Tall Buildings Vote Nov. 6
by Brenda Quick, J.D.

I was asked to write an article that may help you understand City Proposal 1 on the November ballot. I hope this helps.

326 State Street is located next door to the Park Place Convention Center. The property owners want to tear down the small building that houses the Running Wise Law Firm and construct a building that would house businesses on the first floor and condominiums on the upper floors. There is no affordable housing in the plan. The building, if constructed as intended, will cover the entire lot (126 feet wide) and will be 100 feet in height. As a point of reference, the proposed building will be approximately twice the height of the TC Lofts, located across the alley from the church, and 50 feet wider than the Park Place Hotel. The plans show one parking space per condominium unit, no extra parking for second vehicles, guests or the commercial units.
State St. view of proposed 10 story building

You may recall the City Charter was amended two years ago after a group of concerned citizens put a proposal on the ballot (known then as Prop 3) that allows the citizens of Traverse City to vote on buildings such as the one proposed for 326 State Street. Specifically, the Amendment states that since "buildings over 60 feet in height are generally inconsistent with the residential and historical character of Traverse City," any proposal for construction of a building with a height above 60 feet has to be approved by a majority of the City electors before the City can consider approving it.  

The developers for the 326 State Street property initially chose not to put the matter on a ballot as required by the Charter Amendment, but instead filed a lawsuit challenging the validity of the Amendment. The court dismissed the developers' lawsuit after finding they had suffered no harm and were not entitled to challenge the law. In our court system, a party has the right to challenge an existing law, but only if the party has suffered some harm from the implementation of that law, or harm is imminent. The court did not rule on the validity of the Charter Amendment.

Since they could not get satisfaction in the court, the developers put the issue on this November ballot. It is listed as City Proposal 1. On November 6th, the electors of Traverse City will have an opportunity to decide if they like the project and believe it will benefit the livability and character of the city or they can decide it will have the opposite effect and vote to reject it.

If the majority of the voters oppose the project and vote against it, pursuant to the limitations of the Charter Amendment, it cannot be built. The developers will have to construct a building no higher than 60 feet or will have to start again to convince the people to approve a taller building.   However, I think it is safe to assume that if the developers lose the vote, there is a likelihood they will choose a third option, and that is to re-file their lawsuit rather than alter their planned project. They have indicated that this is their intention, if they lose the vote.

If the majority of the people decide they like the project and vote to support it, the next step is for the City Commission to approve or disapprove of the project based on additional criteria. If that criteria are not met, the Commission is required to reject the project notwithstanding the people's support. At that point, the developer can start again with a new project or challenge the City Commission's findings in a court of law.

Ways to help the Discernment Team
  • Pray, and continue to pray each day.  We have a special prayer that we'll pray as a congregation each Sunday (written by Jeff Wescott, a Discernment Team member), and you can use that prayer, or any prayer you wish to use, including sitting in silence with God. 
  • Provide a meal for the Team when they meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month. 

Contact Kathryn+ by phone to get further details and dietary restrictions. There is a sign-up sheet in the Commons. Thank you for supporting our Discernment Team!

Honoring our Saints next weekend
On All Saints weekend, Nov. 3-4, we will honor all those who have died in the past year. Please call the office to have your saint's name added to the list that will be read during each service. You may also bring a picture to place on the altar.

