eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Sunday Morning 
May 20, 2018
Yesterday we got the staff together for the first time for a training and work weekend.  It turned out the rain stayed away and we had beautiful weather. I got to work side-by-side with this bunch and I feel really good about the staff we have hired and our prospects for a great summer at Barstow.
This Weekend Is Loaded With Auctions
Not every Scout camp in the Carolinas saw beautiful weather this weekend.  If you go look on Facebook you can see pictures of the damage a flash flood caused at Camp Bob Hardin of the Palmetto Council.  This is our immediate neighbor to the north headquartered in Spartanburg, SC.
Got Plastic?  We Do at Best Hobby Pages

Order of the Arrow Auctions Up For Bids
This is a photo of our major work project.  We placed sand bags along the swimming area and started spreading new sand.  Next Saturday there is an LDS work project to come and place the rest of the sand in between the bags.  We have a beautiful waterfront on Lake Murray but the waves from the passing boats steal our sand during the course of the year so we have to replenish things.  This was the most sand we put down in years.  It should be beautiful when it's done. 
Auctions With Bids Are The Hot Finds Sauce
I bought some catalog rack pieces on eBay a few weeks ago and the picked up the last boxes of the shipment from my UPS store Friday before going to camp.  It shows you have to be careful about "free shipping".  This guy was selling a lot of various pieces and it ended up he sent it in 8 different priority mail boxes and spent about $150 in shipping fees.  Ouch! But I sure am happy with my new TOR display!
Patchblanket.com Santeeswapper eBay Store
Brad England and I are making a Scout Patch Collectors Facebook Group patch for the NOAC.  The plan is for those to go on sale next week.  I'm waiting for a proof from the patch company before sales go live.  We put a lot of thought into the design and we are super excited about it.
I had a proud moment this weekend that some of you will really understand.  My daughter will be a CIT on camp staff this summer.  So Saturday I threw her in with the staff on the sand bagging work project and she really got after it and never complained.  She told me in the car later that she could have stood around but she didn't want the boys to think she was weak so she put her all into it.  I got compliments from the area directors about her work ethic when we had our senior staff meeting.  I think she is growing up and understanding responsibility which will be really needed as she is going to high school in August.

Jason Spangler
Hot Finds Newsletter

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Reference Book

scoutpatchhq My Boy Scout memorabilia store at www.ScoutPatchHQ.com is loaded with thousands of patches for sale with free shipping.  At launch it features the collection of Marty Wasznicky "the Silverfox Trader" being sold on consignment.  Inside you can find Order of the Arrow, National Jamboree and Council Shoulder Patches.