Asia Program Newsletter Fall 2018
Welcome to Fall! We have so much good news to share, events to tell you about, and families to welcome home. Please take a few minutes to enjoy our Fall Newsletter and join us in celebrating our fantastic 9 families who have recently brought their children home!

We are gearing up to leave for our Superkids trip at the end of the week and couldn't be more excited! We look forward to advocating for the waiting children we meet, and hopefully finding families for each one.
Welcome Home Families!
Such amazing news to share! These nine families have recently welcomed home children from China and Taiwan. Everyone at Gladney is celebrating!
Brodie and Briana from TX welcomed home their almost 3 year old daughter, Joy, from Taiwan.
5 year old Ian from Taiwan has nothing but smiles for his mom, dad, and all his big brothers and sisters!
Cecilia is such a ray of
happiness for her family!
Oliver, 2 yrs old, joins big brother Cole and big sister Finley, along with mom Annie and dad Nick, in TX!
Mia landing in San Fransisco, it looks like she is excited to be home!
Lyza was welcomed home from China by her excited sisters.
Kelly and Jon, along with big sisters Evelyn and Liza, are excited to welcome 10 year old Max home from Taiwan!
Mom, Tara, Dad, John, along with brothers Gavin and Bowen, and sisters Claire and Miranda, welcomed home 12 year old Tessa from China in September.
Declan, 18 months old, from Taiwan came home just a couple of weeks ago - looks like he's already enjoying spending time with big sister Finley!
China & Taiwan Program News
China Update:

So much good news to share!

During the month of October we received 5 LSC’s and 4 TA’s!

We currently have 3 families in China completing their adoptions who will be returning to their homes in Texas, Tennessee and Ohio with their little boys (all under age 3!). One family will be celebrating their son’s 2nd birthday imminently! Congratulations to everyone! Later this week we have one more family departing for China to adopt their two year old son.

For families who are home study ready and not yet matched with their child, all matching is currently done off CCCWA’s “shared database”. For the past few months we have been monitoring the shared database several times a week and sending a brief email to Gladney families in our China program that highlights two new children. If you see a child highlighted in this email that you would like to learn more about, you can email or call your China caseworker. In addition we are also able to search the database and lock children for proposal to specific Gladney families. This week we locked four children on the database to be considered by our families. In this case, there is a short window of 72 hours for parents to consider the file and have it reviewed by a medical professional. If you have any questions about the matching options and process please email

If you are considering adopting again – the most important change that you will notice from prior years – is the focus on having a completed home study when requesting to be considered as parents for a child. Because of this change (which is based on guidance issued in May, 2018 by the U.S. State Department) , families need to choose an adoption agency and begin the home study process prior to identifying the child they would like to be matched with. If you have questions about getting started with a China adoption, please email .
Taiwan Update:
The last few months have been busy for the Taiwan program! We have had 4 families complete their adoptions since June. These families welcomed home a 1 year old boy, an almost 3 year girl, a 5 year old boy, and a 10 year old boy. Congratulations to these families!

We had 4 families attend their court hearings over the last couple of months. Two more families will be attending their court hearings in November. And several families have dossiers in the process of being completed or which are about to be submitted to the court. 

We have 14 families matched, and 3 families with pending matches to waiting children. This month, we received a direct referral of a baby girl for one of our waiting families! 

We are gearing up to leave for our Superkids trip at the end of the week and couldn't be more excited! We look forward to advocating for the waiting children we meet, and hopefully finding families for each one. If you know someone who is thinking about starting the process of adopting from Taiwan, please have them contact Mary Chapman at , or check out our Taiwan advocacy Facebook group .
Featured Waiting Children:
Superkids : Kristopher {Taiwan}

Kristopher will turn 9 soon and is a sensitive, observant child. He likes playing with Legos and balls. He can be quite active, but can also sit and concentrate on projects for a nice amount of time. Kristopher had a heart murmur when he was...

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Superkids : Kassie {Taiwan}

Kassie is an adorable 5 year old little girl waiting for her forever family. She loves to play with dolls and be outside. Her favorites on the playground are the monkey bars and slide. She also enjoys playing in the sand box....

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Upcoming Events:
Run for Gladney! 
On Sunday November 4 th , nine runners will race through the 5 boroughs of New York City in support of Gladney. Some runners are first time marathoners and others are seasoned. No matter, they have all trained very hard over the past several months for this unforgettable event. Please consider making a donation in support of the Gladney NYC marathon team. See you at the finish line! 

The 38 th  Annual Adoptive Parent Committee (APC) conference is coming up next month! On Sunday November 18 th , Gladney NY staff will be at Saint Francis College in Brooklyn to talk about the adoption process in China and Taiwan. Come visit us if you attend!  More Info
At Gladney you'll find not only passion for adoption, but also an established legacy of service, professionalism and integrity. If you are considering international adoption, please contact us today at 314-565-7576 or
The Gladney Center for Adoption, Asia Program, 850 7th Avenue, Suite 801, New York, NY 10019