House of Prayer 
is a gathering of God's people who value:
Compassionate Community, 
and Relationships

Here is an update of what is happening at
House of Prayer this week!
Worship This Sunday 
And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river flows out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it divides and becomes four branches. Genesis 2:8-10

The story of creation is found in Genesis 1 and 2. Each chapter offers a different version of how God created the world. While Genesis 1 focuses on a cosmic account of creation, Genesis 2 offers a more organic vision of God's creation. The imagery of the garden of Eden, filled with trees and plants and everything needed to sustain life is telling. God's creation has provided all we need to sustain life and thrive. The challenge for humanity is to properly care for this creation to ensure it continues to be an abundant source of life for all current and future generations. Join us Sunday as we begin a three week focus on creation care and water. Together we will explore the waters of creation, baptism, and living water, and in so doing we will reaffirm our appreciation and commitment to God's creation.
July 4th Richfield Parade
Give an extra loud shout out to the HOP and Southview Seventh Day Adventist folks marching in the Richfield July 4th parade! They 'll be handing out candy, spreading the word about what our congregations do, and celebrating with the community. HOP Marchers meet at 12:30 pm at 73rd & Harriet and wear your HOP t-shirt (or other maroon shirt). Get more information about the rest of the festivities July 2nd and 3rd at .
Chicago Trip Youth Have Returned
After a week in Chicago filled with productive service projects and fun sightseeing the high schoolers and adult leaders have returned home to enjoy their own beds and showers again. Many thanks again to everyone who invested in this trip as a shareholder for making the opportunity possible! We will announce soon the date for the Shareholder Dinner when you can see all the trip photos and hear more about the experience.
Water, Water Everywhere
Pastor Ben and the Creation Care Team will be talking about Water:  Rivers, Baptisms, Living Water on Sundays during the month of July, specifically July 7, 14, and 21.  Speaker and scientist Paul Nelson, Environmental Services Program Manager for Scott County and volunteer with EcoFaith Network, will be at House of Prayer July 14th. He will talk between services about Nurturing Life in the Waters of Creation. This is the theme of the ELCA's year-long effort to encourage Prayer and Learning, Growing Green Hearts, and Connecting the Drops.   Do you know your Watershed District?   
Lutheran Social Services Group Homes
Several members from House of Prayer visited the Lutheran Social Services group homes My House and Mi Casa and brought lemonade and cookies. They were so welcoming and really enjoyed our visit.  We are looking forward to more HOP involvement with events, projects, and visits on a regular basis. This spring we purchased a raised bed garden for My House and planted flowers and vegetables at Mi Casa.  Mi Casa made cards thanking us for the flowers (see below).  The youth will be going to My House in July and will be making s'mores with the residents. For more information about the LSS group homes supported by HOP, contact Jean Robbins at [email protected].
Incredible Race VBS
Registration is open for this year's Vacation Bible School July 29 - Aug 1. Family Dinner: 5:15-5:50 pm & Program: 6:00-8:15pm. Our theme is "The Incredible Race" which will take us around the world to different continents each night to learn that people all around the world are all part of God's big human family. Activities include music, crafts, drama, and more! Register at or reach out to Heidi Thomas with questions ([email protected]). 
Outreach to Richfield Renters
The Richfield Community Housing Team is planning several opportunities this month and next to talk with renters in town about their experiences. The goal is to engage tenants in local efforts to address the affordable housing crisis. Roles involve door knocking, phone calls, or behind the scenes logistics. If you'd like to help out, please contact Paula Hall ([email protected]).
Urban Wildland Race
Each summer, Richfield hosts the Urban Wildland half marathon and 5k race - this year on Saturday, July 27th starting at 7am. It's a fun event that funds the opportunity for students of Richfield schools to get hands-on education through the Wood Lake Nature Center. House of Prayer is helping sponsor the event and already have 7 folks committed to run! There are also many volunteer opportunities to hand out snacks/water, help runners check in, and more. If you'd like to run, volunteer, or just cheer folks on please reach out to Ben Whalen ( [email protected] or 612-500-9523). More information is available at
Got Books?
