Lessons from Linked Learning High Schools
Editor Jorge Ruiz de Velasco smiles alongside three of the book's chapter authors: Liz Newman, Laurel Sipes, and Kendra Fehrer.
Focused on the roles of teachers, school staff, employers, and community leaders, a new guidebook edited by Jorge Ruiz de Velasco addresses the integration of student supports in Linked Learning pathways. Chapters offer illustrative profiles of educators and partners who link together a rigorous academic curriculum, technical education, and workplace opportunities into a coherent learning experience for every youth in their schools.
Read a Good Book This Summer
Each spring, our interdisciplinary staff respond to the prompt "what books have emboldened you in your youth development work?" The result is our FIFTH ANNUAL SUMMER READING LIST, which this year includes 16 titles across many genres, from YA graphic novels to radical self-help books to memoirs.
Voices for Equity: Youth Leadership In Oakland
A Q&A with Kendra Fehrer
In Oakland, youth have played key roles in transforming their school district. This is the topic of a chapter in an important new book on community schools. The authors root their writing in histories of local activism, recounting how youth and their allies joined forces for change. In this case, they rewrote the role of student government as a training ground for youth organizing, research, and advocacy. Co-author Kendra Fehrer answered a few questions about the chapter.

Supporting College Readiness & Success as a Regional Priority
Senior Community Engagement Associate Liz Newman and Research Associate Hadar Baharav
Hadar Baharav and Liz Newman provide insight into the structure, framework, and tools they developed to support the work of a Northern California education collaborative. Their recent article in Improving Schools explores the conditions necessary for practitioners to lead with data. It features a partnership that aims to address a pressing regional challenge: to increase the number of Northern California youth who attend and complete college. They reflect on how an inquiry-based approach can help drive system change.
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