Team News You Can Use!
April Edition
It's that time again! LEAD's monthly "News You Can Use" educational newsletter is designed to empower YOU with the practical skills, tools, and strategies to prevent mental health crises and ensure safe and high-quality athletic programs. Enjoy, and let us know how we can support you moving forward by emailing
Podcast Corner
Brianna Scurry
Tremendous Upside is a podcast that talks about athletes and their mental health while playing the sports they love. This episode talks about Brianna Scurry who suffered with depression after suffering a serious head injury.
Featured Article
Mental Health In Elite Athletes: Increased Awareness Requires An Early Intervention Framework to Respond to Athlete Needs
This article goes in depth about mental health in elite athletes and how there is no framework for helping these athletes through serious mental health problems they may experience.
Featured Video
Athletes and Mental Health: The Hidden Opponent
This video talks about the demand and pressure that athletes feel and how this can contribute to mental health issues.
Featured Community Group
The National Sports Coaches Alliance
Sports Coaching Theory includes 4.3k people in the athletic community. This group provides open discussion year-round for those who are athletes or coaches. They post about webinars, daily support, and resource articles.
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