Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island
315 Forest Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10301
Rabbi Michael D. Howald                     Student Cantor Jennifer Benrey
Co-Presidents Jerry Gross and Alan Siegel
E-Shalom - NOVEMBER 2018
Temple Israel’s Electronic Bulletin
“Shalom, Welcome to Temple Israel....” is a phrase taught to us by Carole Lachman, a beloved, long-time congregant and bulletin editor who died in 2002. We named our bulletin in her honor and worked to realize her vision of Temple Israel as a community that welcomes the stranger and lets no one stand alone. As we move to a new version of this tradition of communicating with our Temple Israel family, we continue to forward Carole’s vision, love and devotion for our synagogue.
A Message from
Rabbi Michael D. Howald

As we finish October and move toward November, the High Holy Days for the Hebrew year 5779 are finally behind us.  Now that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for this year have passed, it’s time to thank everyone who helped make our services possible. Our observances during the Days of Awe involved almost every member of our congregation, from those who sing in the choir, to those who participate in the services, to the Ritual Committee who labors long and hard to assign parts and plan services and those who read Torah and Haftarah morning and afternoon.  Without all these members, who give of their time and attention, our High Holy Day rituals and ceremonies would be impossible!
            This year was particularly challenging.  We welcomed our new wonderful student Cantor, Jennifer Benrey, to our synagogue in the year we made our final transition to Mishkan HaNefesh (Sanctuary of the Soul), our new High Holy Day prayer book.  Amid a whole new set of cues and service orders, we also had to consider how to adjust our services for a much bulkier prayer book, in both Hebrew and English.  Some of the prayers and readings were entirely new, others were familiar, but we moved to the new machzor together as a congregation.  Student Cantor Benrey and I could not have done without all of you who volunteered your time to take part in our services.
            Every person who read a prayer, opened the ark, undressed or dressed the Torah, blew the shofar, ushered worshippers or played for Simchat Torah added something essential to our services.  Those who read Torah or Haftarah brought the words of Hebrew Scripture alive.  The ones who labored night after night to identify and call the dozens of participants who supplied the voices to vary our readings and the arms to help carry the burden of leading the prayers and rituals insured that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah would proceed smoothly and carefully.  The members who sang in the choir worked particularly hard and long this year, singing evening after evening, afternoon after afternoon, to bring the benefits of chorale music to our congregation.  Alongside them, Norman Lindschied, played hours and hours, bringing musical accompaniment to our sanctuary that guided our prayers.
            Without all these participants, who volunteered out of love and regard for our congregation, our services would have been impoverished and far less meaningful.  These participants speak the words and help perform the rites that give our High Holy Days their character and depth.  Thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do to bring heart and soul to our High Holy Day services!

Rabbi Michael D. Howald
A Message from
Jerry Gross & Alan Siegel

On October 1 st , at the end of the Simchat Torah morning service, Rabbi gave a large sigh of relief and shared that all clergy loved the month of Cheshvan because it had no holidays In it. But that should not mean that we forget all the hard work that Rabbi, Student Cantor, the Adult Choir, the Ritual Committee and many others put in to give us a very memorable September.  But the calendar does move on.

So if you look back to the October e-Shalom calendar it was pretty chock full of stuff, including (as we write this in early October) the upcoming triple header on October 19 th with I-Shabbat, the first Shabbat Shalom dinner and the National Refugee Shabbat.   Maybe the Rabbi earned a little slack, but our community was going full blast.

And it is the same with November.  We have Sisterhood's Bingo Night and Holiday Gift Fair.  We We have a hike.   Also, thanks to the Avis Foundation, we have all kinds of STEAM programs for our children. We will prepare food for Project Hospitality.  There will be the first “meet and greet” for our school parents on November 4 th .  Our TEMPLE TALK FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS are planned for November 11th. Maurice Schlefstein, one of Temple Israel’s hardest working volunteers, will be honored by the community at the JCC’s Star of David dinner on November 14 th

Behind the scenes, our committees continue to meet and plan events and make improvements to keep Temple Israel going strong.  And you are welcome to join them – either for a specific project or as a willing pair of hands or a committee member – there is always room for you and your skills and your ideas. 

