FRWA eNews
October 5, 2018
Contact Us
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Training Available
10.16 .18
10.17 .18
Effective Communication and Decision Making Strategies/Tavares
 B/C/D Drinking Water Certification Review/Starke
Wastewater Services
Groundwater Services
Increased Interest Income and Security
As announced last week in eNews, please click below to learn more about this beneficial program.

The Florida Rural Water Association has recently partnered with Ameris Bank to provide a depository product for cash reserves. When our association participated, we generated about $40,000 in additional interest income and they gave us 100% FDIC insurance.

With the results we received, we decided that we would like to extend the opportunity to you, our members to be able to participate. We hope with this program, you will be able to increase the interest that you earn and have full security.

A website has been developed with more details.  The videos that are included will explain more about the program and include testimonials from your peers. We hope that this program will benefit you.

Flood Resilience Training

The Flood Resilience:Training for Water and Wastewater Utilities seminar is fast approaching. This training will include working sessions on each of the four primary sections of the Flood Resilience Guide, provide real-world examples of recent flood impacts, as well as mitigation efforts to increase resilience and provide information about funding options for mitigation measures that utilities may want to implement.

The Tampa site is overflowing so we cannot take any further registrations,  However, we still have about 30 seats left at the Jacksonville site on October 31.  If you would like to attend, please register as soon as possible.

For more information and to register online, please click here.
DEP Announces Two Grant Opportunities
DEP solicits proposals for up to $5 million in state water quality restoration grants and up to $3 million in federal 319(H) grants

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is pleased to announce the solicitation for two grant opportunities, combined together in a single proposal request document. 

These grants are:
  • The Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source Grant - Funding for projects that reduce or eliminate nonpoint source pollution through public education, demonstration or implementation of best management practices (including green infrastructure), implementation of TMDL(s) and Water Quality Restoration Plan(s), ground water protection, and limited connections of property owners from septic to sewer projects, including abandonment of the septic tank.
  • The State Water Quality Restoration Grant - Funding for shovel-ready construction projects that reduce or eliminate nonpoint source pollution, prioritized in impaired waters implementing TMDL(s) and/or Water Quality Restoration Plan(s).
Proposals are due by the close of business on Thursday, November 15, 2018.

For more information, please click here.
National News
EPA Requesting Comments on the Data Collection for the Next Six Year Review In today's Federal Register, EPA is requesting comments on the Information Collection Request for Contaminant Occurrence Data in Support of the EPA's Fourth Six-Year Review of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.

EPA Requests Nomination for Fifth Contaminant Candidate List
Today (10/5), EPA published a Federal Register notice requesting nominations for the Fifth Contaminant Candidate List (CCL5). Nominations  more

Congress Passes Bill with Disaster Relief Funds, FEMA reforms & PFAS Restrictions 
The U.S. Senate passed HR 302 on Wednesday night; the bill will now move to the President's desk for signature.  more

Four Steps for Controlling Water Loss at Small Utilities
The bigger water utilities have the resources, but small utilities face many of the same problems - namely failing pipeline infrastructure and water loss. more

Methane Safety at Wastewater Plants Last week, a large explosion at a water reclamation facility in Calumet, IL served as a somber reminder of the importance of following safe practices when dealing with methane gas more

Energy Efficiency Resources for Small Utilities On a typical day at the plant, water and wastewater system personnel are challenged to do a lot with a little in the service of protecting and producing water for their community. more

Managing Disasters Before Disasters Strike Details: In this webinar, we will explore emergency management and resilience strategies that can help small systems prepare for disasters. more

Quick Guide to Drinking Water Sample This document provides a general summary of techniques used by EPA Region 8 Laboratory staff for the collection of chemistry samples for drinking water analysis. more

Water System Owner Roles and Responsibilities: A Best Practices Guide Water system management is integral to enabling the system to achieve and maintain compliance with SDWA requirements.  more
EPA's Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Tool Updated The Tabletop Exercise Tool for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities (TTX Tool) provides users with the resources to plan, conduct and evaluate tabletop exercises that focus on Water Sector-related incidents and challenges.  more

EPA Partnership Helps Provide Clean Drinking Water after Disasters  Following a disaster like the back-to-back hurricanes that hit Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico in 2017, water systems can become flooded and unable to provide safe drinking water to communities.  more
State News
Spending for sewer, erosion projects approved  Given the passage of time updates may be required, but several county projects got the green light Monday after an announcement from Gov. Rick Scott.   more

Opinion: Good: Water issues have a long history  You can see it, smell it and feel the frustration mounting.   more

163 fewer septic tanks After seven long years of reviewing project plans, filing papers according to state criteria, and holding meetings, the Santa Rosa County RESTORE Council is seeing some bountiful fruits of its labors.   more

Nearby road work brings brown water to more than 100 Sanford taps, officials say Water with a brown tinge began flowing from the taps of about a few hundred Sanford homes Tuesday night, which city officials said was due to nearby road repairs.   more

Water utility accident prompts state inquiry   Holley Navarre Water System has lost at least a quarter of its wastewater treatment capacity due to an operator's mistake at the utility's main plant on Sept. 24 and state regulators are requesting details.  more

LETTER: Time to sound the alarm on protecting North Florida's waters   Now is the time for our residents, business leaders and North Florida legislators to demand funding for our problem as well, before nutrients and their effects, from whatever source, become completely unmanageable.    more
This Week in Water History
October 1, 1913:  October 1 is the first day of a water year. "A water year is term commonly used in hydrology to describe a time period of 12 months. It is defined as the period between October 1st of one year and September 30th of the next. The water year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends. (the year within which 9 of the 12 months fall). Thus the 2010 water year started on October 1, 2009 and ended on September 30, 2010. Use of water year as a standard follows the US national water supply data publishing system that was started in 1913. This time interval is often used by hydrologists because hydrological systems in the northern hemisphere are typically at their lowest levels near October 1. The increased temperatures and generally drier weather patterns of summer give way to cooler temperatures, which decreases evaporation rates. Rain and snow replenish surface water supplies."

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309