October 28, 2019
OML Employment Seminar
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Rose State College, Midwest City
There is still time to register…The 2019 Employment Seminar includes a line-up of presenters that are the best and most knowledgeable in the various areas of employment law and processes in the state.  Included will be up-to-date information in the areas of medical marijuana and the safety sensitive position on drug testing procedures , the new FLSA update, which goes into effect January 1, 2020, and much more.
OML Dinner Night Out
The former OML District Dinner Meetings have taken a new name. The name that has been chosen for these annual dinners is OML Dinner Night Out.
Over the next several months, OML will be hosting a series of Dinner Night Outs across the state. You are all invited to join us for an evening of great food and fun at some of Oklahoma’s most popular restaurants. 
The staff will be on hand to facilitate the dinners and fill you in on the latest news out of OML, including information regarding the upcoming legislative session.
All events are free, but, registration is required. Please register online here.

Our first Dinner Night Out will be held in Krebs :
Date: Thursday, November 14
Location: Pete’s Place Restaurant
Krebs, OK 74554
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
We hope to see you there!
OAMA Pre-Conference and
OAMA Fall Conference
November 7-8, 2019
Cox Convention Center, OKC, OK
Conference Topics:
  • Municipal Marijuana Regulation Updates
  • Competitive Bidding and Purchasing - New Laws
  • Municipal Courts - Immigration/Debtors Prisons/Sentencing
  • Opioid Litigation - What it Means for Cities
  • Supreme Court Update
  • Issues & Challenges - 2nd Amendment Constitutional Carry
  • Ethics

The Pre-Conference will give 5 hours of CLE general credit and the Conference will give 6 hours of general CLE credit; 1 hour of CLE ethics credit.
OML New Officials Institutes
November 14, 2019
Kiamichi Technology Center
301 Kiamichi Dr 
McAlester, OK 74501
March 7, 2020
OSU Alumni Center
201 ConocoPhillips
OSU Alumni Center
Stillwater, OK 74078
March 26, 2020
Great Plains Technology Center
4500 SW Lee Blvd. 
Lawton, OK 73505
The NOI teaches the statutorily required topics such as Municipal Budget Requirements, the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, the Oklahoma Open Records Act, Ethics, Procedures for Conducting Meetings, Conflict of Interest, and Purchasing Procedures.

State law requires each person elected or appointed for the first time as an officer of a municipality to attend an institute for municipal officials. 

Remember, you don't have to be new to attend. Everyone is welcome!
Peanuts, Cracker Jacks, and Okies: Oklahoma's baseball history goes deep
Minor league baseball has a history in Oklahoma that predates statehood.