And here is something you can do, as well.  As some of our members relocate to Florida for the winter, we are always looking for additional friendly faces to fill the pews at Erev Shabbat and Shabbat morning services. Come and be amazed again at the voice of our Student Cantor and warmth of our congregants and the spirituality of our services. Afterwards, take advantage of Sisterhood’s hospitality and choose from fabulous goodies to snack on as you sit down with new and old friends during the Onegs.

Don’t forget  -- if you are bringing Religious School students to a Shabbat service, see one of us for their star to put on the Hineni Board.

Jerry Gross and Alan Siegel
Notes from Student Cantor Jennifer Benrey
In the hectic rush of NY traffic, you can’t help but think about how everyone around you has a destination they are heading towards, a life that is entirely their own, drama that is uniquely theirs. We all are in our own worlds, and it is a challenge sometimes to extend ourselves beyond what we see in front of us and think of others. I am amazed to find myself in a community that goes that extra step. With so much volunteer involvement and so many engaged committees, Temple Israel has continued to blow my mind with regard to what a community small in number is capable of. You continue to give of your time and energy in spite of your crazy hectic lives, and for that I am grateful. 

With an adult choir that goes above and beyond to help enrich this community, an engaged religious school with dedicated teachers, and now a junior choir, the future of Temple Israel looks bright. I am thrilled to be a part of this journey of enriching lives with Judaism and music that soars. I am also excited to be pioneering a special project with our 5th, 6th, and 7th graders on Sundays. We are taking on the enormous task of creating a family Shabbat siddur as part of a year-long tefillah project called “The Shabbat Project”. We are using this project as a window into learning about prayer and its meaning in our lives. More on that soon! 

As we approach this month of modim, of thanks, let us continue to take stock of all those who enrich our lives and go out of their way to reach to us in our holy spaces. We have much to be grateful for.

Student Cantor Jennifer Benrey


Student Cantor Jennifer Benrey

on a successful Practicum on Wednesday, October 24th.

Click on any photo below to watch the event.
  1. Go to Smile.Amazon.com
  2. Select "Change Your Charity"
  3. Type in “Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island"
  4. Click Search
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  6. Order as usual.
  7. Temple Israel benefits!
Jodi Siegel & Shariann Ganz
We have been members of Sisterhood for years and years and years and neither of us can remember Sisterhood ever being so busy! How great is that!

Most recently, we celebrated our Paid Up Members with a lovely dinner and comedy programmed planned by our hardworking Vice Presidents of Membership Nina Rohan, Sue Freedman and Judy Lee. It was a lovely evening filled with laughs and camaraderie and, of course, lots of food. We were so happy that so many of our newest Temple members were able to join us for the evening.

On Sunday, October 21st, Sisterhood and Friends joined with thousands of others to support Breast Cancer Awareness as we walked at Midland Beach. Thanks to all those who attended and to everyone who supported us with their donations. Thanks to you, Sisterhood was able to make a record donation of over $1200 this year.
November and December promise to be our busiest months ever.  On Sunday, November 11 th , Sisterhood and Brotherhood will be hosting a fabulous breakfast followed by TEMPLE TALK.  There will be focus group discussions facilitated by some of our newest congregants along with former Temple Israel Executive Officers.  Topics will range from religious and spiritual issues to social activism and congregant and organizational needs.  Your voice is important.  DO NOT MISS THIS!  Whether you have been a member for 4 weeks or 4 decades, we need to know what you think. Be there at 10 a.m. and bring another congregant with you!!!
On Saturday, November 17 th , join us for our first even Adult’s Only BINGO NIGHT.  Join us for an evening filled with fun, prizes, raffles and snacks! BYOB and make your reservations now “B-4” it’s too late!    
The very next morning, at 10 a.m. on Sunday, November 18 th , come shop for all your holiday needs at our HOLIDAY GIFT FAIR.  In addition to our own amazing Judaica collection of gift and houseware items, outside vendors will be on hand to fulfill all your jewelry, accessory and sweet tooth needs!  Each Religious school class will be able to come and shop, too!
If that’s not enough, just wait until November 30 th !  Sisterhood will be creating the LARGEST CHOCOLATE GELT MOSAIC in the world. Close to 8000 chocolate coins will be used.  Come join us to help at 12 noon.  If you can’t, be sure to come see the finished product at Erev Shabbat and Shabbat services that weekend.  On Sunday, December 2 nd , after the Brotherhood Chanukah Party, everyone will have the opportunity to “break it down” by filling their bags with gelt! This is sure to be an amazing event. Bring your cameras!
But don’t fill up on the chocolate, because the very next Friday evening, December 7 th , will be our annual Chanukah Shabbat and New Member Dinner.  Reservations are now being accepted.  Scroll down for the flyer or look for it in your mailbox!

