November 2019
Our mission at Shadow Husky Rescue, Inc., is to rescue huskies that are displaced, unwanted, abused, lost, abandoned or scheduled for euthanasia and provide them with a second chance at life by finding them permanent homes.
Thank You!
All of us here at Shadow Husky Rescue want to thank everyone who entered and participated in our 1st Calendar Photo Contest! We are amazed at the turn out and support that it has received. Look at all of the beautiful photos that were entered! We can't wait to see the calendar all put together!
Mac needs you!
Shadow Husky Rescue teamed up with Andi Panda to get Mac out of the shelter and he is very sick. Here is what Andi had to say about this sweet boy:

"poor boy is sick. very sick. 
it could be a host of things. 
the shelter sent him home with a prescription for URI, but it seems to be more than that. 
he is now hospitalized, possible kennel cough in combination with serious pneumonia. 
he is underweight, so i'm sure malnutrition and dehydration made matters worse. 
and the stress from being on the streets, and lack of care if he ever did belong to someone, 
and then being throw into the shelter environment, 
i'm sure all of these things contributed. 
he is coughing real bad, gagging, has greenish nasal discharge, and he just seems weak and very sad. 
all while still being the most loving sweet boy you'll ever meet. 
he is truly soooo beautiful. 
and he needs you. 
we need you. 
please make a donation for his medical care and say a prayer to the dog-lords that baby boy will be alright. "


Ways you can Support Shadow Husky Rescue...
Check out all the ways to support Shadow Husky Rescue so we can continue saving these beautiful huskies and place them in amazing forever homes! We can't save lives without you!
Shadow Husky Rescue Adoption Events
Sundays, 12pm - 3pm PetSmart Menifee

Shadow Husky Rescue is at PetSmart in Menifee, CA from 12pm-3pm every * Sunday trying to find forever homes for our rescues and surrender dogs! Come out, say hi, and maybe even bring home a new family member!
*weather and volunteers permitting
Questions about our adoptions? Read the FAQ's Here:
This is a monthly newsletter from Shadow Husky Rescue, Inc., a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization, showcasing the highlights, rescues, and adoptions from the previous month. If you would like day-to-day updates please "Like" us on Facebook at Shadow Husky Rescue, Inc.!

Publisher: Shadow Husky Rescue, Inc.
Editor: Alexis Szedlacsek
You are receiving this email because you either donated to Shadow Husky Rescue, adopted a husky, fostered, or signed up for our mailing list.
Shadow Husky Rescue, Inc. | 949-290-3217 |
27851 Bradley Road, Suite 130 M, Menifee, CA 92586