September 4, 2019
Understanding Gate Valves
Proper selection of any valve for a given service should be done with careful consideration. The style of valve, materials of construction, pressure/temperature ratings and end connection type are all attributes that contribute to a well operating system and acceptable product longevity. Milwaukee Valve manufactures a wide variety of valves for many different applications. 
This video, featuring Bob Rudman; Director Product & Project Development for Milwaukee Valve, explains the operation and selection criteria for one of the oldest styles of valves. The gate valve, in its many forms, has a proven track record of reliable operation under a wide range of liquid and gaseous media. It is a versatile valve for on-off service with design features that can outperform many other valve selections. 
Made to the most current industry standards for design, materials and workmanship, Milwaukee Valve's time tested gate valves could be the solution to your next application challenge. Let one of our Customer Service or Regional Representatives help you make the right selection for your next project.
For more information, specs, or additional support please visit and
16550 West Stratton Drive, New Berlin, WI 53151