Superintendent Dr. Noris Price Addresses
Racial Equality & Equity
This month, Baldwin County School Superintendent Dr. Noris Price wrote a heartfelt letter to BCSD families
regarding racial equality and equity. In the letter, Dr.
Price discusses racism from the perspective of a mother and as a leader in education. "As your superintendent and a mother of an African American male, I feel the emotional racial upheaval that our country is going through and the importance of working together to stamp out once and for all, the racism and bigotry that exist in our nation.
School District Seeks Parent Input On
Reopening Schools
The Baldwin County School District is seeking input from parents and guardians on their preferences and perspectives for models that the school district is considering for the reopening of schools. As we continue our planning process, it's critically important that we hear from our parents. Please take a moment to complete the survey at the following link:
Parent Survey
. The deadline for completing the survey is July 3rd. We look forward to receiving your feedback.
BCSD to Hold Virtual Town Hall Meetings on Reopening Schools
The Baldwin County School District held three virtual town hall meetings to provide an update on reopening schools for the 2020-2021 school year.
The town hall meetings took place on Monday, June 29th at 5:30 p.m. and Tuesday, June 30th at 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. All meetings were held virtually via Zoom and Facebook Live. Superintendent Dr. Noris
Price led the town hall meetings, discussing the formation of the local task force and the different school reopening models examined thus far. During these virtual town hall meetings, Dr. Noris Price also discussed the Georgia Department of Education guidance document and walked the audience through the rationale and details associated with the potential models for reopening schools.
Baldwin County School District Offers Virtual Summer Camp Options
In lieu of the traditional in-person summer s
chool, the Baldwin County School District will be offering a virtual summer school program for students in grades K-8.
Baldwin STEAM Academy and Baldwin STEAM 2.0 Remote Summer School Programs will be available for students at Midway Hills Academy, Midway Hills Primary, and Lakeview Primary. The remote learning program will be held Monday through Thursday, from July 7 - July 23, from 9 a.m. - noon. Students will have the opportunity to receive academic support in Math, Reading, and STEAM, as well as an introduction to the next grade level.
For rising 3rd-5th grade students at Lakeview Academy and rising 6th-8th grade students at Oak Hill Middle School, a virtual summer school option is being provided through the YES program. Summer school will be held July 7 to July 23, Monday -Thursday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Students will receive 3 weeks of virtual learning fun in Math, ELA, STEAM, Fitness, Character Building, and Virtual Field Trips. To register, contact Sequena Moon Stanton at
or call 478-445-5613. You may also register online.
Baldwin County School District
Distinguished Alumni Award
The Baldwin County School District is seeking nominations for the 2020 Distinguished Alumni Award. Distinguished Alumni are those individuals who are graduates of our school district and have gone on to considerable success in their careers, fields of study, philanthropy or those who have had a significant and profound impact in our local community. At least (5) years need to have passed from the time of the nominee's graduation before they can be considered for induction. Nominees must receive the majority of the votes from the selection committee to be inducted as a BCSD Distinguished Alumni. We have extended the nomination deadline due to COVID-19. All nominations must be submitted by July 10, 2020 to be considered.
Farmers to Families Food Box Program Helps School Nutrition Feed Families This Summer
Wednesday, June 3, marked the first day of the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box program came to Baldwin County through The Baldwin County School Nutrition Department. Distribution of food boxes take place every Wednesday from 10 a.m. - noon at Lakeview Academy's back parking lot until August 26. The program is aimed to provide fresh produce to families in Baldwin County. Food boxes containing fresh fruit and vegetables are given out by school district staff and community volunteers to any families in the area in need of nutritious produce amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Since June 3rd, 5900 boxes of produce equaling 147,500 pounds of produce - much of it being Georgia Grown have been distributed. A "BIG" thank you goes out to all the volunteers who have helped out each week. Your time is greatly appreciated!
Georgia College Early College Student
Braylen Howell to Serve as
Georgia 4-H Ready 4 Life Ambassador
Braylen Howell, a student at Georgia College Early College, has been chosen to serve as a Georgia 4-H Ready 4 Life Ambassador! This is a statewide appointment and premier leadership position in 4-H. The Georgia 4-H 4 Life Ambassador program is a new civic engagement ambassador track for Georgia 4-H. To qualify, a 4-H student must be passionate about sharing helpful information with in our community and across the state about topics such as professional and social etiquette, how local governments operate, and where and how to vote. Braylen is also an alternate for the Georgia 4-H Communications and Technology team. Join us in congratulating Braylen for his continued success in the Georgia 4-H program and for being an excellent example of a true leader.
Oak Hill Middle School Says Goodbye to 8th Grade Students with Tribute Video
At the close of the 2019-2020 school year, Oak HIll Middle School 8th graders were ending their days in middle school and preparing to embark on the journey in to high school. As a final farewell OHMS administration and teachers created a tribute video to say congratulations and good luck on the next adventure of their journey. The video contains a collection of memories that faculty and staff shared with the students throughout their 8th grade year. Congratulations Class of 2024!
