October 31, 2019

The MCDP newsletter is scheduled for publication bi-monthly on approximately the 1st and 15th of every month. The deadline for submission is at least 3 days before every issue. Please email your submission to mcdpoffice@gmail.com.
Teaching Tuesday Learns How to get along / WDC Hosts Senatorial Candidate Royce West / League of Women Voters Discusses Census / Letters / NAACP Town Hall / We Are Moving / Fundraising ideas welcome / Volunteers Needed / Teaching Tuesday / Check out our Store / Upcoming Events

1712 N Frazier St. 77301
Conroe, Texas



Lore Breitmeyer-Jones, Montgomery County Democratic Party Deputy Chair introduced Laura Jones, Candidate for US District 8 Representative at our recent Final Friday event.
Laura Jones, Democratic Challenger to Kevin Brady Spoke at Headquarters on Final Friday

Laura Jones, a Democratic challenger to Congressman Kevin Brady, was the featured speaker at the Montgomery County Democratic Party Final Friday event on October 25, 2019. Laura is a native Texan, mother, business professional, Chair of the San Jacinto County Democrats and Field Director for Texas Senate District 3 under the Texas Democratic Party’s Non-Urban Rural Caucus. She is running to be the Democratic nominee for US House of Representatives for District 8.
According to Laura, her intention is to be an actual representative for all the citizens in District 8. She says that when officials stay in office for decades, they tend to become very partisan and are more concerned about representing their party and the status quo. 
To find out more about Laura Jones and to support her candidacy, visit http://laurajonesforcongress.com/

Our Final Final Friday Event on Frazier!

Friday, October 25, 2019, marked the last time that our popular Final Friday event would be held at our Frazier Street location in Conroe. The program began as a simple social event on the last Friday of every month but has grown over time into a special event with a true Democratic Party picnic style spread of food and beverages followed by notable speakers, panels discussions, and candidates appearing before a crowded room once a month. 

Sue Reese, who has been coordinating Final Friday for the last three years announced her retirement as coordinator of the event. Sue is almost single-handedly responsible for the growth of the event over the years and the Party is eagerly seeking a successor when the Final Friday program resumes in our new location in January. Sue will continue to serve as a Precinct Chair, a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar, and as Coordinator for Commissioner’s Precinct 1! Thank you, Sue!

Photo: Here Morganne Reed, long time Precinct Chair for Precinct 15 hugs Sue Reese, Final Friday Coordinator and Precinct Chair for Precinct 73 at our Final Final Friday event for the year. 

At headquarters that is!
1712 N. Frazier, Suite 117, Conroe, TX 77301.
November 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

This probably won’t be the last debate, but it may be the most exciting, especially if you come to join the crowd. The debate parties always include a debate bingo card, a handout to help you judge the candidates’ presentations, and prizes for bingo winners. Snacks and beverages are also provided.

Please join us!

The MCDPTX Communications Committee Needs You!

Do you want to make a big difference in 2020?  Can you see challenges to be met? Are you a Social Media Savant? Word Wizard? Technology Titan? A Champion Customer Service Provider? Or the kind of person who can put in the time and get things done? If so, the Communications Committee needs you! And they need you right away!!

All of our communications skills need sharpening and new ones put in place as soon as possible. 

If you are even half way interested is putting some time in on this very important committee, please let us know at mcdpoffice@gmail.com or call 936-703-5841 and we will sign you up right away. 

Few committees can have such a direct impact on our ability to turn Texas Blue. Please help.
Teaching Tuesday Learns How to get along

Pat Garris on the right, speaking on "Changing the Story to Change the Minds" and Texas Supreme Court Candidate Gisela Triana on the left.  
Woodlands Democratic Club Hosts Senatorial Candidate
Royce West

The Woodlands Democratic Club will host Senatorial Candidate Royce West at their November club meeting on November 14th at 6:30 p.m. The address is 2235 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77380 . Royce West is running for the nomination to run against John Cornyn for the US Senate.
You do not have to be a club member to attend, nor do you have to live in The Woodlands. 