In the meantime, Sisterhood wishes you and your family and very happy and reflective Thanksgiving. We know that we certainly have much to be thankful for.

In Sisterhood,
Shariann Ganz & Jodi Siegel
Co-President s

Thank You!

With your support,
Sisterhood was able to donate over $1200
to the American Cancer Society this year.

Libby, Deanna, Inez, Jodi
Blanche, Deanna, Inez, Jodi
Miss Adelaide
Linda H., Jodi, Libby Inez, Blanche, Susan M., Deanna
Temple Israel – Reform Congregation of Staten Island
Brotherhood is busy doing many things to enhance the life of our Temple Family. Our Simchat Torah Ice Cream Sundae was a huge success and everyone enjoyed the sweet treats we provided after the Service.

I was very pleased to have many of the new family dads help out with the construction of the Sukkah. I felt a great sense of willingness to help, as well as the camaraderie that was built amongst us.

At our October meeting we discussed the Children’s Chanukah Party which will be held Sunday December 2 right after Religious School. We will have games, crafts and pizza for all. The flyer can be found in this bulletin. Similarly our Community Chanukah Card is a great way to wish your fellow Temple Family members a happy joyous Festival of Lights. The flyer for participation is also attached in this bulletin. Both flyers were mailed to all the members of the congregation. The Chanukah card has traditionally been one of our largest fundraisers. It is important to support our Brotherhood because our positive efforts go directly to assist the Temple in many ways.

We will be planning many events as the year progresses. Details will become available once they are finalized.  
Brotherhood dues are only $45 and that cost covers many of the events and celebrations that we sponsor for the Congregation and the children of our Temple. Please consider joining our group because together we can make a difference. A quick reminder, that if you are a new member to our Temple family your membership for the first year is complimentary.

Brotherhood is a vital affiliate organization to the Temple and I strongly ask that everyone become a member. We hold monthly meetings to take care of business, but more importantly to offer a bonding experience with your fellow men of the Temple Family. 

Please share your ideas with us to enhance the Brotherhood experience….
Yours in Friendship and Brotherhood,
Jeff Ganz

P.S. Please do join us for breakfast on Sunday, November 11th and have your voice heard in our TEMPLE TALK FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS.
Click directly on BINGO flyer to print or download.
F or calendar updates click here .
To print a copy of this calendar, click here .
Mazel Tov
To Sandy Mazzucco and Richie Marlieb on heir marriage.
Congratulations to Janice Gross & Larry Flaum on Janice’s daughter Jenna Rose Silberman’s marriage to Dr. Jeremy Semeiks.

Thank You
To all of our 2017-2018 Kavod Society Members.

Get Well
Susan Weinman
Suisan Freedman
Shariann Ganz

A Warm Welcome to new members of our Community  
Ariella and Scott Feldman and daughter Ma’ayan
Samuel and Silvia Gornstein
Rachel Helm and Josh Baver and their children Charlie and Ollie

If you have any questions about your membership or if you know a potential new member please contact our Financial Secretary Jennifer Straniere at  tmplisfinsec@aol.com .
With Much Gratitude to this year's
High Holiday Donors.

Please consider adding your name to this list.

The High Holy Day season is over, and the Ritual Committee can take a deep breath. Before we do we wanted to express our gratitude for the joyous Erev Simchat Torah Service led by Rabbi Howald and Student Cantor Benrey which was held on Sunday September 30 th at 6:00 PM.  Our new students were blessed, and we danced and paraded with Torahs of all sizes with the accompaniment of the Rock of Israel Band led by our Student Cantor. The Rock of Israel Band included the musical talents of Jim Rohan, Jaimie Blackman, Andy Kass, Jerry Mulnick, Elona Migirov, Deborah Young, Ahava Wapola, Orly Wapola, Ed Perez, Mina Perez and Orzan Perez.  We welcomed our new students:  Adriah Cortijo, Rahm Liebovich, Jayden Lenner, Austin Otto, Alexander Sherer, Samson Liebovich, Jacob Chason, Charlie Baver and Eyiram Snell.  The Brotherhood Ice Cream Oneg followed and Sisterhood’s Blanche Ricci distributed Israeli Flags and bags with apples, raisins and nuts (Bags compiled with the help of Robert Ricci).  We thank you all for your efforts. 

A morning Simchat Torah/Yizkor Service led by Rabbi was on Monday October 1 st at 10:30 AM with a Dairy Dish to Share Lunch following. We thank Sisterhood members Deanna Feder, Pamela Rogozin, Inez Singer and Karen Gross for their assistance with this Lunch.

As promise, last month we want to thank all the congregants who accepted honors during both the Sukkot and Simchat Torah Services.  They include:
Sukkot:  Andrea and Fred Simon, Linda Hanibal and Rachel Hanibal, Shariann and Jeffey Ganz.
Simchat Torah:  Claire Guttsman, Jodi Siegel, Lissa and Neil Winchel, Bryn Biren, Jennifer Cortijo, Joanna Meltzer, Michelle Lee, Alan Siegel, JR Rich, Paul Bierman, Remy Larson DeVito, Ira Gershansky, Deborah Young, Julia Lenner, Jeffrey Ganz, Jerrold Mulnick, David Meltzer, Deanna Feder, Blanche Ricci, and the children of the Religious School who attended.
We thank Ritual Committee member Nina Rohan for her assistance in arranging the honors on Sukkot and Simchat Torah.  We also wish to thank Administrative Assistant Laura Calderon and the Custodial Staff Gerard Altieri and Thomas Hagen for their assistance throughout this High Holy Day Season.
Although the month of November is quieter ritually we look forward to seeing you at Friday night Erev Shabbat Services of all types and/or Saturday morning Torah Study and Shabbat Services.

Linda Brill and Jeffrey Ganz

We thank the following congregants for their assistance with 
ushering during services as well as for honoring the congregation with their presence on the Bimah since the last publication of E-Shalom:

Terry and Steven Baver, Paul Bierman, Deanna Feder,
Phyllis Elrich,  Barbara Feigelman, Dr. Lawrence Flaum and
Janice Gross, Dr. Ira and Libby Gershansky, Karen Gross,
Irwin Magnus, Jodi Siegel, Jennifer and Philip Straniere .
Nina Rohan
 Ushering Chair
NOVEMBER 2, 2018
Israel Kantrowitz
Beatrice Don
Thea Silberman *
Martha Sugar
Seymour Wolinitz *
Benjamin Lustig *
Claire Silberlight
Hon. Royal Radin *


NOVEMBER 9, 2018
Allen Scher
Ruth Sher *
Louis S. Berlin *
Edward Brandt *
Mathew Guttman
Leslie Klein
Robert Kurlander
Ida Popkins-Feuerstein
Lillian Lipsitz *
Frances Marcus *
Evelyn Parness *
Michael Slamow *
Gabriel Topel
Harry Dembiner
Jenny Dembiner
Golda Kramer *
George Palevsky
Adelaida Pujol
Annette Mogol Scheiner *
Gertrude Pisetzner *
Herbert Gross *
Mary Schwarz *

NOVEMBER 16, 2018
Helen Bey Kitoff
Sylvia Rodman
Lewis A Selmon
Hyman Ruskin *
Arthur M. Selznick
Harry Cohen
Joseph Hershenson
Sarah Cohen *
Max Heit
Ira Taub *
Abraham Miller
Helen Diamond *
Harry Asher Simons *


NOVEMBER 23, 2018
Emma Meyers
Sophia Axelrod *
Fanny Goldberg *
Marilyn W. Lipsitz
Marion Vogelman
Edward Fine *
Herbert Gross *
Adele Salzberg
Joy Paula Duskin
Joseph Matisoff


November 30, 2018
Nellie Beck
Richard B. Marcus *
Ann Docteroff *
Douglas Howald
Henry Kaplan *
Jacob Mydlarz
Tobie Schaeffer
Faye Radin-Ferretti
Michael Rosch
Abraham Friend *

* These names are on our Memorial Wall.
We are sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted. Please contact Lara at the Temple Office to update your membership information.


