Weekly News + Updates
October 15th, 2019
Reserve Your Seats
Music concerts are free , but if there is a seat you like, you can reserve seating for the fall concerts : Showtix4u .
  • 10/17 Theatre Radium Girls
  • 10/29 Choir concert     
  • 11/4 Orchestra concert       
  • 11/6 Band concert

Spotlight Dinner and Auction November 16th
We hope all families can help with the event. What can you help with:
We need help with procurement follow up emails and calls now. Email to
More details and all the links HERE.

Tux Fitting
Need a different size for your performance tuxedo jacket or pants? The music uniform room will be open after school on Wednesday, October 23rd, at 2:20 p.m. for students who wish to try on other sizes in stock. Please bring your full garment bag. Contact Page with any questions.

Vocal Jazz Drivers + Chaperones:  We are looking for driving chaperones for Vocal Jazz to Meadowdale High School, Friday November 8th from10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. It is not necessary for the drivers to stay all day, we can have separate drop-offs and pick-ups.Please contact  Felicia

Fall Choir Concert:  On October 29th at 7 p.m. is our first concert. We need someone to film the performances (it can even be with your cell phone). If you are interested contact  Felicia .
New York trip payment schedule: The cost for each person from Concert Choir and Advanced Chorale is approximately $1800.
  • PAST DUE First payment due October 2 — $450
  • Second payment due November 20 — $450
  • Third payment due January 7, 2020 — $450
  • Final payment due February 7 —TBD


17th, 18th, 19th
24th, 25th, 26th
7:30 p.m.
Ballard High School

Parent Volunteers Needed: Please help out the nights of the performances by signing up HERE .

Email Ms. Fortune for updates.

Fall concert reserved seating
Thank You To Our Sponsors:
Ballard Performing Arts
 Ballard Performing Arts Booster Club
Contact us at: