San Francisco Bay Area Religious Leaders Stand
in Support of Survivors of Sexual Assault

We believe t hat sexual assault is not a partisan issue, but a pervasive problem in the United States that requires a public response. According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), someone in America is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds.
Ninety percent of adult rape victims are female. Yet out of every 1,000 rapes, only 310 (31%) are reported to the police; only 57 of those result in criminal charges (18% of reported; 5% of total rapes); and, only 13 perpetrators are convicted (4% of reported; 1% of total). The vast majority of survivors never have the opportunity to confront their assailant or find closure in seeing their perpetrator brought to justice.  
While, under federal law, the punishment for sexual assault can range from a fine to life imprisonment, no amount of punishment can ever make up for the harm that this crime causes the survivors. Sexual assault has a serious and long-lasting impact on the survivor, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and flashbacks, and can adversely affect a survivor's relationships with family, friends and co-workers. We know that:
  • 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape.
  • 30% of women report symptoms of PTSD nine months after the rape.
  • 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide and 13% of women who are raped attempt suicide.
  • Approximately 70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to severe distress, a larger percentage than for any other violent crime.
  • People who have been sexually assaulted are more likely to use drugs than the general public. (
In light of these disturbing facts and statistics, we express our deep admiration for anyone who has the courage, strength, and civic commitment to risk his or her safety, family life, and peace of mind to step forward and tell her/his story.
To survivors we say: our faith communities will redouble our efforts to demonstrate our  belief in you. We will walk with you as you face life's challenges. We will support you emotionally and spiritually as you make a personal decision about if and when to go to law enforcement. We will pray with you, and for your continued strength and resilience. We pledge to do more to help you heal from the deep trauma inflicted upon you.  If you are a survivor of sexual assault, please reach out to law enforcement and organi-zations such as  RAINN to report the incident and seek help, and to us for spiritual and emotional support.
We commit to sharing in our communities and beyond our conviction that survivors who report their assaults are bravely sacrificing personal comfort for the possibility of protecting potential future victims. We also commit to sharing our belief that choosing not to report an assault is a matter of personal choice meant for self-protection.
We commit to inculcating in boys and girls in our communities the principles of bodily autonomy and respect for themselves and others. We will teach young people that their personal safety is of the utmost importance. We will challenge the culture that enables sexual assault, and the culture that ignores it. We will bring resources to our communities to ensure that the next generation is able to address the widespread problem of sexual assault, that destroys individuals' lives and tears at the fabric of society.
Together, we can fight this scourge.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has . - Margaret Mead
Signed by: (organizations listed are for identification purposes only)
Imam Abu Qadir Al-Amin, Resident Imam, San Francisco Muslim Community Center
Rabbi Mona Alfi, Congregation B'nai Israel, Sacramento
Rev. Dr. Eileen Altman, First Congregational Church, UCC
The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, Eighth Bishop, The Episcopal Diocese of California
Camille Shira Angel, University of San Francisco
