The North West Communities Association is here to support our local community. Please let us know of any community information that you would like to be shared.
Happy Easter Westsiders!
Easter Sunday happens this year on April 4. We hope that you enjoy this special quality time with your loved ones.

If you are looking to get involved with a good cause, three Vernon groups are providing meals over Easter weekend.

On Good Friday, April 2 from 1-2:30 p.m., hamburgers and all the fixings will be served at the Tailgate Street Church, 3302 32nd Ave.

On April 3, the Saturday Street Lunch program will be hosting its Special Easter Meal from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Anglican Church, 3205 27th Street.

On April 4, the Tailgate Church will be serving hearty soup from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

The noon-time meals will wrap up on Easter Monday at the Salvation Army 1-2:30 p.m., where they will be serving bacon and eggs.

From Good Friday through to Easter Monday, Feed the Streets will be offering its mobile dinner service from 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Feed the Streets starts near the Tim Hortons in the Anderson Subdivision and works its way to Polson Park at 8:30 p.m.

April is Community
Clean Up Month
The RDCO will provide supplies and pickup of litter filled bags for those doing cleanup events so long as participants have committed to following current public heath guidelines related to COVID-19. This includes, but not limited to, proper social distancing, wearing mask, proper hand washing etc.

Pick an area to clean, outside your home or in your neighbourhood. Then contact the Regional Waste Reduction Office to register. They supply the garbage bags, gloves and other safety equipment you'll need. Then pick up the litter in your area and call them when you're done. They will pick up the bags and take them to the landfill. Anyone can participate, any time of the year!

To register for the Community Clean Up simply email the Regional Waste Reduction Office ( or call at 250-469-6250.

FireSmartBC is your complete resource for keeping your home, neighbourhood and community prepared for wildfires. As fires have increased in B.C. in the past decade, the need for preventative measures has never been greater.

The best thing about being FireSmart is how easy it is. The homes that are prepared are the homes left standing. Thankfully, there are simple steps you can take to drastically reduce your property's risk.

Make sure to download the full homeowners guide to how to FireSmart your property HERE.
Website Update: We have good news! Our NWCA website is now LIVE.

You can visit our website here

The website will be a continuous work in progress as we strive to provide our community with the most up to date information. Please be patient with us as we finalize all of the details.
The NWCA is looking for Volunteers.
We want to be of service to our community and we could not do that without the support of our amazing volunteers.

We are currently seeking volunteers to fill two positions. Please see our website for more information.