February 16
Virtual Lunch and Learn featuring Koozie Group
11:00 AM
February 17 Webinar At Your Desk 12:30 PMShowdown 2021 New Products, Tools & Trends In Signage & Display
February 24
Virtual Lunch and Learn featuring AAA Innovations 11:00 AM
February 24 Webinar At Your Desk 12:30 PM Latest and Greatest from Cutter & Buck
February 25
Webinar At Your Desk
12:30 PM
Get to Know Vantage and All That is New for 2021
March 2
Virtual Lunch and Learn featuring LarLu
11:00 AM
March 3 Webinar At Your Desk 12:30 PM Multi-Line Madness with JSA!
March 4 Webinar At Your Desk 12:30 PM Grow Your Business with Geotargeting
March 9
Virtual Lunch and Learn featuring Goldstar
11:00 AM
March 11 Webinar At Your Desk 12:30 PM Understanding the Opportunities for Custom Award Jewelry
Save The Dates!
 CPPA Peake Awards
April 12, 2021
CPPA Winter Expo April 13, 2021
*Now to be our Spring Expo*
Laurel Park, MD Details Coming Soon!
2021 NoVA ShowcaseMay 11, 2021 Details Coming Soon!
A Message from our CPPA President, Cliff Quicksell, MAS+.......
Good February my friends
The great author, Ken Blanchard, was once quoted, "Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions".
This is the premise of my message. Constructive criticism and positive feedback like "cash" is the lifeblood of any organization, and your input, feedback, and comments are in part, are the lifeblood of CPPA.
Years ago, when airlines were actually serving food in-flight, a major airline implemented a program where they solicited their staff to give feedback and suggestions on how to make the airline streamlined and more profitable. Interestingly a suggestion came from a very unlikely group of people. Seems the individuals who were removing the garbage and trash from the planes after landing, noticed the vast majority of plates being removed still had the olive garnish on the plate. After a careful examination on the repercussions of removing the olives from the menu they did just that.
In the following year the airline, from that small reduction, realized a cost savings of over $40,000.00....just from removing the olives - imagine that!
What in our organization could be streamlined? Could your suggestion help develop a unique program to better CPPA membership? Given our economy, I know any organization would relish a program that would help them drive additional value.
Put on your thinking caps folks: We Want to Hear From You! Remember, this is Your Association! Collectively we can do wonders!
Continued success my friends.
Cliff Quiksell, MAS+
CPPA President
2021 CPPA Cares Philanthropy Selection - Fidos For Freedom
We are so excited to be supporting Fidos for Freedom this year!
Please make sure to check out our Facebook page each week as we will feature "Fidos For Freedom Friday". Here is last week's post in case you missed it:
"It's Fidos For Freedom Friday! Do you know it costs F4F $210 a month to help train a service dog/Pup? These two pups will make a huge impact on someone's life.
Meet the newest little members that have joined the Fidos Family!!! Salem and Thomas came from @Project2Heal and are 8-week old black Labrador retrievers. Salem is being raised by the puppy raisers at UMD College and Thomas is being raised by Linda Odom! We can't wait to see you grow and the journey that is ahead of you little ones.
#newpuppies #servicepuppiesintraining
To learn more about this wonderful organization, please visit:
Towel Specialties wins Counselor Magazine Distributor Choice Awards in two categories
Baltimore, MD - For the 15th consecutive year, Towel Specialties was awarded the Counselor Magazine Distributor Choice Award by ASI on January 21st as the "Best Towel and Robe Supplier." Additionally, at the same event, Towel Specialties/ Cobblestone Mills was also recognized as the 'Best Blanket Supplier" for the second time in three years.
"Given everything that our industry went through in 2020," said Shawn Kanak, the recently promoted president at Towel Specialties, "this meant more to us than ever before. Competing with the pandemic, trying to stay safe, and striving to provide outstanding service to our customers was a challenge, but we're happy that our efforts were recognized among voters in the industry."
Towel Specialties has been selected as the 'Best Towel and Robe Supplier" every year since 2007. They introduced the Xpress Towels line in 2014 and Cobblestone Mills in 2016. In 2018, Towel Specialties was selected as the ASI Supplier of the Year.
Glenwood, MN - American Solutions for Business recently earned the 2021 Top Workplaces USA award! Based on results from employee feedback through a third-party survey, the company qualified for this award on a national level.
"We are incredibly proud of this accomplishment," expressed Larry Zavadil, ASB's Founder & CEO. "From day one, we've worked hard to establish a stand-out culture here at American. Our employees and salespeople did an incredible job adapting to all the changes that 2020 brought; I'm honored to work with such hard-working, dedicated team members."
