In today's environment, this saying might be "I have some honest serving people." I've never been hung up about gender words, but what comes next in the saying is the focus of this newsletter. The saying continued with, "They are Who, What, When, Where, Why." I learned this in journalism class many moons ago.
Recently I did a training that focused on having a two-minute conversation with a partner by asking questions about an object the partner had in his hand. The object was to ask questions for two minutes WITHOUT asking a "Yes-No" question. In other words, you had to ask only open-ended questions. It's harder to do than you might think!
The secret to asking open-ended questions is to begin with "Who, What, When, Where, Why". These are the journalists's secret to getting good information. Good information is the secret to creating on-target campaigns that will serve both our clients and us.
The Phase Two needs analysis meeting is usually where the information flow begins. Information flow should continue whenever we are talking to our clients. I call it "going into vacuum cleaner mode". We should always be sucking up information and storing it for future use.
Selling today is not about what we TELL people: It is about what we ASK people. Become acquainted with our honest serving men/women. You will be rewarded with higher revenue and happier clients.