JULY 2019 

In This Issue:
Seven ways to help your nonverbal child speak
Encouraging independence, Helping your child take those first steps to independence.     
How to Plan a Fantastic Summer Break for an ASD Child
Throw A Kid Friendly 4th of July Party! 
Bruschetta Chicken Stuffed Avocados
July Family Fun Activities
Seven ways to help your nonverbal child speak
By Geri Dawson and Lauren Elder. 
Still among our most popular advice posts, the following article was co-authored by Autism Speaks's first chief science officer, Geri Dawson, who is now director of the Duke University Center for Autism and Brain Development; and clinical psychologist Lauren Elder.
Researchers published the  hopeful findings that, even after age 4, many nonverbal children with autism eventually develop language. 

For good reason, families, teachers and others want to know how they can promote language development in nonverbal children or teenagers with autism. The good news is that research has produced a number of effective strategies.

But before we share our "top tips," it's important to remember that each person with autism is unique. Even with tremendous effort, a  strategy that works well with one child or teenager may not work with another. And even though every person with autism can learn to communicate, it's not always through spoken language. Nonverbal individuals with autism have much to contribute to society and can live fulfilling lives with the help of  visual supports and assistive technologies.

So here are our top seven strategies for promoting language development in nonverbal children and adolescents with autism:
1.  Encourage play and social interaction. Children learn through play, and that includes learning language. Interactive play provides enjoyable opportunities for you and your child to communicate. Try a variety of games to find those your child enjoys. Also try playful activities that promote social interaction. Examples include singing, reciting nursery rhymes and gentle roughhousing. During your interactions, position yourself in front of your child and close to eye level - so it's easier for your child to see and hear you.

2.  Imitate your child. Mimicking your child's sounds and play behaviors will encourage more vocalizing and interaction. It also encourages your child to copy you and take turns. Make sure you imitate how your child is playing - so long as it's a positive behavior. For example, when your child rolls a car, you roll a car. If he or she crashes the car, you crash yours too. But don't imitate throwing the car!

3.  Focus on nonverbal communication. Gestures and eye contact can build a foundation for language. Encourage your child by modeling and responding these behaviors. Exaggerate your gestures. Use both your body and your voice when communicating - for example, by extending your hand to point when you say "look" and nodding your head when you say "yes." Use gestures that are easy for your child to imitate. Examples include clapping, opening hands, reaching out arms, etc. Respond to your child's gestures: When she looks at or points to a toy, hand it to her or take the cue for you to play with it. Similarly, point to a toy you want before picking it up.

4.  Leave "space" for your child to talk. It's natural to feel the urge to fill in language when a child doesn't immediately respond. But it's so important to give your child lots of opportunities to communicate, even if he isn't talking. When you ask a question or see that your child wants something, pause for several seconds while looking at him expectantly. Watch for any sound or body movement and respond promptly. The promptness of your response helps your child feel the power of communication.

5.  Simplify your language. Doing so helps your child follow what you're saying. It also makes it easier for her to imitate your speech. If your child is nonverbal, try speaking mostly in single words. (If she's playing with a ball, you say "ball" or "roll.") If your child is speaking single words, up the ante. Speak in short phrases, such as "roll ball" or "throw ball." Keep following this "one-up" rule: Generally use phrases with one more word than your child is using.

6.  Follow your child's interests. Rather than interrupting your child's focus, follow along with words. Using the one-up rule, narrate what your child is doing. If he's playing with a shape sorter, you might say the word "in" when he puts a shape in its slot. You might say "shape" when he holds up the shape and "dump shapes" when he dumps them out to start over. By talking about what engages your child, you'll help him learn the associated vocabulary.

7.  Consider assistive devices and visual supports. Assistive technologies and visual supports can do more than take the place of speech. They can foster its development. Examples include devices and apps with pictures that your child touches to produce words. On a simpler level, visual supports can include pictures and groups of pictures that your child can use to indicate requests and thoughts. For more guidance on using visual supports, see Autism Speaks  ATN/AIR-P Visual Supports Tool Kit.

Your child's therapists are uniquely qualified to help you select and use these and other strategies for encouraging language development. Tell the therapist about your successes as well as any difficulties you're having. By working with your child's intervention team, you can help provide the support your child needs to find his or her unique "voice."
Autism Speaks continues to fund research on therapies that promote language development as well as supports and services that can improve communication and quality of life for nonverbal individuals. 

