From hikes with the tykes to getting them on bikes, thank you to all the amazing Dads! Just like Dad always said, "Never Give Up!" Now more than ever is the time to stay the course and be safe. Focus on masking, limiting contact with others and keeping 6-10 ft away from anyone you visit. My past newsletters outline safe practices as well. Do not risk being around people who are not masking. Neighbors, family, classmates, housecleaners, even the deliveryman... they are all potential carriers. Don't hesitate to tell them when you are not comfortable. I often tell people to back up when they get close and even then there seems to be poor understanding of 6 feet. Do not risk "get togethers" that are not critical for the next month. Our hospitals are not prepared for the rise that is happening.

Lancet released a systematic review, which is the highest level in the “hierarchy of evidence”, as recognized by virtually every body of science. It also used the Cochrane method (the gold standard for reviews). 172 studies were included, which included MERS, SARS and COVID-19. The Lancet is the 2nd highest rated medical journal in the world (only behind New England Journal of Medicine) with an impact factor of 61. The conclusions:

1. Social distancing reduces transmission by 70%.

2. Masks reduce transmission by 66%.

3. Eye protection reduces transmission by 66%.

The New York Times covered this article Here.