January 4, 2021
Provided by the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®) in cooperation with Feedstuffs. If you received this issue of ADSA Dair-e-news from a friend and would like to receive your personal copy in the future, please contact

Opinion and editorial content included in the Dair-e-news represent the views of the authors. 
Publication does not represent endorsement of any position by the ADSA.

 Ken Olson, Ph: 630-237-4961,
How does USDA’s plan for regulating genetically modified animals differ from FDA plan?

In the Dec. 28 Federal Register, the U.S. Department of Agriculture published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking, “Regulation of the Movement of Animals Modified or Developed by Genetic Engineering.“

But what exactly is it that USDA is proposing, and how does the plan differ from the Food & Drug Administration’s current regulatory approach? Does the contemplated regulatory framework improve things?

Dr. Alison Van Eenennaam, cooperative extension specialist in the field of animal genomics and biotechnology in the department of animal science at University of California-Davis, explored these questions and the subject overall in a recent series of BIOBEEF blogs, which can be found at

APHIS celebrates 2020 accomplishments

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is celebrating the agency’s many successful efforts over the past year.

“This has been a year like no other,” said Greg Ibach, undersecretary for marketing and regulatory affairs at the USDA. “Even with the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, APHIS’ employees continued to provide great service and support for the country’s farmers, ranchers, and citizens. Protecting American agriculture requires constant vigilance and effort, and APHIS employees found safe, effective, and creative ways to accomplish our mission this year.”

USDA, HHS release dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025

Nutrition in America took a major step forward today with the publication of Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. Jointly published by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services (HHS) every five years, the guidelines provide science-based recommendations designed to foster healthy dietary patterns for Americans of all ages – from birth through older adults. Importantly, this edition expands the guidance, for the first time including recommended healthy dietary patterns for infants and toddlers.

ADSA News and Happenings
Announcing the Journal of Dairy Science® author webinar series

Are you a dairy scientist interested in publishing in the American Dairy Science Association's Journal of Dairy Science® (JDS®)? This free three-part author workshop series, presented by Paul Kononoff, Editor in Chief of JDS, will help you prepare for the publishing process. The series will focus on actionable steps you can take as an author to have a positive publishing experience, including best practices and tips to begin developing your manuscript for JDS. Whether you are a graduate student, a postdoctoral researcher, an assistant professor, or a relatively new author to JDS, this series will have something for you to take away and implement.

Learn more and register (
Make your plans to be part of the 2021 ADSA Annual Meeting

The 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®) will be held as hybrid meeting with a virtual component and a corresponding in-person meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. As always it will be the most comprehensive dairy science meeting in the world. Here are a few statistics from the 2020 meeting. Make your plans to be part of this global event.

The in-person registration fee includes the Opening Reception, coffee and pastries during morning poster sessions, afternoon ice cream breaks in the exhibit hall, our always-popular ice cream social, a meeting with really nice people, and the best dairy science you will find in the world!

ADSA 2021 will be a hybrid meeting!

The Overall Program Committee is planning to have a robust in-person program AND an in-depth online meeting, including virtual events live from Louisville, that enable scientists from around the world to join us virtually if they are unable to travel to Louisville. We are very excited to be able to plan a hybrid meeting and expand the reach of our science!

The American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) is meeting in Louisville too!
The ADSA annual meeting in Louisville will be directly followed by the ASAS annual meeting. Make plans now to catch the shared programing day on Wednesday, July 14, and the shared social event later that evening.

For more information about the meeting visit the 2021 ADSA Annual Meeting website. Visit often as it will be updated frequently as new information becomes available. 

ADSA members, did you choose to use your registration for the 2020 ADSA Annual Meeting to renew your ADSA membership? If so, Thank You. If not just a reminder that it is time for our annual membership renewal. Remember discounted Annual Meeting registration is one of the many benefits of membership. The savings on annual meeting registration will largely cover the cost of membership.
ADSA Members – It’s Not Too Late

In the rush of the Holiday Season did you forget to renew your ADSA membership? If you did don’t worry, you can still go to and renew right now. This will maintain all of your ADSA Member Benefits for the coming year including:

Visit the Member Benefit page for more information on the benefits. 