Encouraging independence
Helping your child take those first steps to independence.
Teenager with autism in a cafeteria © Photo by Dave Hardman
The rewards of increased independence for your child are self-evident. An added sense of self-confidence and self-esteem and the ability to make their own decisions and blossom as an individual is what every parent wants for their child. More independence also means less need for support from you in the future.
Parents, however, are hard-wired to protect their children and keep them safe from harm. For a child with autism, in a world they sometimes struggle to understand, this can be the case even more so. The good news is that this is natural, so don't worry about it too much! Be ambitious about what your child can achieve!
Instead of worrying, work with your child to increase their independence in ways that are comfortable for them and you. Small steps can equal big successes and steps should focus on your child's developmental stage rather than age. What's important to remember is that a desire for independence is a developmental milestone. Like all the other milestones you've had to deal with in your child's life, their autism has perhaps presented additional challenges and delays but that desire still exists. They're challenges you've worked hard on together to help them overcome.
By starting with the skills we often take for granted you're setting your child up to be much more able to lead a fuller independent life with the ability to have a job, maintain a relationship and pursue the life they want for themselves.
Risk management
A barrier for parents can be the real and imagined risk factors involved, the "What if...?" questions we all ask ourselves. The simple fact is, risk is part of growing up and how we learn. Instead we need to make sure that we encourage the development of the necessary skills to cope in a given situation and that as parents, we can accurately assess the real level of risk we're exposing our child to. By taking things at your child's own pace and increasing incrementally they can learn to manage risk and challenge much better.
Why not start at home?
You don't have to, and probably shouldn't, dive in at the deep end when beginning to encourage independence. Small steps and setting your child up to succeed is a much better approach. Bear in mind however that failure and not getting things quite right first time is, of course, a fact of life. All children on the autism spectrum have some difficulty in developing transferable, generalisable skills. They may learn all the steps needed to complete a task but move that same task to a different setting; from school to youth club, for example, and they can struggle to cope. Change the context and, for the child with autism, you're changing the task too.
Starting at home means a safe, comfortable environment that both you and your child are familiar with. Completing a task can offer a real sense of satisfaction and helping out with, for example, food preparation has measurable and hopefully tasty results!
If your child is helping you in the kitchen, start with them helping with one aspect of the task; gathering ingredients or maybe washing vegetables, for example. When that's been mastered you can then move on to other tasks- weighing ingredients and chopping vegetables maybe. This gives you enough reassurance that tasks are well practiced and your child has a bit of space to do it alone, if they can. 
Once your child is comfortable with one part of a task you can try and build in opportunities in other settings, contexts, and with other people. Their ultimate goal may be to make an edible meal or it might be something much more complex, either way by starting small and creating opportunities to try new things you'll be encouraging independence at a level suitable for your own child.
What you can do to help
  • Be positive about encouraging independence - it can be scary to let go but that's okay!
  • Start small. A small success is still a success.
  • Try to make realistic assessments of risk and remember, we learn from accidents too.
  • Try and create opportunities for skills learned at home to be built upon and used in different situations.
  • Lots of praise and positive reinforcement goes a long way.
  • Use rewards but don't make them a crutch your child relies on to complete a task or try something new.
  • Be patient!
Useful links
Although not autism specific, Tim Gill's 2007 book "No Fear: Growing up in a risk averse society" looks at the importance of risk in childhood development. The book is available as a free, downloadable PDF.
This article from the NHS website has lots of good ideas about supporting your child's independence at meal times and was written by the mum of a child with autism.
This short article focuses on using everyday routines in your household to help develop independence in small, practical ways. It's particularly relevant if your child has difficulty with their speech and language. 

How to Plan a Fantastic Summer Break for an ASD Child

Summer is full of memorable moments such as family vacations to the beach, day trips to the zoo, or going to a certified autism center theme park, such as Sesame Place. But as a mother of a child with autism, I've learned the season also involves careful and strategic planning, like any activity that is outside of the daily structure for my children.

The season brings a mix of emotions for children with 
autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While they are excited to have more time for their favorite, and known, activities, they also have anxiety about the unexpected-a new routine, new supervisors, new peers.

Not only do children have to adjust to this everyday newness for a few months, but there is also the challenge of singular events that include new sounds, feels, and smells. Quintessential summer activities like watching fireworks on the Fourth of July or a trip to the beach can be overwhelming for children with autism and sensory needs.

But summer isn't something that needs to be feared. If you're a parent of a child with autism, here are a few tips to help you take advantage of everything the sunny season has to offer.