Friday, November 16th
6:30 pm

RSVP via Eventbrite

Friday, November 2
Oneg sponsored in honor of Shabbat in celebration of those celebrating
November Birthdays and Anniversaries.
Birthday, Anniversary, Birth, Engagement, Wedding, Bat/Bar Mitzvah?
CELEBRATE ANY SIMCHA and share your joy with the Congregation at Services on any Friday evening.
Sisterhood will tak e care of everything for you!
To sponsor an oneg, just Contact Sisterhood through the Temple Office (718)727-2231.
The Sisterhood of Temple Israel would like to help you celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for you and your family.
You can share the joy of Shabbat and your birthday and/or anniversary by helping to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat on the Friday evening when we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for that month.
In addition to sponsoring the Oneg, the names of those celebrating appear in the Friday night program and celebrants are invited to the Bimah.
A contribution of $10 for birthdays and $18 for anniversaries is suggested to honor your special occasion and help the Temple at the same time.  
Letters are sent out early in the month prior and payment would be appreciated before the first Friday of the month of the celebration. 
When writing checks made out to "Sisterhood of Temple Israel", please always indicate exactly what the check is payment for in the “Memo” line . We have so many events and initiatives. We need your cooperation to make sure that our record keeping is correct!

Thank you,
Blanche Ricci and Beverly Mazer , Sisterhood Treasurer
and Financial Secretary
Please consider becoming a member of our
It helps to make membership available to all our families. Speak to our Financial Secretary to upgrade your membership.
Temple Israel Sisterhood Judaica Shop



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The only place on Staten Island for all your Jewish gifts.
Special Orders available.
Some featured items this month:
Contact branchtr@aol.com or call the Temple Office at 718-727-2231.
Our Religious School is alive with activity. At the Erev Simchat Torah Service we welcomed children who are attending school for the very first time. The new children were called to the bimah, the group was consecrated, heard a very special song from Cantor BENREY, then each child received a mini Torah from the Sisterhood.

Our newest students are Adirah Cortijo, Rahm& Samson Liebovich, Jayden Lenner, Austin Otto, Alexander Sherer, Eyiram Snell, Jacob Chason, Ma'ayan Feldman, Charlie Baver, and we welcome back Raina & Phoenix Garcia.

Our PARENT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE is currently in the process of transition. Joyce Miller, the chair of the committee for many years, has resigned. We thank her for her service, her creativity and her efforts on behalf of our children. We are very lucky to have Jennifer Cortijo, who is stepping up to co-chair the committee. Jennifer is getting information, consulting leaders and beginning to cultivate her own plans for moving ahead. Until a new co-chair is found to work with Jennifer, Bryn Biren will be helping her. If anyone is interested in working with Jennifer your input and creative ideas would be very much appreciated. Just contact Alan Siegel at ajsiegel1@aol.com if you are interested.

Each Sunday the children are enjoying their time spent singing with Cantor Benrey. She meets with each class and teaches the boys and girls holiday songs. Her terrific knowledge of the Jewish musical library, along with her guitar skills and terrific voice, are making music a vital part of the curriculum.

We are looking forward to the formation of a CHILDREN’S CHOIR. The rehearsal time for the choir will be directly after Religious School on Sundays.

Look for details of many more Religious School events in next month’s bulletin.

Bryn Biren

November 7, 28
6:45 p.m.

