DFA wins bid for majority of Dean Foods assets
Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) has been named the winning bidder to acquire a substantial portion of Dean Foods' business operations in its Chapter 11 bankruptcy process, Dean Foods announced March 31.
USDA proposes national list of reportable animal diseases
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said April 1 it is proposing a new "National List of Reportable Animal Diseases" (NLRAD) to further strengthen the country's ability to detect, respond to and control animal diseases.
COVID-19 has widespread impact on ag
"After years of a down farm economy and damaging severe weather, the COVID-19 ripple effects are forcing farmers and ranchers to face heartbreaking financial realities," American Farm Bureau Federation president Zippy Duvall said during a call with three other farmers from across the country.
AABP provides COVID-19 resources for cattle veterinarians
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, veterinarians serve a critical role in assisting their livestock clients to continue to produce safe, wholesome milk and meat and care for their animals during times of isolation and self-quarantine, according to the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP).
ADSA News and Happenings
DC 38- Automation in the Dairy Industry - Canceled
Champaign, IL, April 1, 2020 -After careful consideration the 38th  ADSA Discover Conference, Automation in the Dairy Industry , planned for May 11-13, 2020 in Itasca, IL has been cancelled. This decision complies with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and the State of Illinois, along with other travel and meeting restrictions.
The conference will not be rescheduled. Registrants will receive a full registration refund. An excellent program was planned. We are working with the conference speakers to share some of their information through interpretive summaries of their planned presentations that will be available on the ADSA website and in S-PAC.
We invite you to make plans to join us for our upcoming conferences. DC39, The Transition Period - From Physiology to Management, that is planned for October 26-29, 2020, and DC40, 2021 Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cows, planned for June 1-4, 2021 both will be held at Eaglewood Resort & Spa in Itasca, IL. Go to the Meetings tab at  for more information about these conferences. 
Please contact  Molly Kelley, Conference Coordinator or Larry Miller, Conference Director, with any questions.
Message from ADSA Regarding the Novel Coronavirus
and the Annual Meeting

The ADSA Board and staff are continuously monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We are closely following statements from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). At this time, no federal restrictions are in place to prevent meetings and travel within the United States, and as such we are planning for the ADSA Annual Meeting to take place as planned in West Palm Beach, Florida, June 21-24, 2020. We are working closely with our partners in West Palm Beach and the Palm Beach County Convention Center to ensure that your time with ADSA in West Palm Beach is as safe as possible. As of this time, the Palm Beach County Convention Center has assured us that they are taking the following steps:
  • Working with a third-party housekeeping company to expand cleaning processes while appraising routine sanitation procedures to safeguard overall levels of health and safety. Internal communications are ongoing to ensure that facility staff understands the way COVID-19 spreads and how to prevent it.
  • Commonly touched items are routinely cleaned, and hand sanitizer stations have been made available throughout the facility.
  • Spectra Venue Management and the PBCCC leadership team are monitoring updates and implementing directives from the CDC and WHO, as well as Palm Beach County government officials.
  • Encouraging the use of plastic-wrapped disposable utensils for food functions rather than grouped utensils or wrapped silverware.
  • Encouraging employees to take precautions and prevention seriously. These precautions are similar to those that help prevent the spread of cold and flu viruses. Employees are being discouraged from the work environment if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms.
  • Educating staff to wash their hands often, with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, promoting the use of hand sanitizer. Counseling staff to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, and avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
ADSA will be extending the early registration discount for professional members to May 15, 2020. Many of our members and meeting attendees work in academia, and as many universities are switching to remote instruction methods and implementing travel restrictions in the coming months, we recognize that your ability to register for the meeting may be restricted. We understand the ongoing uncertainty but hope that you will still be able to attend the ADSA meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida. We suggest that you consider investing in travel insurance when purchasing airline tickets, paying careful attention to the types of cancellation covered in the policy you choose. Policies described as "cancel for any reason" (CFAR policies) are likely the best choice but are more expensive and often must be purchased through an insurance agency, rather than through the airline.
If you cancel your registration for any reason before May 29, your registration fees will be refunded in full. All cancellations must be in writing and sent to ADSA at
Again we are working closely with our partners in West Palm Beach and the Palm Beach County Convention Center to ensure that your time with ADSA in West Palm Beach is as safe as possible. Please watch your email and the  ADSA Annual Meeting website for any updates. Should information and restrictions from either the CDC or WHO change, ADSA will act accordingly and update you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please email We look forward to seeing you in June!
ADSA Joins Additional Efforts in Support for Research Funding
While Congress and the country have rightfully continued to focus on COVID 19 control and recovery efforts, needed work continues to move forward in preparation for the FY 21 federal budget. ADSA and FASS have been working with coalitions to highlight the importance of and need for increased funding for agricultural research. An additional letter and testimony delivered by NCFAR to the Appropriations committee have recently been delivered. FASS and ADSA also provided input to USDA NIFA in response to their request for input that highlights current concerns. Visit the "Letters and Statement" area of the Advocacy area of the website to see copies of the information. You may also want to use them as background for contacting your members of Congress to reinforce the value of and need for research funding.