Establish a New Routine
While every child is unique, it is common for children with ASD to have difficulty with a disruption in their routine. First and foremost, it's important to ease your child into a summer break by creating a daily schedule. At the minimum, you should focus on creating a bookend structure that follows a fairly consistent routine including a wake-up time and bedtime.

Having structure mixed with some flexibility and choice activities can also be a healthy learning opportunity for your child, all while in a safe, familiar environment. Consider making the schedule visual and placing it in a common area where it can be reviewed daily by family members.

At the beginning of each week, sit together as a family to discuss upcoming plans and any changes to the schedule.  It is important to include your child with ASD in the plans, so he/she is prepared for the unexpected.

Search for Inclusive Summer Programs
Extended school year programs provide families with educational opportunities in the summer if the child qualifies through his/her IEP. However, the majority of these programs are half day and only run for a few weeks. What are families to do for the rest of the time off?

Many families, like mine, choose to look into a summer program or camp to ease summer stress. Thankfully great progress has been made in educational offerings over the past decade for children with autism, but options can still be limited. If this is something your family is considering, be sure to start your research early.

Get together with other families of your child's peers that may also be looking-not only will this help your search, but the placement with a peer your child is familiar with will help minimize the unknown.

Planning Inclusive Family Outings
Summer is filled with parades, fireworks, and town fairs that bring crowds and extreme sensory experiences that can be difficult for children with autism, but enjoyable for other family members.
Find a way to balance activities for all family members. Whether it's sending brother and sister along with the grandparents for the county fair, or taking turns with your partner-determine what works best for your family.

Also, consider activities that could be fun for everyone-with just a few small adaptations. Physical activity is important, and often children with ASD need an outlet for their energy and heightened sensory awareness. Swimming is a shared favorite for many families juggling sensory needs. You can also go on a nature walk, create a scavenger hunt with clear directions and a defined pattern for success, have a family yoga session, or take a walk around town and stop at your favorite ice cream shop.

Summer Survival Kit
If you and your child decide to overcome an unknown, such as a carnival or trip to the boardwalk, prepare your child with a 'summer survival kit.' We recommend including toys or sensory items your child enjoys, such as buttons, playdough, ribbons and string, as well as headphones, and a stress ball to help adapt to the loud and overwhelming environment.

Another easy item to throw in your survival kit is a guide to social stories. Social Stories for Autistic Children, for example, is an illustrated guide that sets up different social scenarios that may be challenging for a child with autism and provides visuals to help parent and child work through how to prepare and respond to the unknown. Social stories were first conceptualized in 1991 by pediatric doctor and autism researcher, Dr. Carol Gray, in an effort to improve the social skills and behaviors of people on the autism spectrum.

Take Time For Yourself
Make sure self-care is a part of your routine. For any parent, finding personal downtime in the summer can be difficult. For a parent of a child with autism, that challenge increases dramatically. Don't forget to find ways to break away and de-stress.

If your child has designated screen time or will engage in quiet time, take those few minutes for some "me" time-perhaps looking through a magazine, catching up on Facebook, calling a friend for a chat, or just sitting outside to enjoy the quiet. By taking care of yourself, you will be able to better care for the rest of your family and enjoy a memorable summer with your family.

As any parent of a child with autism knows, we often need a vacation from our vacation. There is no right or wrong way to plan your summer; each new experience will create lasting memories for your family and teach you what accommodations your child may need. My family's trip to Sesame Place, although it is certified, was not the right activity for my daughter.

My family enjoys spending time at the pool, trips to the beach, and just being together in our own backyard. Choose activities that allow your family to be together to create lasting memories. Each family is different, but that's what makes it your family.

This article was featured in  Issue 88 - Knowledge is Power

Throw A Kid Friendly 4th of July Party!

Are you planning a party for Independence Day this year?

Throwing one for your family and friends can be a wonderful, fun experience that creates fabulous memories. Plan kid-friendly games and other activities for 4th of July.

Independence Day is a perfect holiday to celebrate with a big family gathering or a fun neighborhood party! From the history behind the day, to the fun annual traditions we share and all the patriotic attire, this is sure to be a party to remember - but how can you plan a kid-friendly one?

These tips and tricks will help you plan and throw the best kid-friendly 4th of July party ever.

The best thing you can do is to keep the decorations simple. Use disposable tablecloths (in flag print or solid red, white and blue) for easy cleanup. Buy a small helium tank and fill up balloons to tie around your yard to make it festive - or skip the balloons and do streamers instead. Younger kids can help the older kids decide on the decorating scheme, then help them hang streamers around the patio and yard. You can buy small, inexpensive American flags to stick in the ground all around your yard. Be sure to have a flag hanging too!