If you would like to join the Temple Israel Adult Choir, just come to any rehearsal...and all the rehearsals that follow!
Please come help at our  Food Preparation Event on November 25 th at 10:00am.    The Mitzvah of feeding the poor is one of the most important mitzvahs we can do to help our community.  But we need your help to accomplish this important task. Please let me know if you will be able to come and help, or just show up if you can’t call.

Tikkun Olam , to heal the world, is one of the basic tenets of Reform Judaism.  Therefore, the work of our Social Action Committee is important to us, to identify more closely with our faith, to the community and to show others what is important to us.  There are many activities at Temple Israel that you can take part in to help our community.

Through the generous donations of some of our members we are getting close to filling our backpacks for next year!!  If you would like to be a part of this wonderful mitzvah please donate to Social Action and indicate that you are donating for the Backpacks.  If you would like to attend the graduation where the backpacks are given out just let me know!!!

Our Social action group prepares meals to bring to Project Hospitality for those that are hungry.  Feeding people that do not have enough to eat is such an important Mitzvah!!!   Thank you to all of the hard workers who come to help prepare the food!!!  This Mitzvah would not be possible without you!!!  If you have not joined us in the past, please come to this month’s food preparation on Sunday, November 25 th at 10:00am. or join us for our special food preparation event on Christmas Day, Tuesday December 25 th at 9:00am when we prepare a special Christmas meal for those who cannot afford to make one for themselves.

Did you know that neither WIC food stamps cover the cost of baby diapers?  In order to help, we provide packages of diapers to Project Hospitality to be distributed to mothers of infants.  Please buy diapers or make a donation to Social Action to support this cause.

Of course, none of the things Social Action does could be accomplished without your generous donations.  We have been able to feed thousands of people less fortunate than ourselves and hope to feed thousands mor e,  thanks to you!    We have given hundreds of backpacks to children who might otherwise not received them, and hope to give hundreds more, thanks to you!  We have diapered hundreds of babies helping hundreds of families, and we hope to help hundreds more, thanks to you!  Please help us continue our important work for our community by donating both your time (for food prep events if you are available) and funds.  Thank you so much for your support!

Pamela Rogozin
Social Action Chair

Adult Learning is planning several exciting events!
  Adult Learning had another busy month.We met on October 9th to plan future events. We thank Pam Carlton for hosting this meeting, and for leading a lively discussion about "Sima's Undergarments for Women" by Ilana Stanger Ross.

The next book we will be reading is "After Anatevka" by Alexandra Silber, who appeared in "Fiddler" in London and on Broadway. That book discussion will be scheduled for December
On October 22nd we were honored to welcome Rabbis Gerald and Bonita Sussman for an informative and enjoyable program entitled "Lost Tribes and Spiritual Seekers: The Quest For Judaism." We thank all those who attended. We thank our entire committee for their help and special thanks to Pam Carlton. Thanks also to Rabbi Howald for his support of this program and his introduction.
On Wednesday, December 12th at 11 am we will be attending a backstage tour of the St. George Theater. The cost is 7 dollars and rsvps are a must. Lunch will follow the tour.

We are also planning a tour with the Lower East Side Conservancy and a mini course in Yiddish.
For more information and to rsvp to any or all of these events please contact Cheryl at  cherylmlevine@gmail.com  or Judy at  judithpessah@gmail.com .
Thank you.
Cheryl Levine ad Judith Pessah
Thanks to the efforts and donations from our generous members we have been able to help some of our congregants this month with food and rides after their hospital stays.
As always, we hope that you will continue to support our Caring Community with your donations that help cover the costs of food, paper goods, tolls, parking, etc. used to assist those of our Temple Community that need assistance.  Our committee assists congregants who need help with a Shiva, rides to doctors when they cannot get there themselves and meals when necessary. Thank you all for your generous donations. 
If you need help. Please let us know.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy month!!

Respectfully submitted, 
Pamela Rogozin

On Friday, November 30th, Sisterhood will be using more than 7000 Chanukah Gelt Coins to create the largest Chocolate Gelt Mosaic in the world! Join us for this fabulous, fun and creative project! The work begins at 12 noon. Be sure to join us for Shabbat Services that evening or at our special Family Shabbat Service on Saturday, December 1st, to see the finished product. The completed mosaic will be on display for only 2 days!! On Sunday, December 2nd, following Brotherhood’s Chanukah Party, bags will be available for a donation of $10 per bag, and all children will be invited to fill their bags with the chocolate coins!


6:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

9:30 a.m.

12:OO p.m.


4:30 p.m.

Ages 5-8 4:15 p.m.
Ages 9-13 5:30 p.m.

9:30 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

Ages 5-8 4:15 p.m.
Ages 9-13 5:30 p.m.

9:30 a.m.

10 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

Ages 5-8 4:15 p.m.
Ages 9-13 5:30 p.m.

10:00 a.m.

4:30 p.m.

Are you stressed?
Do you want to build your core strength?
Join us.

Thursdays 7:15-8:15 p.m.
November 1, 8, 15, 29

Sundays 6:00-7:00 p.m.
November 4, 11, 18

Members: $15
Non-Members $18.
Bring your own Yoga Mat
Both sets of classes are for

Both Chair and mat students are accommodated at each class.
For more information contact
Bryn Biren 
Please click directly on flyer to print or download.
Please click directly on flyer to print or download.

This is a time of change at Temple Israel. We are so very delighted to announce that the Avis Foundation has made it possible for 15 young families to become members of our synagogue. On September 30th, our Erev Simchat Torah Service was the foremost example. That night our Sanctuary was filled with families and children. Yes, there was noise, but there was a feeling of excitement about what is to come. We have children in our midst.

During the past month we have welcomed Tom & Allison
Snell and their children Eyiram, Ivy and Isaac. We have also welcomed Ariella & Scott Feldman and their daughter, Ma’ayan and Rachel Helm and Josh Baver and their children Charlie and Ollie.

On Sunday afternoon September 30th ten children, ages 9-13, experienced the first of our Cultureats programs. These were created and executed by Alina Shteynberg. These lucky children were able to hear a talk from Myunghae, a knowledgeable Korean cook, about her background and family customs. The children were each given a chef’s apron, worked individually at their own stations, and created mondo and dumplings which they sat down to eat at the end of the session. The children were allowed to try on authentic Korean ceremonial clothing. The girls and boys were given handouts, recipes and doggie bags to take home. Two more Cultureats sessions will follow this season.

On October 21st our youngest children, age 5 and under, were treated to an interactive music session headed by a teacher from the JCC Music Institute. Additional activities for our youngest members will be offered throughout the year.

If you know of a young family that would like to become part of our ever growing Temple family have them contact Bryn Biren at 1(718)447-6225 or Terry Baver at 1(718)490-4428. We will reach out to them immediately.

Contributions to Temple Israel as tributes, dedications or memorials are welcome  and are published in the weekly Shabbat program.

Donations can be dedicated to the general Temple Israel Fund or to any of the following specific funds: 

  • Adult Education Fund 
  • Building Preservation Fund 
  • Caring Community Fund 
  • Carole Lachman Memorial Fund
  • Choir Fund 
  • Estelle A. Gootenberg Memorial Fund (for Torah Repair/ Restoration) 
  • Gerald J. Lustig Memorial Fund (for Ark & Ark Doors) 
  • Liheyot Fund 
  • Membership Fund 
  • Prayerbook Fund 
  • Rabbi Marcus Kramer Memorial Library Fund 
  • Shoah Education Fund
  • Scholarship Fund 
  • Social Action

A $5.00 minimum donation is requested for these funds. Checks for donations to any of these funds should be made payable to Temple Israel.

PRAYERBOOKS may be dedicated in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. For specific prayerbooks and donation amounts, scroll down to the bottom of this bulletin..

Please make checks for Donations to the RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND payable to that fund.

Donations in any amount may be made to SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL or BROTHERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL with checks made payable directly to the affiliate organization.

For a leaf on the TREE OF LIFE in honor of a simcha, please scroll down. 

For permanent MEMORIAL PLAQUES on our Family Memorial Wall or Original Memorial Wall, please call the Temple office at 718-727-2231.
To see list of all recent
Tributes and Program
Donations to Funds...
Be sure to mention that you saw their advertisement in our E-Bulletin.
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891 Bard Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10301
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