Fourth Edition Ag Guide Public Review
The American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and the Poultry Science Association (PSA) are pleased to announce release of the draft of the 4th edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching (Ag Guide), for public review and comment. The draft will be available for a 60-day public comment period (ending May 1, 2020).  
General instructions for comments
  • Comments must be submitted online via the online submission site.
  • Your name, email, and affiliation must accompany all comments for them to be considered.
  • Comments should be constructive in nature.
  • Comments and responses may be posted publicly.
Development of the 4th edition of the Ag Guide
This edition builds upon and replaces previous versions of the Ag Guide published in 1988, 1999, and 2010. The Ag Guide comprises subject-oriented chapters covering subjects that pertain to all the agricultural animal species (chapters 1 to 5) and species chapters, which fall under the purview of the respective association(s) dedicated to the species (chapters 6 to 13). Each association appointed a senior editor to steer the revision of their respective species chapters and to collaborate with the senior editors from the other associations to guide the revision of the subject-oriented chapters.
Species chapter committees were recruited from the membership of the respective professional associations devoted to the species; in addition, up to two individuals from each association were selected for each of the subject-oriented chapter committees, which thus comprised representatives from the three associations. The individuals recruited were scientists, veterinarians, or engineers with expertise in the species or subjects covered in their respective chapters. Each chapter committee selected a chairperson from its membership to coordinate revisions and interact with the senior editors.
The chapter committees searched the scientific literature to include new research published since the 3rd edition of the Ag Guide. The Ag Guide senior editors reviewed the chapters before accepting final drafts. The board of directors of each association approved final drafts of the general chapters as well as their respective species chapters. After these approvals, the chapters were compiled into the first draft of the 4th edition of the Ag Guide. Although all chapters have been updated, the extent of revision of any given chapter was determined by progress in the academic literature pertaining to subjects covered in the chapter.
The Ag Guide covers agricultural animal species having different phenotypes within species and that are housed in assorted management systems across widely varying climates. The content must be sufficiently broad to cover the diverse research and teaching institutions that use agricultural animals yet be clear enough to give unambiguous guidance to institutional animal care and use committees responsible for the care and use of animals in their respective institutions.
The societies would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to review and comment on the 4th edition of the Ag Guide.
Please note, the Ag Guide is a joint publication of ADSA, ASAS, and PSA; as such, permissions must be obtained from these groups for use of any and all of the material currently presented in this draft. As this is a draft copy, it is being presented for public review, not use. Following the public comment period, the societies will make appropriate changes to the document and publish the final version using an open access, Creative Commons license to allow easy and appropriate use of the 4th edition of the Ag Guide.
Travel Scholarship Opportunity
The Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC) is offering a travel scholarship to a full-time graduate student focusing on some aspect of dairy cattle reproduction. The DCRC Scholars Program award recipient earns an expense-paid trip to attend the DCRC Annual Meeting, Nov. 11-12, in Madison, Wis. The application deadline is April 30. To apply for the program, applicants must complete the application form, submit an interest statement that details the applicant's interest in dairy cattle reproduction, career goals and research project(s), and provide a letter of recommendation. Applicants may also share additional information, such as awards, honors and scholarships received. Eligible candidates must be a DCRC member and enrolled full time at a college or university in a dairy, animal or veterinary science, microbiology or related program at the time of application deadline, with an area of interest that includes dairy cattle reproduction. Applicants will be notified by June 1, regarding the selection committee's decision. To learn more about the program and apply, go to: .
Would you like to help the animal and dairy science community and attend the 2020 ADSA Annual Meeting for free?
Referrals are the most tried-and-true way businesses grow, and the same is true for FASS. Do you know a colleague working with an animal science group that is in need of high-quality, cost-effective support services? Help them out by referring them to Jeremy Holzner, FASS Executive Director at .
Help them benefit from the shared resource concept and the 270+ years of collective experience the FASS staff have in working with non-profit animal science organizations. If your referral becomes a FASS customer prior to June 1, 2020, ADSA will comp your registration to the 2020 ADSA Annual Meeting that will be held June 21 to 24, 2020 in West Palm Beach, FL. It's win-win-win. For more information about services offered by FASS, click here.