Choosing the menu for any party is important because you don't want to spend more time in the kitchen than with your guests. So, for an easy and fun July 4th party don't plan a complicated meal for your guest - simplicity works just fine.
Hot dogs and hamburgers are a classic 4th of July tradition, but don't let that steer you away from putting your own twist on tradition! Serve yours with a condiment bar featuring relish, a selection of mustards, ketchup, barbecue sauce, sauerkraut, sliced or chopped onions, tomatoes, lettuce and whatever else your family likes. You can make it more interesting by including a few fun toppers too like chili, guacamole or hot sauce. Want to do something different than the usual burger? Serve marinated grilled chicken on rolls instead, for a different take on the traditional fare.
Serve your festive main course with a variety of kid-friendly salads like potato salad, pasta salad and coleslaw. You can also serve a fresh veggie platter - think baby carrots, sliced cucumber, bell pepper slices, broccoli and sweet peas - with a selection of dips like hummus and ranch. For dessert, serve sliced or diced fresh fruit along with a baked good such as red, white and blue cupcakes.
What's more perfect for Independence Day than a sparkling beverage? And yes, the kids can get in on it too - just make sure you have an easy way to keep the adult and kid cocktails separate. Jes Gordon, author of Party Like A Rock Star, suggests garnishing nonalcoholic drinks (like her Swamp Juice below) with strawberries to make them easily distinguishable.

Looking for a recipe? Here are a few kid-friendly ideas:

Shirley Temple: In a glass, combine 1/2 cup lemon-lime soda, 3 tablespoons grenadine and ice. Garnish with a wedge of orange and a maraschino cherry. Serves 1.

Swamp Juice:  Combine 1-1/2 ounces fresh squeezed lemonade, 1/4 ounce pomegranate juice, 1/4 ounce grape juice, 1/4 ounce pineapple juice and 1/4 ounce club soda in a glass and add ice.

Pomegranate Spritzer: Combine two parts ginger ale with one part pomegranate juice in a glass with ice. Garnish with a lime slice and serve.
By Sara W. Caron of  sheknows.com

Visit us for everything you need to know about signing up for camp!

Bruschetta Chicken Stuffed Avocados
Avocados make the perfect snack bowls. Therefore, stuffing them full of bruschetta chicken was one of easiest decisions we've ever made. You don't need to take off the skin completely - we just think it's super pretty that way. Plus, it make it's easier to to attack with a fork and knife. 

3 avocados, halved and pits removed
1/2 Juice of 1/2 lemon
2 c. cooked and shredded chicken
2 large tomatoes, diced
1/4 red onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Balsamic glaze, for garnish
Thinly sliced basil, for garnish
  1. Remove skin from avocados then squeeze lemon juice all over to prevent browning. 
  2. In a large bowl mix together chicken, tomatoes, red onion, oil, and red pepper flakes and season with salt and pepper
  3. Spoon mixture into avocados then drizzle with balsamic glaze and garnish with basil to serve.

July Fun Family Activities 

July 3, 2019
Haddon Twp. Fireworks 
Fireworks at Haddon Township High School football stadium. Gates will open at 7 p.m. with live music, bounces and refreshments for sale. Fireworks go off at dusk.  No admission fee. Rain date is July 5.

July 4, 2019
Camden Waterfront Freedom Festival and Fourth of July fireworks display 
5 to 9:30 p.m. July 4. Wiggins Waterfront Park, Riverside Drive and Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard. Salute to America celebrates our country's veterans at 5 p.m.; The Spinners perform at 6:30 p.m.; Eddie Money concert at 8 p.m; followed by fireworks show over the Delaware River at 9:30 p.m. The Freedom Festival also will feature food vendors and a beer garden. 

July 4, 2019
Collingswood Independence Day fireworks, bike parade and concert 
July 4. Bike parade at 10 a.m. starting at Haddon and Zane avenues and ending at Knight Park. Kids, families and cyclists are encouraged to decorate their bikes, wagons, strollers and scooters patriotically. Tatem Shields American Legion Post 17 will distribute free ice cream, ice treats and flags. Collingswood's Roberts Pool welcomes those with a membership or day pass for kids' events starting at 2 p.m.: water games, raft races, coin toss, watermelon games and more. TO THE MAX band will play patriotic tunes before and during the fireworks. Admission is free. Gates open at 6:30 p.m.; show starts at 8 p.m. Fireworks kick off around 9:15 p.m. at the high school stadium (424 Collings Ave.). Stadium seating will not be available so bring a blanket. Fireworks rain date is July 5. Check website for changes to parking restrictions and road closures. 