Additional information here:
As a CPPA member, you have access to these webinars that may be watched when it is convenient for you. By watching a recording you can still earn CAS/MAS credit.
The webinars may be found HERE on the CPPA website. Please make sure that you are logged in at www.cppa.biz with your email address and password as this is a CPPA Member Only benefit. Don't know your password? Reset it at any time on the main page to the right of the Log In button.
All caught up with our webinars and looking for more? PPAI also offers monthly webinars that may be found HERE.
CPPA Members.....
Are you taking advantage of your Member Benefits like a 10% Discount on SAGE Products?
Scholarships Available For The Promotional Products Industry
Apply Today For A PPEF Scholarship
Industry Scholarships For Industry Students
The promotional products industry is built on a shared vision of the future. We invest in new technologies, new products and our people. Part of investing in the future of our industry is investing in our students. In 2021, Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF) is awarding 160 scholarships, totaling $278,750.
Since 1989, PPEF has awarded more than $2.4 million in college scholarships to students. Scholarships are used to fund dreams of all sizes for students working in the promotional products industry and students with a parent who is working in the promotional products industry. Would someone you know benefit from a PPEF scholarship? The deadline for submissions is midnight CT on Monday, March 15, 2021.
 PPAI Appoints Interim President, Announces Executive Search
The The Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) Board of Directors elevated Executive Vice President, Robert (Bob) McLean, Jr. CPA, CAE, CEM, to lead PPAI as Interim President while the Board undertakes an executive search with search firm, SearchWide Global, to replace outgoing President and CEO, Paul Bellantone, CAE.
PPAI Board Chair, Todd Pottebaum, MAS+ commented, "We are incredibly excited that Bob McLean will have the opportunity to lead and work alongside the Board of Directors to ensure a healthy transition of knowledge and leadership. And, we are equally thrilled to partner with SearchWide Global to help identify the next President and CEO of PPAI. We are confident in the thoughtful search process to be employed and that PPAI, with the expertise and support of SearchWide Global, will identify the next leader of this organization."
McLean, long-time Executive Vice President for PPAI, commented, "I've had the privilege of working with Paul Bellantone for the past 13 years. Our efforts to protect, grow and engage the promotional products industry have been nothing short of incredible and rewarding. I look forward to our continued partnership over the next several weeks of this transition, and I am grateful to the Board of Directors for entrusting me to lead the organization as we work through an executive search."
SearchWide Global is a nationally recognized executive search firm specializing in the trade association, hospitality and experiential marketing industries. SearchWide Global's Executive Vice President, Mark Gnatovic, will lead the executive search effort for PPAI, and Senior Vice President, Kellie Henderson will assist with marking and sourcing of candidates. Gnatovic said, "We are elated to work with PPAI. The professionalism and process put forth by PPAI to select SearchWide Global only enhances our core desire to serve and support PPAI's executive search objectives. We are confident we will identify a candidate who exemplifies PPAI's core values and will serve the association into the next phase of the promotional products industry."
If interested in learning more about this opportunity, please send your resume and cover letter with subject PPAI to Mark Gnatovic, Executive Vice President at info@searchwideglobal.com.
Leaders should aim to talk less and listen more as they bring people along.
Setting strategy and keeping the organization on track to meet its goals is critical for a leader. As a matter of fact, it's probably what any leader will be evaluated against at the end of the year. But a true leader needs to take a wider view of their responsibilities, one that encompasses the development of other leaders within the organization - one of a leader's most important jobs. Why? Because as a senior leader, you might be setting strategy, but to execute that strategy, you need your team of managers. They are the ones that have direct contact with both your clients and the majority of your team members. You can't accomplish your goals without them. Read More
Recognize PPAI Members Who Inspire
Icon Award Nominations Are Now Open
PPAI has several highly-respected awards that recognize notable work in the promotional products industry. These awards identify individuals for their outstanding professional achievements and commitment toward their communities and the industry. PPAI depends on members like you to submit nominations for these prestigious awards. Deadline for nominations is March 13.
- PPAI Woman of Achievement - These women have led the industry as professionals, mentors, inspirations and philanthropists. They are models of the change they want to see in the world.
- PPAI Distinguished Service Award - Through volunteer service or by offering their leadership to PPAI, these honorees make significant, enduring contributions to their local and professional communities.
- PPAI Hall of Fame Award - Through volunteer service or by offering their leadership to PPAI, these honorees make significant, enduring contributions to their local and professional communities.
- PPAI H.Ted Olson Humanitarian Award - This award honors professionals whose noteworthy lifelong personal commitment to the promotional products industry extends beyond their companies and into their communities.
- PPAI RAC Volunteer - We spotlight members who exemplify the spirit of volunteerism and dedication to the promotional products industry. They continue to inspire their regional community with their perseverance, passion, and dedication