Imam Tahir Anwar, South Bay Islamic Association, Zaytuna College
Rabbi Melanie Aron, Congregation Shir Hadash
Fr. Mesrop Ash, Parish Priest, St. John Armenian Church
Fatih Ferdi Ates, Director, Pacifica Institute
Rabbi Susan Averbach, Society for Humanistic Judaism
Rev. Dana Bainbridge, Urban Sanctuary San Jose
Gregory Barnes, Brentwood Unity
Rabbi Josh Berkenwald, Congregation Sinai
Rabbi Allan Berkowitz, Faith in Action Bay Area
Zahra Billoo, Council on American-Islamic Relations, San Francisco Bay Area
Rabbi Mark Bloom, Temple Beth Abraham
Rabbi Shalom Bochner, Congregation Beth Shalom
David Booth, Congregation Kol Emeth
J. Thomas Briody, President & Chief Executive Officer, Institute on Aging
Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, Pastor, Third Baptist Church & President - SF Branch-NAACP
Rev. Peggy Bryan, Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
Lee Bycel, University of San Francisco
Rev. Gerald Caprio, Executive Director, Interfaith Center at the Presidio
Cantor Jennie Chabon, Congregation B'nai Tikvah
Rev. Susan Champion, Rector, Christ the Lord Episcopal Church
Rabbi Steven Chester, Temple Isaiah
Terence J. Clark, President, Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County
Rabbi Yonatan Cohen, Congregation Beth Israel
Rabbi Mychal Copeland, Congregation Sha'ar Zahav
Rabbi Jill Cozen-Harel
Rev. Linda Ruth Cutts, San Francisco Zen Center
Rabbi Lisa Delson, Peninsula Temple Sholom
Sr. Chandru Desai,  Director, Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center, SF
Rev. Penny Donovan, Magdala Catholic Community
Rev. Lori Eickmann, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rabbi Amy Eilberg, Faith in Action Bay Area
Rev. Elizabeth Ekdale, Lead PastorSt. Mark's Lutheran Church
Imam Aladdin Elbakri, West Valley Muslim Association
Maha Elgenaidi, Executive Director, Islamic Networks Group
Rabbi Diane Elliot, Wholly Present
Rabbi Naathaniel Ezray, Congregation Beth Jacob
Rev. Rowan Fairgrove, Covenant of the Goddess
Cantor Felder-Levy, Congregation Shir Hadash
Fred Fielding, Board Chair, Interfaith Center at the Presidio
Diane Fisher, Jewish Community Relations Council, Silicon Valley
Rev. Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., President, University of San Francisco 
Rev. Victor H. Floyd, Minister of Spiritual Care, Calvary Presbyterian Church
George Gittleman, Congregation Shomrei Torah
Rabbi Dr. Ilana Goldhaber-Gordon, Congregation Beth Jacob
Marvin Goodman
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Shomeret Shalom Global Congregation
Rabbi Sarah Graff, Congregation Kol Emeth
Rev. Tova Green, San Francisco Zen Center
Rabbi C. Michelle Greenberg
Rabbi Nicki Greninger, Temple Isaiah
Felicity Grove, Covenant of the Goddess
Rabbi Laurie Hahn Tapper, Yavneh Day School
Iftekhar Hai, President, United Muslims of America Interfaith Alliance
G.L. Hodge, Past Chair, San Francisco Interfaith Council
Mark W. Holmerud, Bishop, Sierra Pacific Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church America
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Irelan, Willow Glen United Methodist Church
Daniel Isaacson, Jewish Family & Children's Services
Rabbi Debbie Israel, Congregation Emeth
Rev. Wilma Jakobsen, Episcopal Clergy
Ameena Jandali, Islamic Networks Group
Jewish Family & Children's Services of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin & Sonoma Counties
Rabbi Dr. Rebecca Joseph
Rev. Ouk-Yean Kim Jueng, Campbell United Methodist Church
Rev. Nina Kalmoutis, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sunnyvale
Steven B. Kaplan
Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann, Stanford University
The Rev. Victor H. Kazanjian, Jr., Executive Director, United Religions Initiative
Rabbi Irwin Keller, Congregation Ner Shalom
Rabbi Stuart Kelman, Congregation Netivot Shalom
Rabbi Dean Kertesz, Temple Beth Hillel
Archbishop Franzo King, Saint John Coltrane Church
June M. Kirk, The Interfaith Peace Project
Rev. Ronald Kobata, Resident Minister, Buddhist Church of San Francisco