July 3 and 4, 2019
Haddonfield Independence Day fireworks and parade "Yankee Doodle Do!" family-friendly events and fireworks on 
July 3. Inflatables and food trucks on Kings Highway from 6 to 9 p.m.; live music at 7:30 p.m.; fireworks at 9:20 p.m. The display will launch at Central School and be viewable on Kings Highway, which will be closed to traffic from Haddon Avenue to the PATCO station. Parade begins at 10 a.m. July 4 at the corner of Chestnut Street and Kings Highway.  downtownhaddonfield.com

July 4, 2019
Haddon Heights Parade and Baby Parade 
Parade steps off 9 a.m. at Station and 2nd avenues to 10th Avenue to High Street to Hoff's Park. Baby parade starts at Sycamore and 10th. Registration begins at 8:45 a.m., judging ends at 9:15 a.m. and then joins into the main parade. Categories are Best Dressed Individual or Couple, Best Decorated Bike without training wheels, Best Decorated Bike with training wheels, Best Decorated Wagon and Best Decorated Baby Stroller. Festivities including face painting, inflatable games and bounces following parade, plus treats for sale until noon at the park. Rain date 

July 7.
Open 10AM to 4 pm Monday - Friday
10am to 6pm Saturday & Sunday 
Enjoy acres of family fun! Paws Discovery Farm promotes a special relationship between people, their local history, and their environment, with an emphasis on reaching out to children. Learning is designed to be fun at PAWS 

July 5, 2019
Berlin Market Family Fun Fridays
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
The Berlin Farmer's Market Hosts a free Family Fun Night every Friday night from 5 pm - 7 pm. What's better is this Berlin event is an indoor event. Rain or shine join the free family fun.
1st Friday of every month - free face painting!
2nd Friday of every month - free glitter tattoos!
3rd Friday of every month - free animal balloons!
4th Friday of every month - free airbrush tattoos!
Get some shopping done, eat some good food and show your kids the great tradition of spending a day at the Berlin Market!

July 19, 2019
LEGO Free Build at Cherry Hill Public Library
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cherry Hill Public Library - Children's Story & Craft Room, Upper Level
Bring a friend or make one here and see what you can build.
Join us for an hour of creativity with our LEGO collection. See what you can design! Ages 4 and up. (Parents are welcome to join in the fun!)

July 22, 2019
Story Time at the Camden County Environmental Center
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Pop Up Programming: Story Time at the Camden County Environmental Center
Follow our librarians out of the library and into the community.
Join Miss Christen from the Merchantville Branch of the Camden County Library System for an all ages family friendly story time at the Camden County Environmental Center.
The Camden County Environmental Center is located at:
1301 Park Boulevard
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

July 29, 2019
Crafting with Nature
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Participants will be able to incorporate elements of nature into unique masterpieces to take home. Each craft is adaptable to the age level of the participant from elementary to high school students.
To Register for this event, click here: https://sparkcreative.wufoo.com/forms/zu01pzt1eefp1v/
Camden County Environmental Center
1301 Park Blvd, Cherry Hill, NJ, 08003, United States

We offer classes and story hours, animal programs and birthday parties, as well as special events throughout the year. All visitors enjoy and learn from many interactive exhibits and over 80 birds and animals housed here.
Paint a Treasure
615 Station Ave.
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
For ages 5 and up. Come in and get creative anytime during our normal walk in studio hours.  You choose how to play - Pottery Painting or Canvas Painting!  Reservations are suggested for groups of 4 or more.  
Wednesday:  10am - 5pm 
Thursday - 10am - 9pm
Friday:  10am - 9pm
Saturday:  10am - 9pm
Sunday: 12 - 5pm
 (Closed Mon. & Tues. for Private Event Bookings)
We Rock the Spectrum
3111 NJ-38, Mt Laurel Township, NJ 08054, USA
We Rock the Spectrum Mount Laurel is committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and fun environment to foster learning, exploration and safe sensory experiences. Through our nonprofit My Brother Rocks The Spectrum Foundation, we provide social skills groups and activities for children across the spectrum.
We Rock the Spectrum Mount Laurel 
provides children with a fun and motivational environment to help them in the areas of strength, movement, sensory processing, communication, positive behavior modification, social interactions, and self-care skills. Our unique equipment assists all children in their neurological growth and development.

