Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
March 5,2021
Marin Health and Human Services Vaccine Update

Groups currently eligible for vaccine include:
  • Phase 1A groups (e.g., Healthcare workers and residents of residential care facilities for the elderly)
  • Marin County residents age 65 & older
  • Marin County residents who work in the following industries: education, childcare, food service, agriculture, and emergency services.

We are pleased to welcome Golden Gate Pharmacy and Pharmaca Integrated Pharmacy to our line-up of vaccination partners! In addition, Rite Aid and Walgreens have now opened up eligibility to more groups in Phase 1B. Visit our vaccination options webpage to review available appointment options. As supply is slowly increasing, we anticipate being able to open eligibility to more groups very soon. Continue to follow our distribution framework webpage for updates.
Renaming Sir Francis Drake Blvd
At its March 3rd meeting, the Council supported the concept of renaming Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Specifically, the Council directed its two representatives to the County Ad-Hoc Working Group, Mayor Ackerman and Councilmember Goddard, to report to the Ad-Hoc Working Group the Town’s direction. The Ad-Hoc Working Group consists of representatives from the five jurisdictions through which Sir Francis Drake Blvd runs: Fairfax, County of Marin, Larkspur, Ross, and San Anselmo.
Skatepark Progress

At its March 3rd meeting, the Council officially designated the western portion of the Pavilion/Bank St. parking lot for use as a temporary skate/scooter, and in-line/roller skates park. Construction has begun! The park is slated to open in early April.

Cascade Bridges Project Update
Marin County Open Space District has prepared a draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for its Bridges and Trail Improvement project in Cascade Canyon Preserve. This proposed project would improve habitat for sensitive wildlife species while improving the safety and accessibility of the trail system in the preserve. The design was developed through engagement with the local community, Town of Fairfax, visitors and study of the wildlife and natural resources in the area over the past six years and includes the installation of trail bridges to protect fish, frogs and other wildlife in the area. 
The IS/MND and online comment form is available on the Marin County Parks website at Cascade Canyon. If you have any questions, please contact Principle Natural Resources Planner Jon Campo. The deadline for comments is March 19th.
As background, the proposed project was originally presented to the general public in a meeting held at the Fairfax Women’s Club in September 2016. Subsequently, the Council discussed the project at its December 2016 and January 2017 meetings. In April 2017, the Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Marin County Open Space District (MCOSD) to consent to the project with specific conditions. The Town had the right to review the proposed improvements in the Elliott Nature Preserve as a result of conditions placed on the transfer of the Elliott Nature Preserve by the Town of Fairfax to the MCOSD in 1987.
Climate Action Committee

Fairfax, as part of its General Plan, needs to address the issues of the changing climate. The Fairfax Climate Action Committee has spent the last 18 months crafting a draft of a Climate Action Plan, developed to help us achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This is definitely an ambitious goal, but it is also vitally important. And, we thought our last plan was equally ambitious (aiming at 20% reduction by 2020) and we had already exceeded that goal by the end of 2018. Fairfax is a Town that faces challenges and succeeds. Please visit our online draft and send us your comments. You can find the plan HERE

The Town Council and the Climate Action Committee will be holding a virtual joint session study session on March 17th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm to discuss the draft Climate Action Plan. The agenda for the meeting will be available at on Friday, March 12th.
Take the Bikeshare Survey

Your input is needed to help find bike parking locations for a new bike sharing system of 300 electric bikes near SMART stations in Marin and Sonoma counties. Please participate in this short survey to help us determine where mobility hubs should be placed within your community.
The survey will be open through Friday, March 19, 2021 but early feedback is encouraged. Input from the survey will be used in addition to technical analysis to determine locations for the initial system roll out and potential future phases.
This pilot program is funded through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to provide bike sharing at and around SMART stations in the cities of Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Petaluma, Novato, San Rafael, and Larkspur.
Find more information about bike share: Marin and Sonoma
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting
March 8 - 7pm

Police Practices and Public Safety Alternatives
(Subcommittee of RESJ) Meeting
March 11 - 7pm

Climate Action Committee Meeting
March 16 - 7pm

Town Council Special Meeting
March 17 - 5:30pm

Planning Commission Meeting
March 18 - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
Park Clean Up
Sunday March 7 - 10am
Bolinas Park (across from Peruva Auto Repair)

Please bring a mask and wear closed toed shoes. Garbage bags and gloves will be provided.
Curbside Pick up on March 29 and March 31 between 1-4pm 
This year the Fairfax Volunteers will be preparing the Easter baskets for distribution to children 8 years old and under (limit of 1 per household) in advance of Easter Day and items can be used with home egg hunts activities.

Please reserve one by e-mailing Maria will bring the baskets which will consist of candy, activities and games out to your car, on Park Road, near Peri Park. Please contact her early as only 60 kits will be available.
Fairfax Recreation
Outdoor Yoga with Veronica will continue outside in Bolinas Park on Mondays when weather allows with masks and distance protocols. Click here for more info.

Music Pods with Dani Levy
Tuesdays, March 2 – April 6 
10:30am – 11:15am 

Music with Dani is a fun and interactive music and movement time for young children and their grownups.  Dani’s music session will have the children singing, dancing, rhyming, using their imaginations and having fun while creating music together!

Sign up today and get a spot before they fill up!
Peri Park Update 

At their February 3rd meeting the Town Council approved the plan for the renovations at Peri Park with a new vendor called Bear Playgrounds. View the plans and images that are similar to the structures that will be installed.
If you would like to support this project, we still have many tee shirts and tote bags available at a discounted price! 
Fairfax Food Pantry
Saturday mornings from 8-10am
Fairfax Community Church 
2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax.

The Fairfax Food Pantry continues to be open. Drive through or walk up service is available. In addition to our regular bagged groceries, folks will be receiving 15lb produce boxes as part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). 
Free Covid Testing Options for Ross Valley

The County of Marin has partnered with Curative to offer coronavirus testing by online appointment for anybody, whether insured or not. 

A testing site is open each Tuesday at the United Market parking lot (100 Red Hill Avenue) in San Anselmo from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Online appointments for that testing location and others can be made via

Check the Curative website for other Marin testing locations if Tuesdays are not convenient.
Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2021? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on the Open Space Committee, Climate Action Committee, Volunteer Board and Planning Commission.

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