Rabbi Michael Lerner, Tikkun Magazine and Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
Rabbi Jay LeVine, Temple Isaiah
Rabbi Chai Levy, Congregation Netivot Shalom
Rev. Dr. Dawn Lindholm, Chaplain at Los Gatos Meadows
Rev. Joy-Ellen Lipsky, Silicon Valley Interreligious Council
Rabbi Jane Rachel Litman, Pacific School of Religion
Rabbi Dana Magat, Temple Emanu-El
Harry A. Manhoff, Ph.D., Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Beth Sholom
Rabbi Paula Marcus, Temple Beth El, Aptos
Rabbi Jacqueline Mates-Muchin, Temple Sinai
Rev. Michael-Ray Mathews, Alliance of Baptists, Faith in Action
Rabbi Laurie Matzkin
Rev. Cindy McCalmont, NAMI Santa Clara County
Rev. Nayan McNeill, St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Jilma Meneses, JD, Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Charities
Abby Michelson Porth, Executive Director, Jewish Community Relations Council
Rabbi Dr. Laurence Elis Milder, Congregation Beth Emek
Rev. Jethroe Moore, NAACP, San Jose
Naomi Nakano-Matsumoto, Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Community
Rev. Will McGarvey, Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County
Nancy Nielsen, Deputy Director, Lutheran Social Services
Jenny Niklaus, ALF Silicon Valley Faith Leader Affinity Group
Major Darren Norton, Divisional Commander, Golden State Division, The Salvation Army
Rev. Zesho Susan O'Connell, San Francisco Zen Center
Rev. Maggie Oman Shannon, Senior Minister, Unity Spiritual Center of SF
Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones, First Unitarian Church of San Jose
Michael G. Pappas, Executive Director, San Francisco Interfaith Council
Ishaq Pathan, Islamic Networks Group
Rev. Sara Pearson, ELCA Clergy
Fr. Jon Pedigo, San Jose Catholic Diocese, Catholic Charities
Rev. Steve Pinkston, Maranatha Christian Center, Bellarmine College Prep
Rabbi Molly Plotnik, Peninsula Temple Sholom
Rabbi Oren J. Postrel, Bend the Arc South Bay/Congregation Shir Hadash, Los Gatos
Rev. Scott Quinn, Marin Interfaith Council
Abdul Rahman, Islamic Center of East Bay
Rabbi Larry Raphael, Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Sherith Israel
Rabbi-Cantor Elana Rosen-Brown, Congregation Rodef Sholom
Kaushik Roy, Chair, San Francisco Interfaith Council
Walter Ruehlig, Interfaith Peace Project Board Member
Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Society of SF
Rev. Gerald Sakamoto, San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin
Sister Elaine Sanchez, Tri-City Interfaith Council
Ken Sargent, Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County
Rabbi Chaim Schneider, Santa Cruz Jewish Community
Rabbi Schwab, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Beth Shalom
Rabbi Judith Seid, Tri-Valley Cultural Jews
Rita R. SemelPast Chair, San Francisco Interfaith Council
Girish Shah, Jain Center of Northern California
Rabbi Judy Shanks, Temple Isaiah
Rabbi Beth Singer, Senior Rabbi, Congregation Emanu-El
Rabbi Jonathan Singer, Senior Rabbi, Congregation Emanu-El
Rabbi Idit Solomon
Rabbi Daniel Stein, Congregation B'nai Shalom
Rev. Wanika Stephens, Saint John Coltrane Church
Rev. Erik Swanson, Westhope Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Charles Tinsley, PCUSA Clergy
Rev. Manda Truchinski, Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran
Naomi Tucker, Executive Director, Shalom Bayit
Rabbi Heath Watenmaker, Congregation Beth Am
Rabbi Sarah Weissman, Congregation Beth Am
Mother Tracy Wells Miller, Episcopal Church St. John the Baptist
Deborah White, Grace Episcopal Church
Rev. Jani Wild, Episcopal Clergy
Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, ELCA clergy, Peninsula MultiFaith Coalition
Shari P. Wooldridge, Executive Director, Society of St. Vincent de Paul-San Francisco
The Very Rev. Dr. Malcolm Clemens Young, Dean, Grace Cathedral
Cat Zavis, Network of Spiritual Progressives
Rev. Kanzan David Zimmerman, San Francisco Zen Center

Link to statement here