The Transition Period
- From Physiology to Management
October 26-29, 2020
Eaglewood Resort & Spa

The 39th ADSA Discover Conference will focus on scientific advancements made in the last 10 years and feature discussion of unanswered questions and controversies about the transition period. Small group discussions will be woven into the program, including focused discussions with the speakers. The program will bridge from the fundamental science to its application.
Potential Conference Topics include:
  • Metabolism of cows in the transition period
  • Feed intake regulation; energy balance
  • Nutritional strategies including methyl donor supplementation
  • Calcium metabolism and nutrition; assessing and preventing hypocalcemia
  • Feeding fresh cows
  • Applying animal behavior science to transition period management and grouping
  • Impacts and mitigation of heat stress
  • Understanding and regulating periparturient immune function and inflammation
  • Monitoring systems and technologies
Registration postmarked by September 28, 2020 is $375 for ADSAARPAS members and $425 for non-members, which includes sessions and most meals. After September 28, the registration fee will be $475 member/$525 non-member. Registration will be accepted on an availability basis. Your registration includes 90 days free access to the Searchable Proceedings of Animal Conferences (S-PAC). For details visit

LDHM is available by the Section
The Large Dairy Herd Management (3rd ed.) book can now be purchased either as a complete book or by the section. The ADSA® Foundation made this change to allow purchase of portions of the book for dairy science classes and for professionals with a particular focus.
You can preview and purchase the Large Dairy Herd Management (3rd ed. e-book) at:   

This peer-reviewed book was developed to help meet the growing information needs of dairy farmers, service professionals, and students worldwide. It brings dairy science and management information to users in an accessible, easy-to-use format. The full e-book includes 97 chapters in 15 sections; the individual sections listed below can now be purchased in lieu of the full book at rates for ADSA members ($15/section) and nonmembers ($20/section).
  • Building Sustainability and Capacity
  • Large Herd Systems
  • Facilities and Environment
  • Milk Markets and Marketing
  • Genetic Selection Programs and Breeding Strategies
  • Calves and Replacements
  • Reproduction and Reproductive Management
  • Nutrition and Nutritional Management
  • Lactation and Milking Systems
  • Mastitis and Milk Quality
  • Animal and Herd Welfare
  • Herd Health
  • Business, Economic Analysis, and Decision-Making
  • Effectively Managing Farm Employees
  • Precision Management Technologies
Get your copy today! It is available for  purchase  at student and professional (member and nonmember) rates exclusively from ADSA at .
ADSA® on Linked In continues to Grow - Are you included?

Our ADSA Linked In group now includes 1,695 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to get information about ADSA and industry activities as well as to network with other dairy professionals from around the world. Check it out here.

