Goal + Plan = Success
Welcome, 2018!
Are you excited for the New Year? The Solutionistas are, too! The start of a new year is a time to reflect on our past accomplishments and create a plan for how to continue that success into the next one.

Are you ready for a fantastic 2018? We can help you make it happen. We'd love the opportunity to learn more about your big goals and create a plan for success.
Goal + Plan = SUCCESS
If you fail to plan . . . well, you know!
Have you heard the adage “A goal without a plan is just a wish”? All the goal-setting in the world won’t lead to success unless you have a plan to achieve those goals.

January is a great time to reflect on the year’s progress, set goals for the upcoming year, and most importantly, create a detailed plan for achieving them.

From Our Brag Book: Seacole
The Origin Smart Marketing Solutionistas had the opportunity to help Seacole plan and execute its 2017 marketing strategy.

After creating the content calendar, we partnered with Seacole's sales & marketing team to update their website, publish blog posts, send eNewsletters, and increase their social media presence.

Origin Smart Marketing | (763) 498-9168 | rosalie@originsmartmarketing.com