Dear Church Family,
In Numbers 6:24-26 we find this blessing given by God for God’s chosen people. As a result of Jesus great sacrifice we as Christians are now part of God’s chosen. God told Moses to give this blessing to his brother Aaron and all the priest to bless the nation. God desires to bless us as his people. Hear these words of blessing for all of God’s people, “May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.”
How then, do we receive this blessing?
The first step is to acknowledge that we are one of God’s children by our faith in Jesus. Are you secure in your personal relationship with Jesus?
Second, we must then live as God’s children. This is a process in which we grow in our lives of faith in God through Jesus. Ultimately trusting God for everything in our lives.
Third, living in the understanding of this blessing. Trusting that God desires to bless and protect each of us. This does not mean that God’s blessing will be an easy life, in fact it will likely be the opposite. God promises to be with us no matter what.
The next aspect of the blessing is the Lord smiling upon us and being gracious to us. God is gracious in that we are covered by God’s love through Christ. God desires to show us His favor and give us peace. This peace is knowing that God is with us. God will walk along side, or even carrying us through the trails we face in this world.
Recognizing God’s blessing is part of the process we encounter as we learn to give ourselves to God completely, holding nothing back.
In the life of our congregation we are in an annual process of prayerfully considering how we are going to serve God during 2020. This service includes our time, talents and financial offerings to God.
How has your prayer time been going in relationship to our
New Beginning, the Journey Continues
annual stewardship emphasis? Let each of us seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit so to live out God’s desire for our lives.
As we respond to God’s calling to give of our time and money remember God desires to bless us, to bless you.
May the blessing of God be with you,
Pastor Mike