Baldwin High School Students Top 3 Winners in Art of Life Art Contest
The Art of Life 2020 Art Contest, sponsored by Lifelink of Georgia, was held in April in observance of National Donate Life Month. The students' art was judged based on creativity, artistic ability, and how well they conveyed the message of organ donation and transplantation. The Art of Life 2020 Art Contest was open to middle and high school students in both public and private school systems. The top three winners were all Baldwin High students from Mrs. Erica Wells' art class. In addition to the recognition they received for their talent, the student winners also were awarded Visa gift cards.
1st Place: Asha Butts
$300 Visa Gift Card
2nd Place: Tyler Butts
$200 Visa Gift Card
3rd Place: Diana Cazacu
$100 Visa Gift Card
Midway Hills Academy Holds Drive By Dedication for Principal Antonio Ingram
Faculty and staff of Midway Hills Academy held a Drive by Dedication event for Principal Antonio Ingram. Mr. Ingram will be moving to another leadership role in the Baldwin County School District at the start of the 2020-2021 school year. He will be the new director of the alternative education program. The Midway Hills Academy staff, students and families will miss him and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
Midway Hills Primary Student Receives
Special Letter
Josie Blackwell, a student in Ms. Molly Williams’ class at Midway Hills Primary School, wrote to Pete the Cat during distance learning. On June 18, she received a letter from Pete! Pete the Cat is a fictional character created by American artist James Dean. The series of Pete the Cat books engage children in Pete's adventures and encourages kids to read.
The Early Learning Center Helps Students Transition to Kindergarten
In an effort to help upcoming Kindergarten students have a smooth transition to their new school, the Early Learning Center, created presentations for students and parents to get to know the principal and staff at Midway Hills Primary and Lakeview Primary School.
In each presentation, there is a welcoming message from Midway HIls Primary Principal Tara Burney and Lakeview Primary Principal Tracy Clark. There are also photos of all the school events kids will look forward to participating in as Kindergarteners. There is also a message of encouragement reminding each student to remember to 'Bee Kind."
"We miss each of you, love each of you, and wish you all the best the world has to offer! Please remember that when you get to your new school tell them about "Beeing Kind" and spread ELC kindness wherever you go!
Virtual Greetings from Lakeview Academy
Throughout remote learning during the 2019-2020 school year, Lakeview Academy teachers made sure to share the love with students and while practicing social distancing.
Ms. Erin Smith surprised her students by placing “love” signs in their yards. Mr. Ryan Maraziti sent a virtual hug picture through the mail. Mrs. Rhonda Crane held a birthday parade for her students who celebrated birthdays while in isolation. The third grade team sent a special group message to their third graders. The fifth grade team created a video to talk about their hopes, dreams, and advice for their soon-to-be middle schoolers.
Lakeview Primary School's Staff Send Off 2020
Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many teachers and administrators have had to find new and creative ways to bring the school year to a successful close. In addition to the Farewell Parade Lakeview Primary held for its retirees, they also prepared a goodbye video showcasing all LPS teachers with their Teacher Appreciation Week yard signs. The video was posted on the online video platform vimeo.
Baldwin High School Football Practice to Start
Practice for the upcoming football season for Baldwin High is set to begin Monday July 6, but social distancing and safety protocols will be put in place, based on the guidance of the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). As of June 22, the GHSA put out a statement reminding all coaches that
"Social Distancing" is still in place and should be strictly followed at all times" For up to date information on BHS sports, visit the Baldwin High School Athletic Department Facebook page.
Baldwin High School Band of the Braves Summer Band Camp to Start in July
Summer Band Camp for the Baldwin High School Band of the Braves is set to begin July 6th. Based on the information obtained from the Georgia High School Association and the Georgia Music Educators Association, summer band camp will proceed as planned until further notice. Student leaders will begin July 6th. All new members, color guard, and percussion will start July 8. Veterans will start July 13. Additional details are provided on the band's website.
Agencies Partner to Help Feed School-aged Children in the Wake of COVID-19
Georgia Division of Family & Children Services (DFCS) and the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) are providing additional support to help feed students and their families. DFCS is partnering with the GaDOE to provide food benefits to families with children who receive free and reduced lunch. Families who currently receive SNAP need not apply for P-EBT benefits. Eligible SNAP recipients will automatically receive additional P-EBT benefits loaded onto their existing EBT cards by mid-July if their child was enrolled in the National School Meal Program during the 2019-2020 school year. Families can use their pre-loaded EBT cards at approved EBT grocery retailers and outlets to purchase food items. The temporary funding includes a one-time allotment of $256.50 per eligible child and is intended to prevent food insecurity for families across Georgia. P-EBT benefits are entirely federally funded at no cost to families participating in the program. For more information and updates about P-EBT in Georgia, visit
or call 877-423-4746.
Donate Now to Support our Schools!
The Baldwin Charter School System Foundation serves as the primary fundraising tool to fund the REACH Scholars program, providing thousands in scholarship opportunities for students who represent the first of their families to have the opportunity to attend college. The foundation also supports our employee and student recognition programs. Please support our schools, students, and teachers by making your tax- deductible contribution today.
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step by step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on
Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested in, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces.
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival.
District Social Media Links
Follow the links below to all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happening in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!
Click the link below to access the Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Policies, Communications, and About Us. Our District Strategic Plan/School Improvement Plans are currently being revised for 2018-2023.
Georgia College Early College