While on "Linked In" check out the ADSA Graduate Student Division (GSD) as well. You can find their page at
Calendar of Events
Apr 6 - 7, 2020    2020 Herd Health and Nutrition Conference*, Syracuse, NY,  Now a virtual conference!   For more information click here
Apr 7-8, 2020   Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), Ithaca, NY, Click here  for Registration. MOVED to Aug. 17-18, 2020   
Apr 8-9, 2020   Now a virtual conference DCHA Annual Conference. RACE credits will be offered. To register go to:
Apr 16 at 1 p.m. CDT   DCHA webinar - "Electrolyte Therapy in Calves." Click here to register
Apr 20-21, 2020   Artisan Dairy Food Safety Plan Coaching Workshop, Chaska, MN, Click here
for Registration. Postponed- Dates TBD   
April 20 - 22, 2020   CANCELED Tri-State Dairy Conference, Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne, IN, For more information click here. CANCELED
April 20-22, 2020   RESCHEDULED TO SEPTEMBER - see below Preventive Controls for Human Foods - Dairy Foods Processing, Penn State University, Room 252, Erickson Food Science Building, University Park, PA. For registration and more information click here.
April 26 - 28, 2020  ADPI/ABI Joint Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency Downtown, Chicago, IL. Conference Rescheduled to July 2020 - See below (
Apr. 27-May 1, 2020  World of Cheese from Pasture to Plate, CDR-UW Madison, For more information, visit
May 6, 2020  Food Safety Workshop (HACCP), CDR-UW Madison, For more information, visit
May 6, at 2 p.m. CDT   DCRC Webinar -  "Preparing heifers for improved reproductive efficiency and production", Click here to register 
May 11-13, 2020   The 38th Discover Conference - Automation in the Dairy Industry Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itacsa, IL, Click here f or registration and more information. CANCELED
May 12-13, 2020   Fluid Milk Processing for Quality and Safety, Ithaca, NY, Click here
for Registration. DATE CHANGED - SEPT. 1-2, 2020   
May 12-14, 2020   POSTPONED Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada (ANCC) "Exploring the links between animal nutrition and animal health", Fairmont Winnipeg Hotel, Winnipeg, MB, For more information and registration click here.
May 27-28, 2020   The Science of Yogurt (Basic Level), Ithaca, NY, Click here F or Registration . DATE CHANGED - AUG. 11-12  
June 2-4, 2020  Cheese Grading Short Course, CDR-UW Madison, For more information, visit
June 4-7. 2020   POSTPONED The 9th International Conference on Communication in Veterinary Medicine (ICCVM), Park Hyatt St. Kitts Christophe Harbour, Click here for more information and registration
June 8-10, 2020   Food Microbiology Lab Practices, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration.  POSTPONED TO JUNE 2021.  
June 10-11, 2020   Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, The Grand River Center, Dubuque, IA. Click here for more information.
June 16-17, 2020  Buttermakers Short Course, CDR-UW Madison, For more information, visit
June 16-18, 2020   Preventive Controls for Human Food, East Aurora, NY, Click here F or Registration. NOW VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION  
June 21-24, 2020    2020 ADSA® Annual Meeting, West Palm Beach, FL, For registration and more information click here
 June 22-26, 2020  Buttermaker Apprenticeship Workshop, CDR-UW Madison, For more information, visit
June 28-30, 2020   121st CCOA Annual Meeting, South Lake Tahoe, For more information visit
July 14-16, 2020   High Temperature Short Time Pasteurizer, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
July 20-23, 2020   Certified Milk Inspectors School, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
July 26 - 28, 2020  ADPI/ABI Joint Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency Downtown, Chicago, IL. For complete event information and registration, click here (
Aug 11-12, 2020   The Science of Yogurt (Basic Level), Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Aug 17-18, 2020   Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Aug 19-20, 2020   Implementing SQF Systems, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Aug 21, 2020      SQF Quality Systems, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration     
Aug 26-27, 2020  Dairy Science and Sanitation, Ithaca, NY. Click here for Registration.

Aug 31 - Sept 4, 2020    71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Porto, Portugal, for registration and more information click here.
Sept 1-2, 2020   Fluid Milk Processing for Quality and Safety, Ithaca, NY. Click here for Registraction.

