Cup of Empowerment
September 10, 2018
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   fro God's Word



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Peace for Increase
Dr. CarolMarie

I came across a truth that is so simple but makes so much sense!  It has to do with the time we are in right now!  Most of us have missed it throughout the years yet this is a special time filled with great blessing for both the Jew and Gentile as Zechariah has promised.  Jesus and His disciples prepared for the feasts of the Lord.  For all the feasts (Lev 23) are pictures pointing to the Messiah to teach us principles. The early church celebrated the feasts as well for they are God's appointments with us!

We have just started the Fall Feasts!  They go through September to the first part of October and include Feast of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles.  Because it is the seventh month on the Hebraic calendar, representing "fullness and perfecting", it is considered the "head of the year" (Rosh Hashanah).  At this time God gives fresh revelation preparing us for the year ahead.  No wonder there is such excitement!  Here are such special "insights":

Being the seventh month, it represents "wholeness, spiritual perfection and development; consecration and rest".  This seventh month is the month of Tishrei that speaks of "reflected light", like the moon reflects the light of the sun.  It is a time to be sure the reflection you see is truly from the source.

The letter in the Hebrew Alphabet assigned to this month is "Lamed".  It is a picture of a shepherd's staff and means "to teach, train or discipline".  Sometimes "lamed" is referred to as "the rod of the teacher".

Jesus spent special teaching times at the home of his friends in Bethany.  It was the house of Martha who was a widow.  Her sister, Mary and brother Lazarus lived with her.  Martha received Jesus into her home where she served. (When she received Him, she was welcoming His ministry and all those with Him into her place. The word used here is "diakonia" which is used for a deacon or one serving in ministry.  It is believed that this was a home church that Martha was the Administrator over.) Luke 10:40, John 12:2.  Here is an insight you may not have known that will help you:

One day when Jesus was there, most likely there were many to prepare for. As was the custom, the women worked together to take care of the necessary needs.  Even if there were servants, the overseeing of the grinding of the wheat, preparing of the food, cooking, baking and etc would have had to been done and would have been a negative refection on the household if it wasn't.  It was Martha's responsibility and Mary would have been expected to help her.  In Luke 10:38-42 we read the story that we can all learn from.

As Jesus taught, Mary sat at his feet and learned staying in an attitude of rest.  But Martha became anxious and "burdened about much serving" thus picking up offense. She had lost her peace. She not only was irritated with Mary, but she got upset with the Lord too.  "Don't you care that my sister has left me to serve alone?"  She doesn't stop there, but tells Him to tell Mary to help! Her Administrative qualities were kicking in, even to the point of directing the Lord. Jesus brings correction by getting to the root of the problem.  He does not say "the ministry of listening is more important than that of managing".  He did not counteract the custom of women working together or the gift of hospitality.  And really He did not even address her being so comfortable with Him as to seemingly interrupt His teaching to complain. How Martha showed her love and service for the Lord was good.  It was that she lost her peace and Mary kept hers that Jesus addressed.  

"Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things" Jesus states.  The problem is not the work that isn't being done, but the peace she does not have.  Now He speaks a principle that both Martha and Mary need in order to bear the fruit of Peace.  "One thing is needful, and Mary has CHOSEN that good part, WHICH SHALL NOT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HER."  Wow!  Peace cannot be taken from us.  We have to let it go!  We can choose peace.  I am sure Mary could feel the 'lack of peace' from her sister along with the criticism.  The term "Good Part" could be translated "that of benefit which you can partake of".  It was Mary's choice to partake of the freedom from anxiety that would benefit her.  Jesus is offering Martha that choice as well.  In this special month of "teaching" and as we begin the new year "to be perfected in", we need to humble ourselves and hold onto peace no matter what!

The tribe associated with this month is Ephraim which means "to be fruitful and multiply" or "double fruitful, double multiply".  It stands for being able to bear fruit even in the midst of affliction.  This is a month to stay teachable and chose to bear the fruit of the Spirit.

The Prayer Gate for Tishrei is Bethany where Martha and Mary were from. Martha and Mary are the power twins I believe.  Both are needed in the body of Christ.  Both need to be free from anxiety and judgment in order to receive the benefits of peace.  In doing so we can move into our appointed time with the Master, work together with each other's gifting and increase in our fruitfulness!  

We have entered a new month and a new year of the Hebraic calendar!  As we align with the insights appointed to it we can receive greater blessing!  Tomorrow, at Anna's Gate we will learn more about the new year and what it can hold for us!  Are you a Mary or a Martha or a little of both?  Whichever, choose to stay in peace and you will go to a new level in Him with greater spiritual increase!  

See more on the month of Tishrei on (LINK).  Join us on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM EST at Anna's Gate for more insights into this Hebraic year and the power of the widow connected to each month.  (Prayer and worship preceding.)  If you are out of the area, join us live on Facebook under "CarolMarie Smith".  (It's filmed for the public watching.)

It's a time for INCREASE if we will stay in PEACE and connect in LOVE with others!  This is exciting times with great rewards!


We would also like to invite you to send us a brief testimony 
(written or filmed on your smart phone) 
of how God has used Anna's Gate 
to help you and to reach your realm of influence. 
Email it to:   [email protected] 
(Put "Testimony" on the subject line). 
If filmed, please make it only 1 to 2 minutes. 
We would love to hear from you!


Read what Jesus read on this week in History!
Check out the Torah Reading for Last Sabbath
Here is the Torah Reading for Next Sabbath


Learn about the  Hebraic month .


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"I invite you to visit my personal Facebook page (CarolMarie Smith), where I post videos and insights open to the public that will help you continue to grow!  We also film and post the Tuesday meetings on Facebook that compliment what I share in our weekly Cup of Empowerment."
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6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912