Is Bloomberg afraid Warren will become President?
By Bruce Barnes
To the editor,
On The Courier’s opinion page Sunday, Oct. 20, Bloomberg berated Sen. Elizabeth Warren for not stating that she would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for Medicare for All. Sen. Warren has a vision of health care for all in this county, as do most Democrats. Bloomberg must think that universal health care can only be paid for with a tax on the middle class but that is not true. Without defining what the congress will pass into law, we can estimate the cost of health care by looking at other countries that have health care for all.
Health care cost can be expressed and compared as a percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) says that as of second quarter 2019 the GDP was $21.34 trillion and as of December 2018 health care represented 17.9 percent of GDP ($3.82 trillion). Of this 8.8 percent of GDP ($1.88 trillion) is private spending and 9.1 percent ($1.94 trillion) is public spending. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said that in 2017 the average spending level among all high-income countries with health care for all was 11 percent of GDP. If the U.S. implements a comparable health care for all plan, costing 11 percent of GDP, that would be $2.35 trillion. Since the government already pays $1.94 trillion for Medicare, Medicaid, VA, and Tri-care, an additional $410 billion per year would be needed to pay for single payer health care for all. $410 billion is a little more than half of defense spending and less than half of the national deficit of $1 trillion per year.
Sen. Warren is correct about paying for Medicare for all. Congress has several revenue stream options to pay for health care for all. One would be to repeal the Trump tax cuts. Another would be to implement a wealth tax. Congress could also raise the 2.9 percent Medicare tax. Since the president does not determine how money is raised or spent (that is the role for Congress), Senator Warren’s answer is the only correct answer, “I will not sign a bill that will raise the cost of health care to middle Americans.”
Could it be that Bloomberg is afraid Sen. Warren will become President? Bloomberg knows that our current health care cost in this country is $3.82 trillion and if we ignore the fact that GDP increases about 2 percent per year, in 10 years health care for 90 percent of insured Americans will cost $38.2 trillion. That’s under our existing health care system. In Bloomberg’s opinion piece they state, “The Medicare for All that Sanders and Warren are pitching is a bad idea, and not only because of what it would cost (some $30 trillion over 10 years).” Why wouldn’t we want to pay less than our current system is costing and cover everyone. Is it bad that no American will go bankrupt because of medical bills? Is it bad that all Americans will have medical care? Is it bad that workers can change jobs without losing their health care? Surely, we can do better in this country to provide good health care for our citizens.
Bruce Barnes


Dear Woodland’s Villager Editor:
By: C. Cary Lindsay

On November 5 th , 2019, Montgomery County citizens will have their opportunity to cast their vote—for or against items reflected on the ballot. What is unique about this process in Montgomery County, the citizens have a group of ‘research mavens’ proclaiming they have researched each proposition on the ballot and finding themselves qualified to foist their research on the voters with their propaganda laden voting mailers sent to our homes. Operating under the banner they are “Texas Patriots” they tell voters they should vote against  Proposition 6 —" Increasing CPRIT’s bond authority from $3 billion to $6 billion. ”  Their rationale, obviously based on scrupulous and highly organized research skills, the voters should heed them by agreeing that funding cancer research is not a core function of state government. This bizarre death wish these Patriots want voters to support isn’t a new endeavor as they have promoted for years that any governmental involvement for supporting socialized healthcare should be avoided at all cost. Their other incessant mantra is that they are fighting to protect our free-enterprise system from assault by socialists.

In 2007, the Texas voters overwhelmingly approved of the CPRIT funding program. If you think now that you, your spouse, your children, a neighbor or a friend will never need medical attention for cancer treatments—then vote like these Texas Patriots tells you to vote. But don’t be a hypocrite and run to M.D. Anderson Hospital, or seek the treatment option that Dr. Allison’s efforts have produced---see whether socialized medicine saves your life or that insurance policy where 25% of your premium dollar goes to insurance executives who seeks to deny you insurance claim so “they” can make more profit!   And considering that the first medical care system and medical insurance program was created with taxpayer dollars.
C. Cary Lindsay
The Woodlands, Texas 77387


Congress must do its job and impeach Trump

By U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, 10/4/19
Austin American-Statesman Op-Ed
Impeachment of a president is a question of enormous magnitude, not to be undertaken lightly. Under our Constitution, it is an essential tool to check abuse of presidential authority and ensure one-person rule does not replace our system of checks and balances. Our founders did not intend for anyone to be above the law — certainly not the executive wielding the greatest power.
In late May, I called for an inquiry to determine whether President Trump had committed impeachable offenses in his reaction to the Mueller report. He insisted that, while president, he could neither be investigated nor prosecuted, that he is empowered to ignore Congress and declared the Constitution allows him to do “whatever” he wants. Beyond shattering norms, Trump seems intent on breaking the law many days; on others, he tries to break us with hate speech.
This inquiry has reached a more ominous level. Trump attempted to shake down the president of Ukraine — a country under dire Russian threat and partial occupation. He did so in a call shortly after inexplicably suspending about $400 million in military assistance.
In response to the Ukrainian president’s interest in acquiring additional U.S. weapons, Trump replied: “I would like you to do us a favor, though.” He wielded the full force of the presidency not to protect America, solely to advance himself. Compromising the integrity of our elections and our national security for personal gain represents betrayal of his oath of office.
America learned about his recent wrongdoing only because of a courageous whistle blower, who raises more alarming concerns of cover-up with the administration’s “lock down” of the call memo. The complaint noted that it was “not the first time” a transcript had been moved.
Though a Trump-appointed Inspector General described the whistle blower’s report as “urgent,” “credible” and “most important,” the administration delayed access in defiance of the law. Now, over 300 former national security professionals, Democratic and Republican, have challenged Trump for “unconscionable abuse of power.”
Beyond the cover-up, the president is making threats, calling a source a “spy,” invoking execution. Trump has called for “arrest for treason” of the House Intelligence Committee chair and even raised the specter of “civil war” and a “coup.”
Among the cascade of incriminating information are additional reports on the 2017 invitation of Russians into the Oval Office. Trump not only welcomed election assistance from Russia but also invited more interference.
Our reaction to this lawless president sets the precedent for any president, of either party, who threatens our democracy. We act because of danger from one who has lied so much that, perhaps, he cannot distinguish right from wrong. 
Responding to this unfit president with words alone is insufficient. Putting partisanship aside, only impeachment will preserve the rule of law. Trump should be impeached for crimes he has confessed: using your tax money for himself. When caught extorting a foreign country to interfere in our election, he first tried to cover it up, bragged about it, and did it again. The most incriminating evidence may come from the most compelling witness: President Trump himself, openly requesting foreign governments to interfere in our election for his personal benefit.
It is time to impeach: for abuse of power jeopardizing our security in favor of personal gain, and for obstructing justice through cover-ups, witness intimidation and refusal to disclose evidence regarding the extent of his harm to our security.
Congress must do more than consider the next election. Averting our eyes would abdicate our responsibility. There is no cause for celebration here. Only the solemn responsibility to safeguard our national security and our constitutional system of government.
It is time to enforce our founders’ boundaries on a president who respects none.
Doggett represents District 35, which includes part of Austin.