Sept 1-3, 2020   Preventive Controls for Human Food, Brooklyn, NY, Click here for Registration
Sept 3-4, 2020   Leadership Skills for Success, Ithaca, NY. Click here for Registration.

Sept 15-17, 2020   Preventive Controls for Human Foods - Dairy Foods Processing, Penn State University, Room 252, Erickson Food Science Building, University Park, PA. For registration and more information click here.
Sept 22-24, 2020    Cultured Dairy Products Short Course, Erickson Food Science Building, Penn State University Park Campus, For information and registration visit :
Sept 29-30, 2020   Membrane Filtration, Drying, and Evaporation, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Sept 29-Oct 3, 2020      World Dairy Expo, Alliant Energy Center - Madison, WI, For more information click here.
October 11 - 13, 2020 22nd Dairy Ingredients Technical Symposium, Hilton Beachfront Resort Hotel, Santa Barbara, CA. For more information, visit
Oct 13-15, 2020   High Temperature Short Time Pasteurizer, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Oct 13-15, 2020   17th International Annual Symposium on Milk Science and Health University of California Davis, Davis CA. Click here for details
Oct 20, 2020      Vat Pasteurizer, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Oct 20 - 22, 2020    2020 Cornell Nutrition Conference*, Syracuse, NY, For more information click here
Oct 21-22, 2020   The Science of Cheese (Basic Level), Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Oct 26-29, 2020    39th ADSA Discover Conference -The Transition Period - From Physiology to Management,  Eaglewood Resort & Spa, for registration and nore information click here
Oct 27-28, 2020   The Science of Cheese (Advanced Level), Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Oct 27-29, 2020    Pasteurizer Operations Workshop, Erickson Food Science Building, Penn State University, Click here for more information
Nov. 1-4, 2020   Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals, St. Louis, MO, Details to come
Nov 10-11, 2020   Pathogen Environmental Monitoring, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Nov. 11-12, 2020.    Penn State Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop*, Hershey, PA., Click here for more information
Dec 1-2, 2020  Introduction to Artisan Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts *NEW DATES*, Ithaca, NY. Click here for Registration

Dec 8-10, 2020   Preventive Controls for Human Food, Ithaca, NY, Click here for Registration  
Aug 30 - Sept 3, 2021   72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). Davos, Switzerland, For registration and more information click here,
*An S-PAC Partner Conference
If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC®, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.
If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.

Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining Members
                                 We appreciate your ongoing support of ADSA and the  Journal of Dairy Science ®.

Ag Processing Inc.
Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition
Dairy Nutrition Plus
Darling Ingredients Inc.
Diamond V
Global Agri-Trade Corporation
Grande Cheese Company
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Quali Tech, Inc.
Renaissance Nutrition Inc.
Zook Nutrition & Management Inc.
ADSA Membership Benefits                                  
Did you know that your ADSA Professional Membership, which is the least expensive of all national animal-related professional societies, includes all of the following benefits with no additional fees, charges or suggested donations?

*        Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science®
*        ADSA Annual Meeting registration at reduced member rates
*        Discover Conference registration at reduced member rates
*      Large Dairy Herd Management 3rd edition e-book at reduced member rates
*        S-PAC: Free access to ADSA Annual Meeting, past JAM and ADSA divisional abstracts
*        S-PAC subscription at reduced member rates
*      A strong voice of advocacy for the animal sciences, animal agriculture and research
*        Access to ADSA's large and growing recorded symposia library       
*        ADSA News (semi-annual association newsletter)
*        ADSA Dair e-news (ADSA weekly industry newsletter)
*        Access to member directory
*        Peer recognition through ADSA, Foundation and Sponsored Award Program
*        Discounted page charges in Journal of Dairy Science®
*        Broad author recognition through ADSA/Elsevier press release program
*        Linked In and You Tube sites for ADSA
*        Quality networking with academic, government and industry professionals
*        Travel awards for all graduate students attending Discover Conferences
*        Opportunity to serve peers via committee and officer positions
For more information on your benefits, please visit:
To join now and gain these member benefits, visit:

American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820