Nominating Committee seeks candidates
The 2019 Search of the Grace Church family is underway for Vestry and Diocesan Convention Delegates and Alternates. The nominating committee has been empowered to do this for YOU the people in the pews. Our goal is to find the parishioners that care about Grace's future and are committed to helping achieve the vision of Grace. The Vestry is the leadership that works in conjunction with the priest to accomplish the many tasks of the "business" of Grace Church. The Vestry seeks to support the vision of the congregation, maintain the integrity of our Christian mission and manage the finances and physical resources of our parish. While the Vestry is a monthly commitment for "business" it also takes on a responsibility to be present at different times with parishioners and ministry groups to listen and maintain communication within our church body. The Vestry will also take on the important task of empowering the Discernment Team in their work for calling a permanent rector. Please take some time to pray and consider if you have the gifts that will be helpful in these leadership roles. Are you willing to volunteer time and make a commitment to maintain the health of our parish as we move into the future? Are you willing to serve so that the 50 plus ministries of Grace continue to serve others in our family and community? Not sure, but willing to learn more? Members of the vestry will be available after each of the services within the next few weeks - dates will be finalized soon, but don't hesitate to contact any Vestry member in the meantime, to answer questions that you might have to better understand the responsibilities of the Vestry. Please come and chat with them if you have any curiosity, indecision, inclination, trepidation, or desire to serve. You can also look to chat with one of the members of the Nominating Committee: Maria DiStefano-Post, Eddie Grim, Jill Polmateer, Marian Vermeulen, Kate Wood or Rector Kathryn - we all are in the directory. Prayerfully looking for the servant leaders among us.

  Ann Hackett to retire in November
Our Buildings and Grounds Coordinator, Ann Hackett, will retire from Grace in November. Ann's last day in the office is Nov. 19. To honor Ann and her many years of service working in administration at Grace, we'll have a special coffee hour on Sun., Nov.11. NO GIFTS, PLEASE! Per Ann's request, if you wish to honor her, a donation to the Grace Church Foundation would be most welcome. Help us send Ann into retirement (a second time) with love and best wishes!

Worship Participants this weekend

Sat. 5pm
Nancy Brannan, Eucharistic Minister
Tony Nelson, Lector

Sun. 8am
Marcia Lee, Eucharistic Minister
Karla Herbold, Usher

Sun 10am
Tim Sinclair, Roberta Deuker, Dixie Stephen,  Eucharistic Ministers
Pat Storrer, Bill Rouse, Lectors
Sue & Dan Bush, Joyce Rouse, Welcomers

altar flowers

The Altar Flowers are given this weekend by Betsy MacGirr, t o the Glory of God and in memory of her godparents.

There are many dates available for altar flower and Sanctuary Lamp dedications - check the sign-up clipboard in the Parish Hall or contact the office.

Service Attendance last weekend, Oct. 20-21
Sat. 5pm:      41

Sun. 8am:     14

Sun. 10am:     125

For the month ending Sept. 30, 2018
Total Operating Income:  $34,704
Total Operating Expenses:  $29,797
Mortgage Balance:  $302,113


Dismantling Racism Workshop Oct. 27
Becoming Beloved Community
St. Mark's, Grand Rapids
The Diocesan Commission on Dismantling Racism invites you to a day of worship, presentations, workshops, and small group sessions, to be held on Oct. 27th from 9am - 2:30pm at St. Mark's, Grand Rapids.  

The speaker will be Heidi Kim, Staff Officer for Racial Reconciliation for the Episcopal Church. The Becoming Beloved Community workshop is a step toward making visible God's likeness and goodness in every person and in the life of the church institution in which we minister so that church leaders can be healing and reconciling agents in our communities and in our time. 

This workshop is open to all members of the diocese and does meet the requirements for anti-racism training for those seeking elected office in diocesan leadership roles.  Cost to attend is $20.  Contact the Diocesan office to register at 269-381-2710, 
or click here.

AED Training Nov. 3 from 8:30 - 10:00 am 
in the Parish Hall

In June of 2016 the Men's Group funded an AED unit (Automated External Defibrillator) for our church in memory of deceased parishioner Tom Kelly. Tom initiated the conversation about the need for an AED here at Grace Church. It hangs on the wall of the ramp that leads to the Parish Hall. Two trainings relative to its use have occurred since its installment. It's time for another. Barb Johnson, RN, is scheduled to lead a training session on the use of the AED as well as the technique for CPR (but this training does NOT result in a certificate in CPR). Barb is a long time member of Grace and she is a CPR instructor for the American Heart Association. Registration: limited to 6 participants (this is a hands-on course with practice that limits the group size). The session is open to anyone. Please RSVP to Barb Johnson 231-342-5288 by Thursday, November 1.

