Wednesday February 17, 2021


I would like to ask Monty how I can help my horse who we bought as a gelding in 2016 from a rescue center close to where we live in Manitoba, Canada. Tully, as he was called, had been sold through an auction and was a Paint cross heavy horse, guessing perhaps Belgian. He was about five years old and had been lounged and haltered but nothing else. We brought him home to replace an older mare who we were retiring as she was in her 20's so we kept them separate for a while on the other side of the fence then put them together with our two mares which he started to herd around and jump them.

We found out that he was not castrated properly so got our veterinarian to operate and geld him successfully. Then we sent him to a trainer who advised us he might always be spooky so we brought him home and I decided to train him myself along with my husband. We were able to ride him but after two spooks at ducks on the water and also a dog running behind him in the round pen I came off with stitches in my chin and was nervous of what to do to help Tully as this was not his fault just his quick reaction.

We had him at another trainer last spring but the trainer was quite aggressive with Tully and I really feel he needs quiet handling as he is very sensitive and always watching what is going on. Quick to react. I want to find a solution to this. I have had a lot of learning about horse training and really want to be able to give confidence to Tully and myself too. What would your advice be to help us both? 

Shona D.


Dear Shona,

For a deep understanding of, and personal lessons on, how to execute these concepts, I have a school: the Monty Roberts International Learning Center and you can book courses and physically learn how to execute these non-violent procedures. I am here at the Farm, dedicated to educating the world, and available to you.
Your question is broad based as I have ever heard. What you are asking me to do is explain each of the concepts I have learned in my lifetime. It's all there in my From My Hands to Yours, a textbook with photographs and diagrams. It is impossible to include a full course in my concepts in one answer. It is also true that I have over 650 lessons on my Online University: .

Those two items could in fact give you the full breadth of my concepts for a fraction of what you would have paid trainers. I would advise you to first study the language and nature of the horse, Equus. This will help build yours and your horse's confidence. From there, all of the concepts will grow. All of us can relate to the flight animal at some point. Thank you for reaching out.


"Love these halters!! I’m a trainer and have had great success with the Dually Halter on many horses I have worked with. Used properly they do a wonderful job of making a horse light and easy to work."
Teresa H., Verified Buyer
Postponed to early 2021: CHA Equine Facility Manager Certification at Flag Is Up Farms
February 17 to 19, 2021: Intro Course Module 1 First Steps to Monty’s Method
February 21 to 23, 2021: Intro Course Module 3 Long Lining
February 24 to 26, 2021: Intro Course Module 4 Prep for Intro Exams
March 5 to 7, 2021: Horse Sense & Healing
March 12 to 14, 2021: Intro Course Module 1 First Steps to Monty’s Method
March 15 to 26, 2021: Introductory Course of Horsemanship
March 20, 2021: Horsemanship 101 at the Monty Roberts Learning Center
April 1 to 3, 2021: Intro Course Module 2 Join-Up
April 4 to 6, 2021: Intro Course to Module 3 Long Lining
HandsOn® Gloves founder Jay Michaelson and his family are animal people committed to developing superior products to share with others who ride, train, ranch, work outdoors, compete at all levels and simply love spending time with their horses. George Nowak is known for his prolific music writing and performing in the Cayman Islands but today he is a horse husband and shares his song, “Since she rides horses, I don’t see her no more”.

Check out the videos of The Movement for past years and plan to join Monty and other awesome participants and guest speakers this year!

Scheduled for June 18, 19, and 20, 2021

Test yourself each week as I challenge you to answer the question below. I mean this. Sit down and write an answer. Don't wait for my answer next week. If you have been reading my Weekly Questions and Answers for the last six months, you should be in a position to do this. Send your answer to my team at: 
Why should you bother? Because it will help you focus. There is probably a comparable question in your life that needs answering... or will be. If you can gain insight into how to go about answering a practical question that is loosely related to your problem, this exercise will help you answer your nagging question. Then read my answer. I want all of my students to learn to be better trainers than me.That's good for you and good for horses! 
~ Monty 

You are so inspirational! I watched you as a kid growing up and grew up with horses but fell out after I lost my beloved Palomino, Love, but more recently again after 9 years of having horses again, I need your help. I feel I have let my horse down on so many levels trying different techniques...he was a rescue but more now than ever before his personality has changed. Our mare Alpha (oh she was amazing just an amazing horse I miss her so much ) had to be put down over 6 months ago and he started to change. I know a lot has to do with me if 98 percent of it…

He is head shy, hates needles, he is hard for vets to handle and has great potential. And he can be a sweet horse. I know he had to have been beaten in the past. I Love him though I don't care about why he is being sour, I just want to know what I can do to help him not be...we recently got another horse for my daughter (we have 3 now) and I don't want to mess him up...I want to make him the best for my daughter and I am dedicated to doing it right. I was abused as a kid so watching every video has inspired me and also reminded me that I can do better...I am not a believer is physical punishment, but I have popped a horse on their shoulder if they went to bite me. 
I am seriously in tears right now because everything you say and have said is everything I believe and feel is morally right with God's animals and it is the foundation of my soul... but I need help so I can help my and what do I need to do to help my horses and myself...I pray you respond because I don't know which way to turn. Thank You for your time reading this email. 

God bless,
Heather B.