FRWA eNews
June 28, 2019
Contact Us
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
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2019 Membership Directory
Your 2019-2020 FRWA Membership Directory should be arriving soon. Join us as we celebrate forty years of providing services to our members.  

The Directory contains a complete list of services offered by FRWA including information essential to the water and wastewater industry. Please keep it handy as a quick reference to services and products that you need.

For a sneak peek, click on the logo below.
40th FRWA Annual Conference
40th FRWA Annual Conference
40th FRWA Annual Conference
August 5, 6, and 7, 2019
Hilton Daytona Beach
Daytona Beach FL 32118
Reservations:  386.254.8200 or

Back by popular demand, the 2019 Fortieth Florida Rural Water Association's Annual Technical and Training Conference will be held at the beautiful Hilton Daytona Beach/Ocean Walk Village in exciting Daytona Beach, Florida with the room rates starting at $112.00 (this rate does not include an additional $8.00 per day for self parking) plus tax. You will want to bring the entire family to take advantage of all the amenities that Daytona Beach has to offer. Hurry and make your reservation early by calling 386.254.8200 (M-F/9-5) or go online at and mention Florida Rural Water to take advantage of the great room rate!

We will kick things off with the Twenty-Forth Annual Carl Hongell Memorial Golf Tournament. It will be even more exciting since it will be played at the LPGA Golf Course!  Click here for more information.

Don't forget to bring your water sample to the Registration booth before 2:00 on Tuesday to participate in this year's Best Tasting Water Contest. The winner will be announced at the Exhibitor Social in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday evening and will have the opportunity of representing Florida in the Great American Taste Test in Washington DC in February.

As always there will be plenty of door prizes to given away and a lot of good food! These and other activities will keep you informed, inspired, and motivated so that we can help you to make sure the future of the water and wastewater industry in Florida is bright.

See you in Daytona!
National News
NRWA Continues Training Water and Wastewater Professionals  NRWA Continues Training Water and Wastewater Professionals  more
State News
Another hacked Florida city pays a ransom, this time for $460,000  Even the phones went down in the government of Lake City, Fla., after hackers launched a cyberattack that disabled the city's computer systems. more

City gets $3 million from state for reclaimed water project | Fort Myers Beach Observer   A pipeline project that will bring reclaimed water from Fort Myers into Cape Coral while reducing harmful discharges into the Caloosahatchee River has received a giant boost from the state.  more

State association recognizes BSU for outstanding operations | Florida Weekly  State association recognizes BSU for outstanding operations.  more

Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill transferring environmental enforcement to DEP from FWC | TC  Palm   Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Tuesday to move the enforcement of environmental crimes from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. more

Pipe break in East Naples spills 150,000 gallons of reclaimed water | Naples Daily News  A broken reclaimed water main in East Naples spilled approximately 150,000 gallons of treated wastewater into a nearby pond early Saturday.   more

Tampa Withdraws Request For 'Toilet To Tap' Funding | WUSF The city of Tampa has withdrawn its request for $1.6 million to pay for a study of injecting reclaimed wastewater into the underground aquifer - so it could be used again.  more

Governor DeSantis approves $91 billion budget, slashes $133 million in local projects | Naples Daily News  Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the first budget of his administration Friday - a $90.98 billion spending plan that cuts about $131 million in line item vetoes to make good his vow to bring it in under $91 billion.   more

Fruitland Park commissioners to consider water rate hike during workshop | Villages News   Fruitland Park commissioners will meet Monday night in a workshop to talk about proposed water rates for city residents.  more

At least 1.5 million gallons of water spills in Ocala | WCJB  The City of Ocala Water Resources Department was called Thursday to a report of a public access reuse water spill.   more

Florida city pays hackers $600K in bitcoin to get computer systems back | New York Post A small city in Florida has agreed to pay nearly $600,000 in bitcoin ransom to hackers who took control of its computer systems in a ransomware attack, according to reports.   more
This Week in Water History
Junction Chamber Louisville's New Sewer System

June 23, 1909:  Municipal Journal and Engineerarticle. Sewer Work in Louisville. "The city of Louisville, Ky., is now doing a large amount of sewer main construction. For nearly eighteen years prior to the beginning of the present work practically nothing had been done in sewer work and Louisville, which is a large and growing city, was lamentably weak in sanitation. After considerable agitation the city, in 1906, was authorized to issue $4,000,000 worth of bonds for constructing additions to the existing systems and building new ones.

A sewer commission was appointed by the Mayor, consisting of P. L . Atherton, chairman ; Oscar Finley, W. C. Nones and Alfred Seligman. This commission employed Mr. Harrison P. Eddy, of Boston, as consulting engineer, and Mr. J. B. F. Breed, former city engineer, became chief engineer of the Sewer Commission. Mr. J. H. Kimball, formerly assistant city engineer, of Newton, Mass., was secured as designing engineer, and Messrs. F. C. Williams, H. S. Morse and H. P. Wires as resident engineers in charge of construction work.  more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309