March 2021
From the Desk of the President
Pastors are First Responders

A couple of years ago I had the privilege of giving the Charge to the Church during the installation service of Pastor Russell Carle at the Goodwins Mills Advent Christian Church. My topic for that occasion was Pastors are First Responders. This in no way was meant to minimize the work of the police, firefighters, EMTs, etc., but it meant to highlight the fact that a pastor functions in the same way as these other first responders. While the average person runs frim crises and emergencies, first responders run to crises and emergencies. My point, that day, was when these types of things arise in the church, the pastor will immediately go to the person in need, no matter how difficult it might be.

To illustrate my point, I told of an emergency that had occurred in a family in the church I was pastoring. It was a Tuesday afternoon and I was working outside at our home when I received a call from the church secretary. Her voice was very emotional and she could hardly get the words out. Mary (not her real name) had just taken her life. What?! How could that be, not sweet Mary. Her husband, Keith (not his real name), was a police officer with the local police force. As usual he had come home for lunch, left his service revolver on the dining room bureau (both of their children were grown and had left home), and went to the bathroom. As he came out, there was his wife with his service revolver at her head. He lunged for her but was too late to prevent her from shooting herself. As soon as I received the call, I immediately changed my clothes (not even taking the time to shower) and took off for his parents home where Keith and other family members had gathered. Even though I knew there was nothing I could do or say that would soften the blow, as a first responder it never entered my mind not to go. As a first responder I knew that I had to run to that emergency.

My purpose for recalling this tragedy that day was to say to the Goodwins Mills church family that their new pastor was a first responder. I had known Russell for some 30-35 years and I knew that he was one who would run to any crisis or emergency. He was a first responder. So what is my purpose of recalling this tragic event in this newsletter? There are two purposes. First, I want to thank our pastors for their commitment to Christ and their respective churches. You are first responders. Than you for being there for your church family when someone faces a crisis or emergency. Second, I want to encourage those who are reading this article, who are not pastors, to recognize that your pastor is truly a first responder. Your pastor runs to crises and emergencies in your church but rarely gets recognized for that commitment to his church family. Your pastor is your pastor not because it is his "job," but because it is the life that God has called him to. Would you please take the time to call, send a card, or in person thank your pastor for all that he does, especially as he functions as a first responder. And know, that if you face a crisis or emergency, he will be there to pray with you, to hold your hand, to hug you. He will run to you not away from you.

The Pastor's Aid Fund assists with various needs (medical, glasses, dental, etc.). This is a nonbudgeted fund that is replenished as needed and used to help when opportunities arise. Please consider making a donation in February or March to help with this need. We have received $1,600 in donations thus far. Thank you!
Can you guess which church this is? The first person to email the office ( with the correct answer will receive a small prize. If this is your home church, we ask that you refrain from answering.
The February Church was the Rockland Community Church in North Scituate, RI. Doreen Waddington from RI was the first to guess the correct answer.
Josh McDowell Shares His Heart about the Ravi Zacharias Scandal on YouTube
"This would be a great value for all of our pastors. It takes about an hour, but well worth the investment." President George Karl
Click on the picture to watch the video
Monthly Devotional Thought
Timelines. My Bible has a timeline in each book introduction that I like to pour over. I recall Grampa Libby made a timeline of Daniel's dream and the end times. I've seen other such timelines at AC conventions and libraries over the years. I'm sure you know what I am talking about, maybe you also have one! Timelines give us a purview of a specific period. They allow us to stand back and view time objectively, unencumbered by the day-to-day events that clutter our direction. They allow us to see the grand scale of events taking place, recognizing trends and patterns over time. We are experiencing a negative trend in our culture, seemingly taking a nose-dive further away from God in the last years. For this reason, I have been asking God if we are in the "end times," so that I know how to pray. The Lord has graciously answered me, showing me, it isn't about the times but is all about my responsibility in the current time.

