USHJA Annual Meeting Held in Texas
Members come together to share ideas, celebrate the sport
USHJA President Mary Babick talks with Zone and Affiliate members during Annual Meeting. Photo credit: Louise Taylor/USHJA Archives

Zone 12 was represented at the USHJA Annual Meeting, presented by World Equestrian Center, Dec. 10-14 in San Antonio, Texas. 


Nearly 300 members from across the country worked together brainstorming new ideas, discussing programs, hearing guest speakers, asking questions and raising concerns all with a common goal of improving the sport. Click here to read about rule change proposals discussed. Special thanks to the members who represented our zone! 

Know Before You Show
Do you know what rules are in effect for the 2018 competition year? 

Know Before You Show with a comprehensive list of rule changes effective as of Dec. 1, 2017 , for the 2018 competition year.

Click here to read a summary of the rules that affect Hunter/Jumper competition. Click here to view the 2018 USEF Rulebook.  
Have You Renewed Your Membership?
The 2018 competition year is underway. Have you renewed your membership?

Exciting changes this year include: 
  • Memberships running for an entire year, regardless of when members renew
  • An opportunity to sign up for auto-renewal so members don't have to worry about remembering to renew each year
  • New exclusive member benefits 
Renewing is quick and easy: 
Thank you to our Life and Three-Year members as well as those who have already renewed for 2018; we look forward to serving you again!
Alaska State Horseshows Banquet, Featuring 
Zone 12 Awards is Coming Up!

What You Need to Know About the ELD Mandate and CDL Requirements from AHC
Are you wondering how the Electronic Logging Device Mandate will affect you, or if you need a Commercial Drivers License to transport horses? The American Horse Council has put together brochures to help explain these two issues. Click here for more information. 
2018 Zone 12 Specifications Available
Take a minute to review the 2018 Zone 12 Specifications! Zone specifications can change from year to year and are unique to each zone, so be sure you are up to date on the most recent specifications for our zone. 
Zone 12 Standings
Click the graphics below to see where you stand in year-end Zone 12 Horse of the Year and Zone 12 Stirrup Cup awards programs.

To view national USEF Horse of the Year standings, click here
Sport News

Have an interesting story to share? Know a member who deserves to be recognized? Email stories  here for possible inclusion in a future Zone eNews Update!
Sponsors and Partners
The USHJA would like to thank the following sponsors and partners for their support of our many programs and endeavors. For more information, click the sponsor logo(s) below.

Official USHJA Sponsors
Charles Owen
Rood and Riddle

Additional USHJA Sponsors & Partners

United States Hunter Jumper Association 
3870 Cigar Lane
Lexington, KY 40511
P: 859.225.6700 
F: 859.258.9033