October 14-19, 2019 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
 This week we are introducing two new Soundings formats. The first is focused on Sunday activities only, and will come out Friday mornings. The second centers on the rest of the week's activities, and will be sent out Sundays at noon. These new formats are easy to follow, and informative and uplifting to read.
 Click here for this week's SOUNDINGS: SUNDAY . The Upcoming Events calendar is below.
Goody Clancy has been eager to hear our ideas about the planned renovations to our church home. We’ve filled out surveys and met with them for Imagining sessions. Now they are taking that information, and considering what is achievable given time, budget and necessity, including safety and security concerns.

You can read a summary of our August survey results by clicking HERE . And summary and back-up data from the two Imagining sessions we ran at the end of the summer are HERE . There are some intriguing suggestions!

On Sunday, Oct. 20, GC and our construction manager Turner Construction will share initial thoughts about the work that needs to be done. It’ll be fascinating to hear. Join us!
Two reminders:

To view LOOK AGAIN! photo entries, click HERE . Send in submissions to Rob Herman at by November 1. Make sure the subject line says CHURCH PICTURES.

Pledges are due October 31 . Let's make - even beat! - our goal of $2M, so we can give Goody Clancy a healthy budget to plan against; they can only do what we have money for. Don’t know how much to give? A gentle, respectful guideline: 3x your annual stewardship pledge, to be paid out over 3 years. 
Town Hall Meeting with Goody Clancy
October 20, after each service
Fall Follies: UUs Got Talent
October 26 - 7:30 pm
October 31, 2019
Architect's Presentation to Congregation
November 3 - after 11:00 AM service
See Capital Campaign website for all info, and email:
For anyone considering Children's Choir, this coming Thursday marks the beginning of the new season. Please be in touch with Ed Thompson if you have questions. We meet every Thursday from 5:00 to 6:00. Anyone between ages 8 and 13 is welcome; come and try it out!
Friday, October 25th at 7:30 pm in the Meeting House. Featured movies are: Ad Astra, Downton Abby and The Laundromat. All are welcome. For more information email Dorothy at
If you'd like to be a part of the fun please email to let us know what you'd like to do. We can’t wait to have you come out and play! (Special call out to anybody who would like to portray Dr. Who or be a rapper - no free-styling required.) Show time - October 26 at 7:3o PM!
Margalie has scheduled the first meeting of The Cultural Competency Initiative for Friday, October 18, 2019 at 6-7:30 PM in the East Wing.  This is the initiative she spoke about in her sermon Sunday, September, 29 . If you're interested in hearing more, contact Margalie at . We look forward to sharing with you.
Family Faith Formation PARTY !
Our Halloween Party is Saturday October 19 – 5:00-7:30 PM. West Wing

Please bring a dish to share!
CLICK HERE  for Potluck sign up.
THE POWER OF NOW - WEDNESDAYS, 7-8:15 PM Meeting House
Life today is a rapid continuous flow of intersecting changes that pull us away from living consciously. We easily get caught up in trying to change critical events from our past. The past holds both successes and failures. Guilt may be a village we visit there.
The future is unknown territory. The future is yet to be experienced. Depending on our ability to handle uncertainty… we may be either anxious or hopeful.
Consciousness is the spiritual practice of LIVING IN THE NOW . This group experience strengthens our being at peace… even when the world feels chaotic. If you could use some PEACE of mind, join us. This is an open group… you can come in and out as you desire.To find out more contact:
Neighboring Faiths - Adult Programming
A year-long exploration of Religions of the World
We had 18 people join us to learn more about Hinduism last Friday, and many of us attended a service in Flushing at the Ganesh Temple yesterday. The last session to discuss and reflect what we've heard and experienced will be Friday Oct. 18, 7-9 PM at the Meeting House.
Next up: Judaism begins Thursday Oct. 24 - 7 PM in East Wing
J Rainy Broomfield   facilitating.
Session 1 Learn  Thursday Oct 24 7-9 PM East Wing
Session 2 Experience Friday Nov 1 6:30 PM at Temple Israel
Service at 6:30pm. Discussion with Rabbi.
Optional: Community dinner $20.
Session 3 Reflection Sunday Nov 8 12:30 PM East Wing
For info on the NF program, CLICK HERE . Register with
These opportunities for learning and connection are ongoing and offered in October and November. Visit Adult Faith Formation on our website or email leaders should you want more information; many have been featured in prior Soundings.
Mondays 6:30-8:00 PM Meeting House Buddhist Practice Group Please let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis.

