Green Mountain Youth Symphony, under the guidance of Artistic Director Robert Blais, was founded in 2001. Our mission is to create a community of young musicians from central and northern Vermont &
New Hampshire
through the performance of great music.
What started as two small ensembles has grown to serve 100 student musicians each year from towns throughout central and northern Vermont and New Hampshire. GMYS has three separate orchestras with room for young musicians of all ability levels from beginner through high school. GMYS also holds a Creative Arts & Music Program (CAMP) at Northern Vermont University-Johnson every August. And, we recently added Intro to Strings classes for brand new musicians to try violin, viola, cello, or bass.
The GMYS Senior Orchestra was selected to participate in the Eurochestries Festival in Québec City in the summer of 2011 and has played in several First Night celebrations. The Concert Orchestra has performed concerts in area schools, and remains available for school concerts on request. GMYS musicians enjoy performing around our region and would love to travel farther afield again soon!