Dear Clergy and Congregations of the Diocese of San Diego,

Thank you to all who participated in the ordination service on Saturday, June 15, and to all who have prayed and supported this episcopal transition. I am grateful, honored, and overjoyed to serve you as your bishop. I so look forward to getting to know you and your congregations, and sharing Jesus’ fearless love with you and with our communities.

I look forward to visiting you on Sundays. A bishop’s visit is the visible sign of the unity we share in the Body of Christ, and I anticipate that my visits to you will be one of the chief joys of my episcopal ministry. These documents will assist you in preparing for my visit:

I ask that your vestry meeting prior to my visit include a discussion of the questions on the Vestry Visitation Questionnaire. During my visit, I would like to spend 45 minutes or so with your vestry, discussing these questions. This meeting should also include your search committee if you are in transition, moving toward the call of a new priest.

Other information is in the Guidelines for Episcopal Visitations. I so look forward to visiting you and participating in the life and ministry of your congregation.

In Christ,


The Rt. Rev. Susan Brown Snook
Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
2083 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., San Diego, CA 92107