
Our Electronic Outlook
April 25, 2014


First Universalist Church


First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY


150 South Clinton Avenue
(corner of Court St.)
Rochester, NY 14604



585.546.2826 office


minister's study
Rev. Martha Munson
[email protected]  
Director of Music: 

 Bryan Holten

Contract Minister for Religious Education: 

 Lori Staubitz

[email protected]  

Office Administrator: 
Kris White
 [email protected]   






This Week's Service:
The Mystery We Serve

There are mysteries we solve; there are mysteries that abide with us; and there are mysteries that guide and transform our lives- the mysteries we serve. Ministerial Candidate Rev. Celie Katovitch.

This Week's Drop-In Discussion: Through Rain and Sleet, and Now, Gloom of Night.The "US Postal Service," formerly known as The "US Post Office Department," goes everywhere, everyday. That's quite a feat when you think about it!Janus Mary Jones has been a mail carrier since the late 1980s, experiencing dramatic changes in co-workers, customers and, regulations. In this discussion, she will share her stories on "moving the mail" for 25 years.

Candidating Week is April 27-May 4!


During this week there will be opportunities for all to meet our candidate for settled minister of our church, The Reverend Celie Katovich. Rev. Celie will preach both Sundays bracketing the week, and on Sunday May 4th, voting members of the congregation will participate in the vote to call Rev. Celie as our minister.


During the week, groups from our church, from The Book Group to the Worship Associates and everything in between, will have the opportunity to meet Rev. Celie. On Friday, May 2nd there will be an all-church, kid-friendly potluck dinner in the Clara Barton Lounge, at 5:30 pm, for everyone to share a meal and meet Rev. Celie in an informal setting. Bring a dish to pass, and there will be a make your own sundae bar for dessert. We'll also have a singalong after dinner!


Click here for the full Candidating Week schedule. Questions? Contact Dolores DaLomba at [email protected] or 482-0996.

meeting Save the Date!

A special congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, May 4, immediately following the service, to vote to call Rev. Celie Katovitch as our new settled minister.

RAIHN2 Team VirtUUal?? 


This team was created for folks who don't plan to sleep in their cars on May 3rd but who want to support RAIHN Car City 2014.   Here's how - Go to www.RAIHN.org, click on the yellow Car City link, then click on the "Donate" button.  Enter Team VirtUUal in the Search line and you're on your way to helping the team reach its goal.  


Your donation to RAIHN will directly assist homeless families as they work to achieve sustainable independence by supporting them with resources of food, shelter, personalized case management and a broad network of caring volunteers.  

This Week at First Universalist




April 26



SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge, 8 pm




April 27



Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am


Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15


Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am


Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am


Book Group, Adult Lounge, 12:15 pm


LUUnch BUUnch, Off site, 12:30 pm




April 28



Candidate-Board Pot Luck, Clara Barton Lounge, 5:30 pm



April 29



Candidate-Staff Luncheon, Clara Barton Lounge, 1 pm


Paper Outlook Production, Volunteer Office, 2 pm


Candidate Dinner with Finance, Stewardship, and House Committee, Offsite, 6 pm




April 30



Candidate Lunch with Caring, MOCHA, and Usher Committees; Offsite, 11:45 am


Announcement Deadline, noon


Candidate Tea with RE, Discussion, Book, and Library Committee; Clara Barton Lounge, 2:30 pm


Candidate Pot Luck with Worship Associates, Music Committee, and Keepers of the Flame, Offsite, 6 pm




May 1



e-Outlook Deadline, noon


Eastman Concert Series, Sanctuary, 12:15 pm


Candidate Pot Luck with Social Justice and Community Garden Committees, Offsite, 6 pm




May 2


Candidate Pot Luck Supper and Sing-Along, Clara Barton Lounge, 5:30 pm



Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so. Send news of your events to [email protected]; or call 546-2826.



NEXT SERVICE: Sunday, May 4: To Find What The World is Trying to Be. The poet William Stafford writes, 'Our job is to find what the world is trying to be.' Today we will ask how the wisdom of the past and the promise of the future might guide us in that task. Ministerial Candidate Rev. Celie Katovitch.


NEXT DROP-IN DISCUSSION: Sunday, May 4: To be announced.


A SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held on May 4 immediately following the service to vote to call  Rev. Celie Katovitch as our new settled minister.


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION:Kids ages four and older join us every week in the sanctuary for the first portion of our worship service. Children's Worship begins after the Message for All Ages.  Nursery care for babies and younger children is provided throughout the service on the second floor.  We also have seating in our second floor foyer, where parents can hold their little ones and listen to the service via speaker.


ARE YOU NEW TO FIRST UNIVERSALIST?  Have you come a few times and want to find out more about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation?  Then stop by the Welcome Table  in the Clara Barton Lounge during coffee hour.  You'll find friendly folks there every Sunday who are eager to talk with you!


THE BOOK GROUP meets today, Sunday, April 27th, at 12:15 in the Adult Lounge. Our selection for the month is: The Grass is Singing by Doris Lessing Please join us for a lively discussion. Everyone is welcome.


ALL ARE WELCOME  at the Han Noodle Bar, one of Monroe Avenue's newest restaurants, TODAY (Sunday, April 27).  Be part of the Luunch Buunch at 12:30. Address: 687 Monroe, near Oxford.


NURSERY: Help is needed in the nursery on Sunday mornings.If you're interested, please contact Carol.


TEAM VirtUUal ?? - created for folks who don't plan to sleep in their cars on May 3rd but who want to support RAIHN Car City 2014.   Here's how - go raihn.org website, click on the yellow Car City link, then click on the "Donate" button.  Enter Team VirtUUal in the Search line and you're on your way to helping the team reach its goal.  Your donation to RAIHN will directly assist homeless families as they work to achieve sustainableindependence by supporting them with resources of food, shelter,personalized case management and a broad network of caring volunteers.  


ROCHESTER CLEAN SWEEP: Saturday May 3rd. Breakfast( 8 am) at Frontier Field with participants receiving a ticket to the Red Wings game that afternoon.  Meal ticket included .The city will supply all that is needed for the clean up.. Questions? see Shirley Bond or e-mail her at [email protected].


SIGN UP FOR RAIHN* WEEK May 25-June 1st is our next RAIHN Week, when First Universalist will host temporarily homeless families. To volunteer, please contact Christine DeGolyer ([email protected] or 461-3616). If you haven't attended the required training yet, or would just like to know more about RAIHN, the next training session will be Wednesday, May 21st, from 6:30-8:30 PM at Mary Magdalene Church, 1008 Main St., E. Rochester. Training covers the RAIHN philosophy and expectations for guests and volunteers. *Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: helping homeless families achieve sustainable independence


EASTMAN LUNCHTIME CONCERTS: Concerts are held on Thursdays in the sanctuary from 12:15 to 12:45, are free, and open to the public. 


A CARING COMMITTEE REMINDER: When a family member enters the hospital, needs emergency meals, needs transportation to church, or wants home visits; please contact Ruth Fitzgerald [email protected] 225-0555,or Eileen Fernandez, [email protected].


HEARING LOOP IN SANCTUARY: Please use the T setting on your hearing aid or see an usher for a receiver.

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. -J. B. Priestly
Please submit e-Outlook articles to:  Office Administrator:
Kris White           
E-mail: [email protected]