Let me explain. Our Father is perfect both in His justice AND His grace. He will always offer salvation before He pronounces judgement. In my devotional time recently, I thought about the prophet Elijah. He was known as a reformer. Elijah came, full of the Holy Spirit, demonstrating signs and wonders when the nation of Israel was steeped in apostasy. His purpose? To restore Israel back to God. God sent him to warn the nation before He brought judgement. This pattern repeats itself throughout Biblical history. Sometimes the nations repented and were spared. Sometimes they did not respond, and God sent judgement. In Malachi we read that Elijah will come again "before that great and awesome day of the Lord." I don't know if this means literally or not, that is a debate for another day. I do know that the Spirit who worked in awesome ways in Elijah's time will do the same in our day. Why? Because God is always willing to provide grace before judgement. Maybe we are at the time of God's judgement in America, on the other hand, maybe there is another chapter for us. If so, this chapter depends on the obedience of God's church for it to be written. Let me say this again, it isn't about the times; it is all about our responsibility in our time. Right now, our nation is far from God. His heart is saddened by what He sees. He has given us the job of warning others and offering salvation through Jesus. What the timeline of history shows, and what His Word confirms to us, is that He uses people to bring about His move. That is, you and me, as His church, to bring people back to Him. I contemplate God discussing Sodom and Gomorrah with Abraham (Gen. 18). Why did He tell Abraham about His plans? He was looking for an intercessor. Abraham did intercede for the cities, asking for God to spare them if there were 100 righteous people. As you know, this number dwindled down to just ten, yet there weren't ten found, so the cities were destroyed. I wonder, what if Abraham had asked for God to spare them if there was just one righteous in the city? Would He have spared them? It is a provocative question; one we will never know the answer to. But consider this: Ezekiel 22:30-31 says, "I looked for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one. So now I will pour out my fury on them, consuming them with the fire of my anger." According to this verse, God was looking for just one person who would stand in the gap, so He could relent. This inspires me and shows me the awesome responsibility that I have. St. Augustine said it the most concisely: "Without God I cannot, without us God will not." In light of this, I have made my decision. This day I choose to stand in the gap, I choose to pray for my neighbors, my church, my community, and my country. This day I choose not to live by what I see or feel, but determine to take God at His Word. Maybe this sounds radical to you? Elijah was radical. A reformation always appears radical. Nothing short of a radical move of the Holy Spirit is needed in America today. Will you be radical with me?
~Cindy Ludwick
Excerpts Taken from Albert C. Johnson - AC History

There were many men with the designation of "ELDER" who were part of the early Second Advent movement and played a significant part in the preaching, teaching, and publication ministry. This is the second installment of Profiles in AC History. The first part was on William Miller and appeared in the previous 3 newsletters.
Elder Litch
"We would first speak of Elder Josiah Litch who was a member of the New England M.E. Conference. A copy of Mr. Miller's lectures having come to his hand early in 1838, he examined it, expecting to be able to refute its teachings in a few minutes. As he read, the argument appeared weighty. Prejudice gave way, he was led to a devout study of the whole question, and finally to an acceptance of the faith, feeling compelled to this as an honest believer of the Bible. He was then convicted of the duty to proclaim the truth which he had accepted to humbly reconsecrate himself to God and in contrition of soul he resolved at any cost to advocate the truth and willingly bear reproach for Christ.

Elder Litch was highly esteemed by his associates. He was of studious habits, was considered a man of able thought, and gave great promise of future effective laborers. He was an able writer and soon placed pamphlets and small books before the public, and early became one of the editors of the leading pioneer advent pater, The signs of the Times. He traveled extensively and preached earnestly the great prophetic message, as a strong Co-laborer with Mr. Miller and others."
Elder Fitch
In 1838, Elder Charles Fitch, who was pastor of the Marlboro St. Congregational Church, in Boston, wrote to Mr. Miller, stating the interest which he had studied his book of lectures, on the second coming of Christ and asking some questions for further light. Mr. Fitch had preached two discourses to his people on the subject and a deep interest had been awakened among them, but he met with so much opposition from various sources to this new faith, that , for a time, he ceased to advocate it. He tried to satisfy himself that the popular view of the world's conversion was correct.

In 1841 and 1842, he entered again upon the examination of the doctrine, and while laboring at the latter place came out a devout believer and fearless advocate of the same. He at once entered the field as a traveling lecturer and became a most efficient laborer. He was deeply pious, well educated, a great lover of truth, and exerted an extensive influence in the Master's cause. In 1842, Mr. Fitch visited Oberlin Institute, Ohio, proclaiming the message of the Lords coming to the students, and the faculty of that notable institution, and did the same in various other parts of the state. While on this tour, he was greatly blessed, and the Lord gave him much favor in the eyes of the people. He was requested to move into that region and labor in Cleveland and vicinity. "This week I am preaching daily in Cleveland and sinners are daily seeking the Lord, indeed the revival here, which has been in progress for a good many weeks seems to be continually increasing in interest." He further adds, "Calls for lectures are far more numerous than I can meet. Whenever I go, the people crowd together as long as room can be found to receive them, coming in some cases 5, 10, and even as far as 15 miles to listen to the word of the Lord."

