & Fender Company Open House
Date: September 12th, 2018
Time: 11:00AM - 2:00PM
Location: 7100 West Side Avenue, North Bergen, NJ
Vendor partners will also be on hand to display their products. Lunch will be served! Please show your support for fellow GNJMA Members The Perfect Body Company!
Member Alerts are sent out to our Members as needed. Since our July newsletter, we sent these alerts:
Do You Have News?
If you have news you'd like to share about your company or one of your employees, please
email us a note. We'd love to share your news with the rest of the Association!
Thank You To Our 2018 Sponsors!!!
Download our logo above to display proudly on your website.
Contact: Pattie Cowley, Executive Director | Greater New Jersey Motorcoach Association