Centering Prayer Group 
Quiet Day on Nov. 7
Wednesday, November 7th, 9 am to 5 pm, Old Mission Peninsula. Come join us at the Waldheim House in creating a 'holy day' of silence, Centering Prayer, Eucharist, a guided meditation led by Rosemary Hagan and free time to walk in the woods.  It's a day we hold a "space open" to be in the presence of God. Please call Marilyn Dressel @ 929-2575 for more information. The cost is $5.00 plus bring a brown bag lunch.

Men's Group offers Thanksgiving Meal Baskets 
The Men of Grace ask for your support in providing their annual Thanksgiving Baskets to families in need in our area. The goal this year is to provide 25 baskets to families who might not otherwise be able to enjoy a holiday meal. The cost for each Thanksgiving Basket is $35, and Oleson's will prepare them for us. We are scheduled to pick up the baskets on November 12.  Five baskets will be distributed through Grace Church, with the balance being distributed through LOVE, Inc.  Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and generosity!

LOVE, Inc. announces 
Christmas Adopt-A-Family program
Love INC is again reaching out in our community with our Adopt A Family Christmas Program. We need your help! Please consider adopting a family for Christmas. Be the hands and feet of Christ that brings a smile to a child's face and joy to a parent's heart. Call the Love INC office at 231-941-5683 or email Tony at [email protected] and express your desire to participate in this program. 
Thank you and God Bless.

Weekly Worship Schedule
Morning Prayer 8:15 am
Women's Prayer Circle 12 noon
Men's Prayer Group 7:30 am
Wed. Eucharist 10:00 am
Centering Prayer 11:00 am
Holy Eucharist 5 pm
Holy Eucharist 8 am
Holy Eucharist 10 am 

Lectionary Readings
& Daily Prayer

    This Weekend's Readings
The Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost
Proper 25

Jeremiah 31:7-9
Hebrews 7:23-28
Mark 10:46-52
Psalm 126
open bible  
Next Weekend's Readings
All Saints' Day

Isaiah 25:6-9
Revelation 21:1-6a
John 11:32-44
Psalm 24

  The Lectionary Readings

The Daily Office

Claudia Pfeiffelman
Morgan Voice
Bob Coulter
Lee Hornberger
David Kish
Jeanie Rhodes
Cathy Olson


Prayer Lists
Did you know Grace has 2 prayer lists?  
* To be added to the prayer list found in the bulletin contact

** If you would like to be added to the Daughters of the King (DOK) prayer list and be prayed for daily,contact Penny Campo-Pierce at 231-946-1224 or  [email protected]

                   Contact Us 
341 Washington St.,
Traverse City, MI 49684
Phone 947-2330;  Fax 947-3011
Website www.gracetc.org

For Pastoral Emergencies
The Rev. Kathryn Costas

   Staff Contact Information


Office Coordinator:

Buildings & Grounds Coordinator: 

What's Happening at Grace?

What's Happening in our Diocese?

What's Happening in the National Church?

National Church website

Turn in your Oleson's receipts to benefit the Grace Food Pantry!

Oleson's Community Share Program

Here's how it works:
  1. You shop at Oleson's for groceries (liquor sales do not qualify for points)
  2. Turn in your receipts to the church.  Look for the envelope on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall, and place your receipts inside it.
  3. We submit receipts back to Oleson's
  4. We are granted cash rewards for the food pantry ($1 spent on groceries = 1 cent in Community Share points)

For every $5000 in receipts we submit, we receive $50 in cash for our food pantry.  Every little bit helps!


Thank you for participating!


Click here to learn more... 


Buy from Amazon?  
Help Grace Church!

Did you know Grace Church is part of the Amazon Smile program? We ask you to consider supporting Grace Church through this program. It doesn't take more than a minute to register, then eligible purchases will benefit Grace Church.  Follow this link to learn more...