The supply of books in our Little Free Library outside the Chicago Ave. entrance is dwindling.  If you have any extras that you think our neighborhood adults and kids would like to read, please drop them off.  And see if there are any available you would like to read yourself!  "Take a Book, Share a Book."
Sponsor Bulletin/Flowers
Honor loved ones or celebrate special occasions by sponsoring the Sunday bulletin and/or flowers. Visit the Information Desk to fill out the donation envelope and leave it in Cara Wright's box in the church office or with an office volunteer. (Flowers-$40, Bulletin-$20).
Notary Service in Church Office
Our Director of Operations & Communications, Cara Wright, is a   Notary Public. If you need documents notarized, make an appointment with Cara in the church office at 612-866-8471 or via email at [email protected]. There is no charge for this service.
Summer Collaboration Project-VEAP Diapers
The VEAP Collaboration Team, with a VEAP representative from each church - Oak Grove, House of Prayer, and Woodlake - asks you to bring diapers from now until the end of September. The diapers can be any size and quantity. If you would prefer they be purchased by others, please contribute with a check made out to House of Prayer and designate "VEAP Donate & Do" in the memo line.  We will pick a Saturday in October for volunteers to meet at the VEAP warehouse to repackage the diapers for distribution. During this repackaging, VEAP gives the volunteers a tour of their facilities so we can see the whole operation and how they serve our neighbors in need. Volunteers of all ages are welcome, so plan to bring your whole family. Thank you for your continued support of this awesome organization.
Let's Visit!
Would you like a visitor from one of our pastoral staff members? While we often hear of needs within the congregation, sometimes we are unaware of the needs within our family of faith. Pastor Ben or Pastor Kelly would be happy to visit any of our members or friends who would like a pastoral visit. These visits could be health related but could be for any reason. Contact the church office via telephone 612-866-8471 or Pastor Ben via email [email protected].
Amazon Prime Day Donates to HOP
Prime Day is a two-day parade of epic deals and it's coming soon! Prime members can shop deals starting Monday, July 15 at 12:01am PT through Tuesday, July 16 at 11:59pm PT. You can make a difference while you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on July 15 & 16. Simply shop at and AmazonSmile donates to House of Prayer.
Lutheran Night at the Twins
6:50 pm; Monday, August 5, Target Field, Minneapolis
Lutherans will gather on the evening of August 5 for the 13th annual Lutheran Night at the Twins event to watch the division-leading Minnesota Twins take on the Atlanta Braves! A variety of options are available for lower level, terrace level, and upper level seating. The prices range from $15 to $36 for individual tickets. For tickets, visit A group rate is available for 20 or more tickets purchased together. Contact Phil Mennicke at [email protected] if you are interested in possibly being part of a group.
Women's Summer Bible Study at Oak Grove
All women of Oak Grove, Woodlake and House of Prayer are invited to attend our summer Bible Study sponsored by Lydia Ruth Circle of Oak Grove. The study, For such a time as this: Lessons from Esther, will be on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the lower lever of the church. Light refreshments will be served. No preparation is required. The Bible Study is published in the Gather magazine, a publication of the ELCA for women. Copies of the study will be available at each session.
July 9: Esther saves the Jews
August 13: Using our voices
Libera Boy's Choir
The London-based boy's choir "Libera" will be performing at the Cathedral of St. Paul on July 26th at 7:30 PM. They last performed here in 2011. Their music encompasses a wide range of genres, from Classical and chant, to ambient and popular styles of music. You can listen to their albums on music streaming sites such as Spotify and Apple music, and you can see their music videos and live performances on Youtube. Go to for ticketing information.
House of Prayer Lutheran Church of Richfield, MN
 ELCA | (61 2) 866-8471