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Did you know that May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month?
34 Ways to Participate in Global Employee Health and...

May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month (GEHFM), an international initiative that prioritizes health and fitness in the workplace. It's the time of the year when organizations should reflect on what they are doing (or not doing) to help...

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Clark & Associates hosted our 1st Annual Treat Yourself Event on April 16, 2019 at The Riley Park Club downtown, Charleston. We enjoyed the fellowship with our wonderful local clients. Chelsea Kirkland of Carlock, Copeland & Stair LLP won a Nook as one of our raffle prizes.
Team Spotlight: Melissa Mancini
Office & Scheduling

  Melissa joined Clark & Associates, Inc. in September, 2016 as our office & scheduling personnel. She is that sweet, friendly voice you hear answering the phone that runs a tight ship over here at Clark & Associates, Inc. She manages all reporter booking, deposition scheduling, video conference, and videographer scheduling.
Melissa tells us she loves working for Clark because her “Coworkers ROCK!” She was born in Wilkes-Barre, PA and received her Bachelor of Science in Genetic Engineering, minor in Chemistry from Cedar Crest College in Allentown, PA. She moved to Charleston in 2012 and shares a life with her beau Todd Fisher. Melissa also has furry buddies, Clarence and Stella (dogs) and Loki and Minerva (cats). In her time away from work, she enjoys traveling, cooking, dancing, kayaking, and reading.
We couldn't be more happy to have Melissa on our team!