Theo Braddy's Blog
Traditions, Customs, and Beliefs 
Trump stated over the weekend that the U.S. will defend its traditions, customs, and beliefs! 

Many will applaud this statement and say this shows strength, but this goes straight to the racial divide of America. 

You see many of these traditions, customs, and beliefs are stained with racist ideas, practices, and policies! 

Black folks and other people of color see it and live it out within society every single day and then we ask ourselves, why don’t White America see it? This leads to anger and frustration and then we see a reminder of it when a black man is senselessly murdered in the street while a white man looks straight into the camera and pretty much says, “watch me kill this worthless life” to the whole world. 

Now, I have to acknowledge a great many white folks saw what I saw, and it moved them to action, and I say thank you for not turning away again!

But for the many who still turn away and still want to make these racist ideas, practices, and policies apart of traditions, customs, and beliefs that Trump wants to continue to defend, shame on you! Stop it! Grow up and strive to live a life that respects and preserve all human life! 

I know, we as people are not perfect human beings. I will be the first to admit that — but I do my best not to lie to myself. I look at my flaws and try to be a better human being. 

No one wants to accept that they have racist ideas or biases about another human being, but we all do! 

We don’t all take it to the point like the racist cop with the knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck — that’s the worst kind of racism.

But historically and even now, White America has a knee on Black America’s neck! This knee stays on our neck way pass eight minutes and 46 seconds. 

This knee will stay on our neck as long as White America and those in power believe there is nothing wrong with America’s Traditions, Customs, and Beliefs!