He wrote some books and contributed much to the columns of the signs of the times and other papers. But he was suddenly cut down and fell asleep in Jesus in October 1844. If he could have lived, he, doubtless, would have been one of the greatest workers in the advent cause.
Upcoming Events
Maranatha Conference 2021 Year of Bible Interpretation and Exposition continues on March 20th from 1-4 p.m. There is no cost for these sessions. Click the link below to register or read more about this event.
Click on Willie's picture to visit his website for upcoming events.
BICS Virtual Experience Day - Sunday, April 18th

The Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies will be conducting a virtual Experience Day on Sunday, April 18th from 3-5 pm. This is a great way for potential students and parents to get a feel for the BICS program. We would love to see you there!
If interested, please register at If you register and attend, we will send you a free BICS t-shirt.
Leadership Development
The Way of Christ and His Apostles

I was talking recently with a friend about seeing the principles of scripture as prescriptive rather than simply descriptive. He said, "oh, you mean kind of like how the democrat's see the Constitution. They see it as being descriptive of what happened historically 245 years ago as opposed to a document that is both descriptive of how things happened and prescriptive of the way we should live today." I said, "You've got it!"

The book of Acts is filled with principles of how God wanted his Church established. Here is a diagram that will help us to see how God intended the Church to move forward to reach every nation and generation.
In Phase 1 Evangelize: Barnabas and Paul are sent out to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles from the church in Antioch.

In Phase 2 Equip: The Apostolic Leaders and their team begin to gather the believers, establish the people in their faith, and begin training leaders to use their gifts in leading the churches when Paul moves on.

In Phase 3 Empower: They commend the believers, empower the leaders, and transition to an Eldership model of leadership.

  1. Which of these steps is your church doing well?
  2. Which ones are you missing altogether?
  3. Are you a sending church?
  4. Have you considered having the Region's leadership come to your church and assist you with some of these steps?

Before Antioch became a sending church, they spent time developing leaders who could fill the leadership need when Barnabas and Paul were sent out through prayer. I believe that each of these steps are Biblical and have incredible value. One of the first things that needed to happen was the training of leadership to play a part. Initially, Barnabas was the only elder and he made it a point to recruit Paul and then work together to train others. Together they led the church and heard from Holy Spirit regarding the sending out of Barnabas and Paul. Imagine if they had never gone out because they didn't have enough leadership. Or what if these new Elders weren't spiritual men who were well trained and decided to not send out whomever the Lord directed them to send. The entire New Testament would have come out differently. But they were faithful and this New Testament model of developing leasers and multiplying churches has become the norm for healthy churches ever since.

  1. How are you doing at training up Elders?
  2. Are you developing a leadership team that isn't dependent upon you to be their pastor?
  3. Is it your goal to be a sending church who multiplies their ministry?
  4. Are you willing to be the one to go, rather than sending the inexperienced guy?

My vision for us as a family of churches within the Region is to become a collection of churches who follow the principles of the New Testament who work with Elder Teams and are multiplying and growing as they develop leasers to increase the ministry that is taking place.
Time to fill out Pastor and Church reports.
Pastor Reports Received:

Heritage: 8%
Maine: 64%
Maranatha: 13%
New Life: 64%
New York: 100%
Nova Scotia: 50%
Church reports received:

Heritage: 0%
Maine: 29%
Maranatha: 15%
New Life: 60%
New York: 100%
Nova Scotia: 50%
Visit our website to make a donation online.

You can now donate through Venmo as well.
Online Prayer Meeting Fridays from 12-1 p.m.
Previous copies of the monthly newsletter, the 2020 Convention, and helpful articles on Covid-19 are now on our website.

ERA Board of Directors  
Rev. George Karl, President -
Rev. Frank Jewett, Vice President -
Rev. Allen Latimore, Clerk -
Mr. Howie Munday, Treasurer -
Rev. Doug Tourgee, Heritage Conf. President -
Rev. Russell Giasson, Maine State Conf. Representative -
Rev. Josh Rice, Maranatha Conf. President -
Rev. Derek Irvine, New Life Conf. President -
Mr. Adam Facteau, New York Conf. President -
Rev. Ken Perkins, Nova Scotia Conf. President -
Mr. Charlie Merrill, ERA Representative to ACGC -
Rev. Steve Lawson, ACGC Executive Director -

The Eastern Regional Association Newsletter is published as a ministry of the Eastern Regional Association of the Advent Christian General Conference.
Eastern Regional Association
32 Four Rod Road, Rochester, NH 03867
Phone: 603-332-1512 / Fax: 603-332-1648