July 2019
Debbie Dadey's 129th newsletter
Every summer when my kids were younger we made out a list of fun things we wanted to do while they were out of school. I've tried to continue that tradition on my own. I've since learned it's called a Sand Pail list. Here's mine and here's a handy dandy form to make your own or with your kids.

This is embarrassing!
In every Mermaid Tales book, the characters learn a bit about an ocean creature or concept and then do some sort of report. Pearl's report didn't make it into the book, so here is her code. Can you figure it out? The answer is on page 7 and 8 of The Narwhal Problem .

Hope you'll join me July 27th at Union Avenue Books in Knoxville, TN at 11:00.
Writing Dream

I had a dream to write a book. If you have that same dream, perhaps you'd like to join me at the Tennessee Writing Workshop on August 3rd, 2019 near Nashville, TN. This workshop will cover all writing genres, from picture books to adult novels. I will be doing two sessions, one about the business of writing and one about characters. I will also be doing critiques. You can find out more here .
If you can't make it to Nashville, there are many great books about writing. Marcia Thornton Jones and I wrote Writing for Kids The Ultimate Guide . Hope you'll check it out. 's Another great opportunity is Kate Messner's Teachers Write summer program. It sounds pretty awesome!

I'm all about making reading fun. Hope you and your young reader enjoy these:

I did it! Six months of Facebook Live sessions on writing are almost done. The last one is Monday, July 8th! They are appropriate for any age or genre (type of book) so feel free to take a peek at the previous Writing Comes Alive videos here. Hope you'll join me Monday at 1:00 Eastern for a short chat.
I was pretty nervous trying something new, but I'm glad I did. I think I got a bit better and if nothing else I got more comfortable with a new format. Here's to new things this summer! I even had a new head shot taken. I asked about super-imposing Rachel Welch's face, but they cited some law.
Check out these
15 creative book report ideas for next school year.
At the end of this month, I'll be announcing my free Skype dates for next school year. If you're interested, let me know and I'll contact you with the dates.

Another way to keep reading exciting is to write the author. Kids can write me and get a quick answer at KIDS TALK. I answer, usually the next morning, on DEBBIE TALKS.