Mondays 7:00-8:30 PM. Rev. John's Office thru November 18. Grief Support Group or

Wednesdays 7-8:15 PM. Meeting House The Power of Now

Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 PM thru Nov. 6. East Wing. Women, Spirit and Imagination (also note: special session Sat. Oct. 19 12:00-4:00 PM)

Fridays 6:00-9:00 PM Meeting House Neighboring Faith Program. Some dates, locations vary. Check website or

Monthly, various dates and times. Small group ministry These must be signed-up for ahead of time as they depend on host availability, group size etc.
Join our gatherings, make new friends and deepen relationships. All women are always welcome at all events. Visit our website:

Women, Spirit and Imagination

RSVP for events: Learn more/ join our mailing list HERE .
A critical part of our Unitarian Church in Westport’s mission is to "act in the service of peace and justice" and as UU’s to “live” and put into practice our 7 Principles and UU values. Our church is recognized for doing this by the depth of our commitment to social action and social justice in our local communities and beyond. We are a spiritual center with a civic circumference.
This place in our new Soundings format will have weekly updates on our social justice ministries. They might be relevant articles we want to share, photos of our congregants "in action," calls to service or to address specific needs. Stay tuned to hear more.
Child care is provided for Sunday Services and on an as needed basis for other events. Organizers of events should contact  Nate Pawelek  to arrange child care.
Sat Oct 12
Voices Cafe - Sanctuary - 8:00

Sun Oct 13
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
OWL - OWL room - 10:00
OWL Parents - YR - 10:00
9th-12th Youth Group - YR - 11:00
Chapel (preK-7th) - Chapel - 11:00
Serving With Grace- EW - 12:30
TUCWomen Brown Bag Lunch - MH - 12:30
Climate Change Conversation - Sanctuary - 12:30

Mon Oct 14
Buddhist Practice Group - MH - 6:30
Bell Choir - 6:45
Grief Support Group - Rev. John's office - 7:30

Tues Oct 15
Gender Equity Team - WW - 10:00
BOT - EW - 7:00

Wed Oct 16
Teen Choir - 6:00
NVC Practice Group - WW - 7:00
TUCWomen's Workshops - EW - 7:00
Stewardship Com - WW - 7:00
The Power of Now - MH - 7:00
Chamber Choir - 7:45

T hurs Oct 17
Children's Choir at 5:00
Finance Com - WW - 6:00
Endowment Comm. - EW - 7:30
Women's & Men's Choir - 7:45

Fri Oct 18
Small Group Steering Com - WW - 11:30
Cultural Competency Initiative - EW - 6:00
Adult Neighboring Faiths - MH - 7:00

Sat Oct 19
A Better Man - MH - 8:00
Small Group Facilitators - MH - 10:00
Women & Spirituality - MH - 12:00
Family Fun Night - Sanctuary - 5:00
Sun Oct 20
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
OWL - OWL room - 10:00
OWL Parents - YR - 10:00
Town Hall - EW - 10:00
9th-12th Youth Group - YR - 11:00
Town Hall - Sanctuary - 12:15

Mon Oct 21
Buddhist Practice Group - MH - 6:30
Bell Choir - 6:45
Grief Support Group - Rev. John's office - 7:30
O&AS - 7:45

Wed Oct 23
Leadership Development Team - Rev. John’s office - 12:30
Teen Choir - 6:00
TUCWomen's Workshops - EW - 7:00
Worship Associates - Rev. John's office - 7:00
The Power of Now - MH - 7:00

Thurs Oct 24
Children's Choir at 5:00
Adult Neighboring Faiths - EW - 7:00
Women's & Men's Choir - 7:45

Fri Oct 25
Shawl Ministry - MH - 12:30
UU Movie Discussion - MH - 7:30

Sat Oct 26
Fall Follies - Sanctuary - 7:30

Sun Oct 27
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
OWL - OWL room - 10:00
OWL Parents - YR - 10:00
2nd-3rd Grade - Pine Rm - 11:00
4th-7th Grade - MH - 11:00
9th-12th Youth Group - YR - 11:00
COM "Talk Backs with Ministers" - Sanctuary - 12:30

If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203.227.7205 ext. 19 or email .

CLICK HERE  to learn more about our Pastoral Care Associates.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues...  please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing .

For a complete listing of all upcoming activities, see our church calendar. Click here.

The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
  WE INSPIRE  and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT  through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
  WE ACT  in the service of peace and justice.