October 26, 2018
News from the Currituck County Center
From the Director
It is officially fall, y'all! There is a very "crisp" feeling in the air; the collards, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins are filling the fields and farm markets; and the days are getting shorter and shorter. Here at NC Cooperative Extension in Currituck, program offerings shift to reflect the uniquenesses of each new season. Be sure to check out all the upcoming events in this newsletter as well as on our website.

This issue is also packed with timely information to help you make the most of the season. From tips on soil sampling in the fall to a great piece on the importance of youth community service and some outstanding information on interpreting food labels, you are sure to find something that will benefit you. Enjoy the cooler weather and take some time to get involved with some of the exciting opportunities NC Cooperative Extension in Currituck has to offer.

Have you had your soil tested?

The fall season is a wonderful time of the year to sample your soil in gardens, lawns, and farms in preparation for next year’s growing season. Results from soil samples taken in the fall will allow growers to apply amendments to improve their soil fertility for next year’s growing season.

Throughout most of the year residents of North Carolina may have their soil tested free by the Agronomic Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Raleigh. However, during the peak season for soil testing, there is a $4 charge per sample. This period when fees are charged will begin on December 1 and will run until March 31.

Community Service: Engage, Empower, Enable

Community Service has been a key component of 4-H since its very beginning. The third “H” and the third line of the 4-H pledge; “I pledge my hands to greater service” emphasizes the value placed on service. Research conducted by the National 4-H Council and Youth Service America has repeatedly shown that youth engaged in community service become active members of the community and have a lasting, positive impact on their “club, community, country and world”.

Community Service is free work or activity, provided to help benefit the community or public at large. The same studies that have identified the benefits and value of service to the community have also shown that there are significant tangible benefits to the individual providing that service.

Decoding Meat Labeling

The labels on our food can be overwhelming. Meat labels can be especially tricky to decipher. When you are standing in the meat department trying to figure out what type of meat to purchase these thoughts might go through your head: “ Is this a quality piece of meat? Is it on sale? Is it good for your family? Is it easy on the environment? and Did the animal live a good life?”-  Wait…. what? Meat buying has become much more complicated.The constant flow of information before us has made it hard to decide what to choose. Well, let’s talk about the facts and what each of these claims mean. Then you can decide what is most important for you and your family.

Upcoming Events
Useful Links
Currituck County Center
120 Community Way
Barco, NC 27917