A reminder for all ADSA members, did you choose to use your registration for the 2020 ADSA Annual Meeting to renew your ADSA membership? If so, Thank you for being a member of ADSA! If not just a reminder that it is time for our annual membership renewal. If you are not currently am ADSA member, why not join now and take advantage of all the Benefits of Membership. Remember ADSA Professional dues are only $110 per year. They have not increased since 2000 and are the lowest professional dues of all animal science societies. Click here to renew or join.
REMEMBER 2021 ADSA Award Nominations Now Open

Nominate one of your colleagues for an ADSA award. If you're hesitating due to the challenge of assembling the nomination materials, please don't; others, including the nominee, are able to assist you!
The ADSA Awards Program will be administered online. Submit your nominations online. If you nominated someone last year and you wish to re-nominate them, you may log in to your account and easily re-submit the information with any necessary modifications. Communication with nominators and nominees will be via email. Accurate email addresses are necessary.

2021 Award Timeline:
  • January 8 - Initial nominations (part 1 of the nomination process) are due.
  • January (after submission) - Nominators will be notified by email of nominee's award status after initial verification of the nominee.
  • February 19 - Biographical and supporting materials (part 2 of the process) are due.

If you need any assistance at all, please contact Morgan Montgomery (phone: 217-356-5146, ext. 156; email: Thank you for your continued support of the ADSA Awards Program.

REGISTER NOW - 40th ADSA Discover Conference:

NASEM Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle
June 1-4, 2021
Eaglewood Resort & Spa

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM, previously known as NRC) anticipates the 2021 release the 8th revised edition of the “Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle”, the world’s most highly cited reference on dairy cattle feeding.

This 40th Discover Conference will focus on the scientific advancements in dairy cattle feeding used in revising the 2001 edition. NASEM subcommittee members will address the substantive changes in the nutrient requirements and the conceptual approaches used to make those changes. They will report on areas with significant knowledge gaps that still prevent more accurate prediction of the nutrient requirements. We will emphasize the interactive spirit of Discover conferences with structured small group discussions woven into the program, including a demonstration of the software and focused discussions with the speakers. The program will bridge from the fundamental science to applied dairy cattle feeding:

Conference Topics Include:
·      Feed Intake, Fats, Carbohydrates and Energy
·      Proteins and Amino Acids
·      Minerals, Vitamins and Water
·      Dry Cows, Calves and Replacement Heifers
·      Application of the New Requirements

Registration postmarked by April 30, 2021, is $375 for ADSA-ARPAS members and $425 for non-members, which includes sessions and most meals. After April 30, the registration fee will be $475 member/$525 non-member. Registration will be accepted on an availability basis. Your registration includes 90 days free access to the Searchable Proceedings of Animal Conferences (S-PAC)..

41st Discover Conference:
Health Management of Calves: From Intrauterine Life to Successful Weaning
October 25-28, 2021
Eaglewood Resort & Spa in Itasca, IL

Start making plans to attend the 41ST ADSA DISCOVER CONFERENCESM ON FOOD ANIMAL AGRICULTURE - Health Management of Calves: From Intrauterine Life to Successful Weaning. It will be held October 25-28, 2021 at the Eaglewood Resort & Spa in Itasca, IL The conference will explore the many changes in dairy calf management practices, and research conducted over the last decade.

Potential Conference Topics include:
      Opportunities and Key Knowledge Gaps in Calf Management
      Bull Calves & Dairy-Beef
      Calf Housing and Behavior
      Calf Immunology and Vaccines
      Calf Nutrition Pre-weaning
      Calf Welfare
      Colostrum Management
      Fetal Programming, Influence of Cow Stressors on Calf Development
      Neonatal Disease Management
      Transition to the Ruminant Calf: Weaning Strategies to Optimize Future Health and Productivity 

A poster session will be included to allow participants to share and discuss research findings. Details will be posted on the meeting site as they are finalized. 
ADSA® on Linked In continues to Grow – Are you included?

Our ADSA Linked In group now includes 1,887 members from around the world, are you one of them? It’s a great place to get information about ADSA and industry activities as well as to network with other dairy professionals from around the world. Check it out here.

