St. Catherine 
of Siena
Episcopal Church

10435 Double R Blvd.
Reno, NV

A publication to promote our mission:
"In community, love God, love others, serve both."

Those on our prayer list include: Gary, Bob, Eric, Alan, Rick, Glenn, Butch, Maggie, Carol, Sharon, Georgia, Ed, and the Yakub family. We pray for the soul of Shelby who passed away on July 31. Please keep them in your prayers. 

Family Gather Service: 9 a.m.

Godly Play for kids ages 5-10 :
10 a.m. on the 1st & 3rd Sundays

Adult Education : 10 a.m.

Traditional Service : 11 a.m.
AA Men's Group: Meets at St. Catherine's on Wednesday evenings at  7 p.m.

Aug. 5: Baby Bundles donation collection, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.

Aug. 8: Vestry Meeting, St. Catherine's, 5:15 p.m.

Aug. 18: Parish "Play Day" at Camp Galilee 9 a.m.

Aug. 21: Clergy Gathering, St. Peter's, Carson City, 6:00 p.m.

Aug. 23: Canon Catherine, meeting with Vestry, 6:00 p.m.

Aug. 25: Memorial Service for Shelby Thistlewhite, 2:00 p.m.


Coffee Hour Hosts,  Greeters 
& Ushers
Contact Sharyl Milegich:
853-5016 or
Lay Readers
& Eucharistic Ministers 
Contact Anne Towner:
827-3784 or
Altar Guild  
Contact Linda Stetzell:
826-8585 or

11 a.m. Choir
Contact Molly Mitchell: 224-1156

Lap Quilts for Seniors
Contact Amy Heintz: 
851-1026 or

Children's Flannel Blankets
Contact Carol Dyer:  702-496-8595


Our Current Vestry Members are:

Michael Nusbaum Senior Warden
Liz Skogerson, Junior Warden
Gretchen Korver
Andy Kuhn
Carol Lacy
Peggy Manes
Linda Rosenthal
Donna Sanders, Clerk of the Vestry
Help a young person with reading skills at Double Diamond Elementary. Contact Sally Dickinson at 853-7850 or . L earn more by  visiting the 360Blueprint web site .
Name Tag
Why wear a name tag?
  • Name tags encourage conversation;
  • Name tags promote an outward focus;
  • Name tags make guests feel more comfortable; &
  • Some folks aren't great at remembering names!
If you need a name tag, call Sally D ickinson at  (775) 853-7850.
August 2018
St. Catherine

St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
Rev. Laurie's Message

As we journey through this Ordinary season of the church year, our lectionary takes an abrupt turn.  During Year B of the lectionary, most of our readings come from the Gospel of Mark.  However for a few weeks mid-summer, we're led into the 6th chapter of John. That's what we'll be considering, starting with our July 29th reading about the feeding of the 5,000 and continuing through much of August.

I invite you to take a look at the 6th chapter of John's Gospel.  You might find it interesting to read it all the way through in one sitting.  Read it slowly and ponder what Jesus is saying.  He speaks of himself as the "bread of life."  Certainly, bread was a fitting metaphor for the people of Jesus' day.  They saw bread as survival -- it was their primary food source.  The people listening to Jesus' words, as John recounts it, had a hard time getting their minds around bread as anything but food to eat.  They're having a problem understanding this "living bread" idea.

We invite you to join us during August to see what each of us who share the Word here at St. Catherine's has to say about Jesus as the Bread of Life.

Christ's Peace,

Laurie +
The Rev. Laurie Chappelle
August Walk with St. Catherine's!
Please join us for a St. Catherine's August walk on Saturday, August 11.

This is a chance to see some of the local countryside and get some exercise with St. Catherine's.  The August weather will be warm, but we will look for an area with some shade.

We will meet at the Starbucks adjacent to the Raley's on Mount Rose highway (18250 Wedge Parkway) at 9:00 a.m.   We will probably walk 2-3 miles, but it will depend on who joins us and how far they want to walk.  All are welcome (including any 4-pawed friends that you want to bring). 

Please remember to bring water or something else to drink.  We hope to see you on August 11.

If you have any questions, please contact Charlie Dickinson (

St. Catherine's Play Day at Camp Galilee

Wow, we've had a great response for our parish play day at Galilee on Saturday, August 18!  
Please plan to arrive at  9:00 a.m. or so, to be able to make full use of our time together.  This day is for you to enjoy.  

There will be a couple of suggested group activities that you can join in on, or not.  The first planned activity will be a hike around Spooner Lake.  We will have access to the camp van at around  10:00 a.m.  Depending on the number of people interested, we may need one or two others to drive the short distance as well.  All hikers will be back to camp in time for lunch together at  noon.  

We've put in a request for a barbecue!  Beware, the food is amazing, so there is no need to bring food supplements with you.  Please, however, let us know if you have any dietary restrictions so we can alert Chef Eva in advance.

Afternoon activities will include canoeing, kayaking, or swimming in the lake, walking around the camp, or lounging in a chair overlooking the lake.  When you've had enough sun, you can hang out in Hunting Lodge and play cards or games with fellow parishioners.  Dinner will be served at  6:00 p.m., and a campfire will be lit as the sun goes down (as long as there are no fire restrictions) If you play guitar, harmonica, or any other singalong-able instrument, or have a favorite story or quote to share, please bring it with you!  

Please note:  We will be sharing the camp with a small group of men from St. Paul's that weekend, and  a wedding will take place in the church that afternoon, so that building will be off limits to us from about 12:30-3:00 p.m.  

Because there are so many of us heading up to Galilee, let us know if you would be interested in carpooling by either responding to or making a note on the sign-up sheet at church.  Please indicate if you are willing to drive and how many spots you might have available to transport someone else OR if you would like to ride with someone else.  We will connect you so you can plan where and when to meet. Also, if you haven't yet written a check, please make it out to St, Catherine's on Sunday.  $35 to include lunch only, $45 to include lunch and dinner.

We look forward to spending an enjoyable day together!

Honor Someone with Sanctuary Flowers

You can provide flowers for our Sunday services, and also celebrate someone you love.

Flowers can be donated in the name of someone special for a birthday or anniversary; you can also dedicate the bouquet in memory of someone who's passed on, or to the Glory to God.

On the bulletin board by the coffee pot is a sign-up sheet where you can choose an open date.  The cost is $35.  A check for the cost can be dropped into the collection plate any Sunday with "Flowers" in the memo line. Thank you!

Baby Bundles

By Ann Crase

"Baby Bundles" is composed of and supported by members of St. Catherine's and Trinity Episcopal Churches.   With items donated by both congregations, volunteers assemble "Bundles" of layette items for St. Mary's and Renown hospitals.  They are then distributed by hospital staff to disadvantaged new parents who have little or nothing for their newborn.  Any help with the following items would be greatly appreciated:

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Hats for boys, girls, and in gender-neutral colors
  • Bibs for boys and girls
  • Girls' receiving blankets
  • Gender-neutral sleepers
  • Gender-neutral outfits
Clothing should be size 0-6 months.  We still have enough diapers, thanks to Linda Rosenthal of St. Catherine's.   If you'd like us to shop for you, monetary donations are always welcome, too. God Bless! 

Questions? Contact Susan Lombardi at 329-2044 or Ann Crase at 356-1155.
St. Catherine of Siena Episcopal Church |
 E-mail:  | Phone: 775.771.4168 
10435 Double R Blvd.  Reno, NV 89521