Fairway Park Improvements - Factsheet
June 26, 2020
Project Overview and Benefits
Fairway Park is located at 200 Fairway Drive in North Beach. The City of Miami Beach is investing in improvements to upgrade this park's recreational amenities for the community at large to enjoy.

What's Happening
Fairway Park construction is scheduled to begin next week. The scope of work in this phase entails raising and regrading the site; installing a drainage system; installing a drainage well; restoring the site to include raising of walkways, a new irrigation system and refreshed landscaping; new site furnishings including benches, trash/recycle bins and drinking fountains; a new playground area to include play equipment, shade canopy and safety surface; raising and reconstructing the tennis and basketball courts.
Project construction is scheduled to start on Monday, June 29, 2020; completion is expected in December 2020.

Construction work hours are weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Extended time is subject to city approval and community notification. Please note, this schedule could change due to weather or unforeseen circumstance.

What to Expect
  • Moderate levels of construction noise are expected during the day.
  • While construction equipment, machinery and workers will be present on the job site, road closures are not anticipated for this project.
  • Vehicles and material deliveries will access the work zone from the northeast corner of the park.
  • Parking restrictions will be posted at seven parking spaces during construction; please adhere to posted signage in order to avoid enforcement measures.
  • A construction fence with a wind screen will be set up around the construction work zone; this area will be closed to the public during construction.

Please note, the project team is closely monitoring the situation surrounding COVID-19. The contractor, Harbour Construction Inc., is enforcing strict social distancing measures and employees are using face covers while on site, including during break times.

Who to Contact
Kevin Pulido, Neighborhood Affairs Division Manager
Cell phone: 786.568.6051
To learn more about the city’s innovative initiatives, visit

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