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A new DVD series is a must to consider... Are you feeling unsatisfied and stagnant in your life? Do you find yourself lost in a whirlwind, caught in the unrelenting tide of life without definite victory or fulfillment? This DVD will give you the knowledge to start anew no matter where, what, or who you are. The information contained within is for anyone who desires and has the will to stand apart finding the ultimate joy and freedom we each long for In Christ.   
A SIX MESSAGES DVD SERIES ... by Sally Hohnberger $30 
   1. The Fairy Wand Experience
   2.  Union and Communion
   3. God Wants All
   4. Walking With God
   5. Empowerment To Surrender
   6. Will You Let Jesus Rule
         This series is a must to help you understand the difference between walking with God through our own human will power alone and failing miserably, or through the united effort of our human will power with Christ's all sufficient strength in us and conquering triumphantly. We can learn to walk with God In and Through Christ, experiencing power and success with our daily choices. In Him we can change our habits of thinking and reacting to life's trials and temptations. 
The Fairy Wand experience reveals where many of us find ourselves. We are waiting for God to change our characters, feelings, emotions, and habits in some miraculous way while not using the power of  choice God has given each of us. Then we wonder "what's wrong with God"?
While in reality God is waiting for us to come to Him that we may have His power to live His Will. He wants to empower our choices, as we surrender to cooperate to Do His will. When we surrender to do what's right we are giving Him permission to dwell in us and bring His Divine power to attend our human effort. Only then do our thoughts, feelings, habits, and character become transformed. For without our cooperation all the transforming power of heaven is neutralized. He will not force against our will and actions. He wants to redeem us from the bondage of obeying the life of self. In Him we can live above the pull of our flesh.  
If this is your desire, you need this series to make practical the steps to this freedom.
In His Service,
Sally & Jim  
What Will you do Today?
Empowered Living Ministries