While on “Linked In” check out the ADSA Graduate Student Division (GSD) as well. You can find their page at
Jan 7, 2021     ADSA - JDS Author Workshop Webinar Series Paul Kononoff, Editor in Chief of Journal of Dairy Science, Details will be available soon at 

Jan 25 - 28, 2021  NMC 60th Annual Meeting, Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, CA. Click here for registration

Feb 2-5, 2021  Preventive Controls for Human Food, Cornell Live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more

Feb 2-Mar 3, 2021  Fluid Milk Processing for Safety and Quality, Cornell Hybrid course, Click here for more

Feb 11, 2021     ADSA - JDS Author Workshop Webinar Series Paul Kononoff, Editor in Chief of Journal of Dairy Science, Details will be available soon at 

Mar 24 – Apr 21, 2021  The Science of Cheese (Basic Level), Cornell Hybrid: Self-paced online and live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

April 1, 2021     Improving Audit Outcomes  , Cornell Live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

April. 1 – 29, 2021  Introduction to Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts, Cornell Hybrid: Self-paced online and live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information.

April 6-8, 2021  Implementing SQF Systems, Cornell Live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

April 12 – May 11, 2021  The Science of Yogurt (Basic Level), Cornell Hybrid: Self-paced online and live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

April 13-15, 2021  High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization, Cornell Live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

April 19 - 21, 2021  Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne, IN, Click here for more information

April 20, 2021  Dairy Lab Seminar, Cornell Live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

April 27- 28, 2021.  Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference, Grapevine TX, Click here for more information

May 11-13, 2021   Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada (ANCC) 2021*, Le Centre Sheraton Montreal in Quebec , Click here for more information 

May 12-14, 2021  Preventive Controls for Human Food, Cornell Live instructor-lead video conference, Click here for more information

June 1-4, 2021  40th ADSA Discover Conference - 2021 Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cows, Eaglewood Resort & Spa, for registration and more information click here

June 9-10, 2021  Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference Grand River Center, Dubuque, IA. Click here for more information.

July 11-14, 2021  ADSA Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, Click here for more information

July 13-15, 2021     High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization, Cornell Live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

July 26-29, 2021     Certified Milk Inspectors School, Cornell In-person training: Location TBD, Click here for more information

Aug 10-13, 2021     Preventive Controls for Human Food, Cornell Live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

Aug 23-26, 2021     Implementing SQF Systems, Cornell Live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

Aug 27, 2021          SQF Quality Management Systems, Cornell live instructor-led video conference, Click here for more information

Aug 30 – Sept 3, 2021  72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). Davos, Switzerland, For registration and more information click here,

Sept 28-Oct 2, 2021     World Dairy Expo, Alliant Energy Center - Madison, WI, For more information click here.

Oct 19 - 21, 2021  83rd Annual Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, Click here for more information.

Oct. 25-28, 2021  41st ADSA Discover Conference - Health Management of Calves: From Intrauterine Life to Successful Weaning*, Eaglewood Resort & Spa in Itasca, IL, For registration and more information click here

Nov 1-4, 2021  2021 Western Dairy Management Conference, Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Click here for more information

September 2024  International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, For symposium information visit

*An S-PAC Partner Conference

If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC®, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.

If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.
Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining Members
We appreciate your ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science®

Ag Processing Inc.
Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition & Food Production
Darling Ingredients Inc.
Diamond V
Elanco Animal Health
Global Agri-Trade Corporation
Grande Cheese Company
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Quali Tech, Inc.
Renaissance Nutrition Inc.
Zook Nutrition & Management Inc.
ADSA Membership Benefits
Did you know that your ADSA Professional Membership, which is the least expensive of all national animal-related professional societies, includes all of the following benefits with no additional fees, charges or suggested donations?

*       Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science®
*    ADSA Annual Meeting registration at reduced member rates
*       Discover Conference registration at reduced member rates
*   Large Dairy Herd Management 3rd edition e-book at reduced member rates
*       S-PAC: Free access to ADSA Annual Meeting, past JAM and ADSA divisional abstracts
*       S-PAC subscription at reduced member rates
*   A strong voice of advocacy for the animal sciences, animal agriculture and research
*       Access to ADSA's large and growing recorded symposia library    
*       ADSA News (semi-annual association newsletter)
*       ADSA Dair e-news (ADSA weekly industry newsletter)
*       Access to member directory
*       Peer recognition through ADSA, Foundation and Sponsored Award Program
*       Discounted page charges in Journal of Dairy Science®
*       Broad author recognition through ADSA/Elsevier press release program
*       Linked In and You Tube sites for ADSA
*       Quality networking with academic, government and industry professionals
*       Travel awards for all graduate students attending Discover Conferences
*       Opportunity to serve peers via committee and officer positions
For more information on your benefits, please visit:
To join now and gain these member benefits, visit:
American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820