Miller Farms -Horseback Trail Rides & Lessons in Camden County!
Come enjoy the beautiful scenery at the only horseback/trail riding available in Camden County. Trail riding is offered Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 4pm year round (Weather permitting). Children must be at least 7 years old to trail ride. Cost is $30/person for approximately an hour-long trail ride. Hand-led rides are also available for those younger than 7 and cost $5.
Reservations are strongly suggested.
We offer a great place for family fun, birthday parties, girl scouts and youth groups. Summer horse camp, riding lessons, and horse drawn wagon rides are also available.
1 Hour Trail Rides are $30 Per Person | Call for reservations | Trail Rides Sat and Sun Only | Open Year round
Miller Farms
134 N. Grove Street, Berlin, NJ 08009

ISC - ISC (International Sport, Skating & Fun Centre) Cherry Hill
650 Kresson Rd.
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Classes: Sports
Camps: All, Sports
HOURS: Our offices are open 9 AM - 5 PM daily. Give us a buzz for more information!
CALL: 856-428-8588  
MORE DETAILS: ISC (International Sport, Skating & Fun Centre) Cherry Hill is any family's destination for fun!
Located off of Kresson Road (behind the 7Eleven) in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, we offer skating, a FunZone & Inflatable (10 & Under), and an arcade. Our facility also includes a cafè with pizza, hot dogs, popcorn, nachos, drinks and more!
ISC Cherry Hill offers activities for all ages, no matter the season.
Our youth & adult sports leagues run year round and include:
  • Soccer
  • Lacrosse
  • Field Hockey
  • Volleyball
  • Roller Hockey
ISC Cherry Hill also offers School & Summer Camp programs for ages 3 ½ through Grade 8. Call for more information!

Jellybean Jungle
Crispin Square Shopping Center  
230 North Maple Ave
Marlton, NJ 08053
Open Play Hours:
Monday - Wednesday 9:30 - 5:00  
Thursday 9:30 - 6:00  
Friday  9:30 - 8:00  
 Saturday  9:30 - 2:30  
Sunday - Closed for Private Parties  
Jellybean Jungle is a play and learn adventure that is exclusively for  children 5 and under. Our facility is a bright and stimulating environment  created just for your little ones.
Jellybean Jungle was designed by a New Jersey Early Childhood certified  teacher. Safe, age appropriate equipment has been selected for your  children's enjoyment. We offer a large variety of imaginative and  developmentally appropriate activities that will lead your child on an adventure  of social exploration! As your child plays, you will gain insight into their  development, as well as enjoy a great time of bonding.

Adventure Aquarium 
Mon. - Sun.: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
CALL:  (856) 365-3300  
1 Riverside Drive Camden, NJ 08103 PH: 844-474-FISH (3474)
Adventure Aquarium is just minutes from downtown Philadelphia on the  Camden Waterfront and features one-of-a-kind exhibits with more than 8,500 aquatic species throughout two million gallons of water. The Aquarium is home to the largest collection of sharks on the East Coast, including the only great hammerhead shark on exhibit in the United States, the only 
aquarium in the world to exhibit hippos, one of only six facilities in the US to have Little Blue penguins as permanent residents and exhibits the longest Shark Bridge in the world, a unique V-shaped rope suspension bridge just inches over Shark Realm. Adventure Aquarium is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), and is held to the absolute highest standards in animal care and exhibition.

Sensory Friendly Movies at AMC
AMC is proud to partner with the Autism Society to offer unique movie  showings where we turn the lights up, and turn the sound down, so you can get up, dance, walk, shout or sing! Our Sensory Friendly Film program is available on the second and fourth Saturday (family-friendly) and Tuesday evenings (mature audiences) of every month. Please check your local theater listings for specific show times, and don't forget to share your family fun with #AMCSensoryFriendly.

Battleship New Jersey 
62 Battleship Pl, Camden, NJ 08103-3302
Located on the Camden Waterfront, NJ, across the Delaware River  from Center City Philadelphia the Battleship New Jersey Museum and  Memorial offers guided and self-guided tours. Climb inside the 16" gun  turrets, learn explore the captain's cabins and crew's quarters and  discover what life was like for a Battleship sailor. Group packages and  educational programs are available for school. You can rent space  aboard the Battleship for meetings and social events. Families and  youth groups can spend the night aboard the Battleship as part of the  overnight program. 

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2 Pin Oak Lane
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
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