October 25, 2019
2020 National Merit Commended Students
Congratulations to our 46 National Merit Commended Students! We are #CardinalProud

Andrew  Abdalla,  Anthony Chen,  Christina  Chen, Elina Chen, Celine Choi, Owen  Cox, Allen Dao, Reagan Draper, Lauren  Faust, John  Fleming*, Vincent Galvan, Trace  Gorman, Justin  Hu, Noor  Jahlul, Preston Jong, Joy Li, Connie Lin, Anne Liu, Mia Liu*, Joseph Mazella, Benjamin Mazzoni, Lauren McAuliffe*, Carolyn Ngo, Amalia Nichols, Lauren Ohler, Shan Pappa, Demi Pappas, Mayah Pazgal, Abigail Perkins, Adam Pinto, Jack Pittman, Noah Pittman, Jacob Pustilnik, Leo Qiu, Thomas Raguso, Isabel Richards, Samantha Sarlin, James Sun, Irin Toh, Grace Wang, Tony Wang, Kevin Wu, Lucy Wu, Allen Xue, Kye Yu, and Samiha Zaman.  (*Not pictured)
Wednesday - Altered Schedule!  
All 9th - 11th graders need to report to their PSAT testing room by 8:40am. Room assignments will be posted in hallways and on our website Monday, Oct. 28.   Any student unsure of where they should go should report to the library. After the PSAT we will be running an afternoon schedule where students will visit each of their courses for a shortened period.

Seniors need to report to the auditorium at 12pm for a mandatory Senior Meeting. All Seniors will sign in outside the auditorium.

Red Bird Productions Presents Puffs
Plan to be laugh as you watch the cast of Puffs perform tonight at 6:30pm.  Additonally, we have performance this Saturday at 2:00pm and 6:30pm.  Each show will be performed in the Black Box. Tickets are going fast and seating is limited! $8 or $5 with a student ID #BreakALeg #CardinalProud
Experiment in International Living, Study Abroad
Seniors- November 1st is a big deadline in the college application process. Please check the admission deadline for the colleges and universities that you are interested in applying to.
Seniors- The College Center will be open Wednesday morning from 8:40 AM to 12:00 PM for students looking to complete their college applications or financial aid. Please utilize and maximize this available time.
College Center Extended Hours this Wednesday from 4 PM to 6 PM. We would like to use this time to assist students with test sign up, advising meetings, essay help, and more. Walk-in are welcomed. To set up a one-on-one meeting, please contact the College Center via email.
Next week is PSAT test. This is a great way to help you study for and increase your scores prior to the SAT. During your junior year, scoring well on the PSAT can qualify you for scholarships and academic distinction. Don't forget to use to prepare and study for the exam. Good Luck!
Seniors - Apply to be in Mr. Bellaire
Calling all Senior guys and girls!  Sign up to be a part of Mr. Bellaire.  This fun competition helps to fund the Class of 2020's After Prom! 

Just think YOU could be Mr. Bellaire!  Sign up:
Guys   APPLY HERE  to be a Contestant in Mr. Bellaire.
Girls  APPLY HERE to be an Escort in Mr. Bellaire
Applications will be accepted in the order that they received.

Senior Dues - Prices Increase Soon
Attention Seniors! Senior Dues go up November 1st! Rates go up soon. Take advantage of the lowest rate of the year and pay now on SchoolPay or at Ms.Quinteros's desk in the library at lunch. #ClassOf2020
Bully Awareness Month - Tips from our Counselors

Bullying Prevention Month - Impact on LGBT Youth
8 of 10 students have been verbally harassed and 4 of 10 have been physically harassed at school. Click here for more information. 
October 9th-12th, the Bellaire Theatre Department took a group of Bellaire theatre students to New York City to participate in the International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) program for International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme theatre students. For three full days students engaged in workshops, lead by theatre professionals and practitioners, with other IB theatre students from all over the world and attended four different Broadway productions.
Bellaire junior, Leah Harvell writes: "I absolutely adored the New York trip. I was given the opportunity to visit a city full of people with the same love and passion for theatre that I have. I was able to meet new people from all over the world in a studio in New York City and learn, experience, and apply theatre techniques and exercises that are incredibly useful to me in my endeavors. Not only was it a fantastic educational opportunity, but being able to see four fantastic shows each night was so surreal. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it, there was never a dull moment. That experience will be one I'll carry with me for the rest of my life, and I hope to go on the trip again next year."

Another Bellaire junior, Jonah Dove summed it up like this, "I had the time of my life! Going to plays with fellow theatre nerds is the absolute best."

A huge shoutout to  Ms.  Ollagnon  and Ms. Underhill for organizing this opportunity for Bellaire students! #CardinalProud

School Choice Applications
The New School Choice Magnet and Choice transfer Online Application became available for Parents and Guardians on September 27, 2019 at Parents/Guardians are able to submit multiple Magnet and Choice transfer applications on the same computerized system this application process year. School Choice paper applications are available via our School Choice website or by visiting the school of their choice. 
For schools to inform parents and the school community of the School Choice application deadline dates and new changes, the Office of School Choice is requesting that schools announce on their school marquees that Phase I for HISD School Choice Applications will be from September 27, 2019 until December 6, 2019. The last day for HISD students to submit a School Choice Application will be February 28, 2020 for the 2020-2021 school year.
If further assistance is needed, please contact the Office of School Choice- Student Transfers Department at 713-556-6734 or email us at
Keep an Eye on Bellaire's Website & Calendar
Additional events and information can be found on the homepage of our website.  Please check our calendar as events, performances and games are added and updated on a regular basis. 
It Takes A Village...
"Bellaire Share" is new this year. Please help us collect important information and get student and staff accomplishments out to our school community.  Share with us Bellaire HS activities and student achievements. You can upload your pictures of any event easily. Together we can accomplish a lot. You can submit information anytime on the homepage on the right side of the page or bookmark this link.
Join the PTO
Please consider joining the Bellaire PTO.  The PTO's Commitment to Learn Campaign is about to launch.  Funds donated to the PTO go directly to support students and learning at Bellaire High School.  There is no doubt that family involvement at Bellaire makes us a stronger school.  Join the PTO online here!

5100 Maple Street Bellaire, Texas 77401