Moving Plans

The lease as run out on our Headquarters on Frazier and the CEC has decided to pursue other office space. There has been no finalization of a location but we must be out of our current location by the end of November. The Party will need all hands on deck to make this move happen. If you are able to help load and carry please help us make this move as smooth as possible. We will announce a final location soon.
Fundraising ideas welcome

The Montgomery County Democratic Party is looking for venues and ideas for a Spring fundraiser. If you know of a place and have an idea of what we can do please let us know. Contact MCDP Headquarters.

If you have some time, we have something for you to do. Don't sit and complain about the state of affairs. Get involved, do something for your party and make some friends along the way. The Montgomery Democratic Party Headquarters is in need of action minded people to man our office especially on Friday morning. Use your skills and interests to help our office maintain a presents in the democratic process. There will be a lot of exciting things happening in the next election cycle so be a part of it. If you would like to volunteer please call Margie at 281-795-1023 or come by the Montgomery County Democratic Headquarters office at 1712 N. Frazier St #117 or call the office at 936-703-5841.

Don't sit back and complain about the problem,
be part of the solution.

      Teaching Tuesdays
Let's Keep Learning!

The Democratic Party Headquarters is suspending Teaching Tuesdays events until after the holidays and the move to our new location (TBA).

Blue Texas Store
Get ready for convention now!

Don't forget to buy your Montgomery County Democrat t-shirt to wear with pride.
  All shirts are $20 each.
Come and get your Blue Texas sticker for your bumper, window or anywhere for $2.00 each.We also have Hate has no place here signs for $20. These signs come with the metal stakes.

Buttons, buttons, buttons!! We have buttons galore! How about "Are we great yet?" Let us know what button you want to wear. All buttons are 3 for $5. We also have one of a kind earrings, key chains and jewelry items. Check out the Tea Towels. All items are unique and handmade.
Get your Texas stuff now for Holiday Gifts
More items coming soon. Show your Democratic spirit all year round . These make great Stocking Stuffers.

Do you have an idea for items for our store?
Let us know.

October 31 - Halloween, be safe.

November 2 - Election Voter Review, 10:30 a.m. MCDP HQ.

November 5 - Election Day, GO VOTE.

November 13 - Finance Committee, MCDP HQ, 6 p.m.

November 14 - Hispanic Subcommittee 6:30 p.m. HQ;
NAACP Meeting at MC Central Library, Conroe 7:00 p'm.;
Royce West at Democratic Club of TWL 6:30 p.m. 2235 Lake Robbins Drive

November 19 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30,Hickory Corral 18535 FM 1488 , Magnolia

November 20 - Democratic Debate Watch Party, 7:00 p.m. MCDP HQ

November 21 - Convention Committee meeting, 4:30 p.m. HQ

November 22 - 29 Office Closed for moving and Thanksgiving

December 17 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

Let us know what is going on in your community for inclusion in the newsletter. The newsletter is published bi-monthly. Please email your submission to mcdpoffice@gmail.com at least 3 days before publication.
In this time of aggressive voter purges, internet hacking, and various forms of voter suppression, it is extremely important to confirm that your registration status is current and active. Texas is among the states that enforces voter suspension and purging of "inactive" or voters. In Montgomery County alone, there are over 44,000 voter files which have been marked for suspension and eventual purging. For various reasons you may have had your registration suspended. Reasons may include moving without updating your information, not voting in the previous 2 elections, or having mail returned as undeliverable to the Elections administration.  
Don't miss out on your right to vote. You may use these links to check your voter registration status to confirm you are up-to-date, to be sure you have the required form(s) of ID to cast your ballot, to find your precinct # and voting locations as well as a SAMPLE BALLOT for your precinct.

Montgomery County Democratic Party Sustaining Membership Program. Click on the Contribute button to help turn Montgomery County Blue!!!