Service Participant Schedule
Meeting this Week
TUES 11:45 AM
Our Schedule This Sunday |
June 30 |
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
No Music
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Formation classes for adults
(see schedule below)
The Nursery is available.
Coffee and Conversation (Tyler Hall)
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
The Nursery is available.
following 11:00 AM
Lemonade on the Lawn
5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer
and Communion
with Prayers for Healing
Carl Purdy is our guest musician.
YEA (Young Episcopal Adults) Sunday, June 30, 7 PM , The Home of Katie & Matt Gullette
Please note the change of location
Calling all 20-30-somethings for a monthly gathering at the home of Katie and Matt Gullette following Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion. (Celtic Service attendance is not a qualifier!). RSVP for more information and directions to
John Jenkins.
Getaway to the Rhine with Saint Paul's
April 14-24, 2020 (Register before June 30)
Join with members, families and friends of Saint Paul's Church for a seven day Rhine River cruise on the Viking longship, "Eir," as we travel through Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands during the height of bulb season.
Space is limited and a significant discount along with other benefits is available to those registering before
Sunday, June 30. The cost is $3,750 including round-trip airfare from Augusta Regional Airport. For
more details on the trip, including booking information.
Independence Day Memorials and Thanksgivings
Included in this year's Independence Day service will be patriotic music performed by a brass quintet, percussionists, and the Saint Paul's Choir and guest singers. You are invited to help make this possible by making donations in memory of a loved one, a veteran, an active duty member of the military, or in thanksgiving for someone or something about America that you would like to celebrate or recognize. Please contact Keith Shafer in the Saint Paul's Music Office, or by telephone at (706) 724-2485 x 215. The deadline is July 1.
Formation Classes This Sunday |
June 30 |
Location: The Parlor
The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day.
Topic: The Episcopal Way of Being Christian
- aka: Inquirers, Episcopal 101
Location: The Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul
SESSION #2: June 30 - Marking Sacred Time, Space, and Life
THIS SUNDAY: We worship with regularity. Why? In this session, we will delve into how through liturgy Episcopalians mark the intersection of life and sacred time. Read Chapter 8 of Your Faith, Your Life.
"Our rituals reminds us to remember," Robin Kimmerer, Botanist
NEXT SUNDAY: What makes the Episcopal approach different from Catholicism and Protestantism? The Via Media! We will delve into the intersection of how our ideas about Scripture, Tradition, and Reason continuously form and reform our way of being followers of Jesus (disciples) and living the life of faith (Christians). Read Chapters 2 and 4.
NOTE: On Sunday, July 14th and following the fellowship dinner on Wednesday, July 17th, we will return to the subject of worship by conducting an Instructed Eucharist. To get the most from this exercise, explore this online Instructed Eucharist, series of videos about The Holy Eucharist. Revisit Chapter 8, Worship.
Throughout the summer we are exploring and deepening our understanding of what it means to be Christian in contemporary culture according to the theological perspective, practices, and traditions of The Episcopal Church. This class additionally serves as preparation for any person who chooses to be Baptized or to participate in a rite of initiation: Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation.
The clergy welcome your inquiries. Content from the book
Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church
will accompany and undergird
each session.
Children and Youth Formation return in August with the beginning of school.
Next Week |
July 1 - July 7 |
Hospitality Team for Parish BBQ
Sunday, July 7,
(sign-up now)
Parish Life events happen because parishioners join together. The Parish BBQ following our Independence Day Service offers another opportunity for fellowship with old and new friends. We invite you to sign up for set up or clean up for this annual favorite using our
sign up genius link on the website.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12)
Trip to Carowinds
Tuesday, July 16, 7:30 AM -
(please note change of date!)
Calling all EYC members for some SUMMER FUN! We are going on a trip to Carowinds on Monday, July 15th. We will leave Saint Paul's Church at 7:30 AM
and return that evening at 9
. The cost for this trip is $10 per person to cover the cost of the van. Carowinds is home to the Fury 325 rollercoaster and the Intimidator, as well as Carolina Harbor Water Park.
We will enjoy it all! To make a reservation, please
email Todd Shafer
as soon as possible.
Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark
Tuesday, August 13, 7:05 PM
RSVP now!
Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark returns Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 7:05
PM. Come out and root for the Greenjackets at SRP Park and join in fellowship as we welcome a new school year and the beginning of a new church season. Tickets are $20 and include an all-you-can-eat buffet of hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ, and grilled chicken (tea and soft drinks included). There is an $80 maximum cost per family. To make a reservation, please
email Todd Shafer . There are only 85 tickets available.
EfM: Calling the Curious 2019-2020 ENROLLMENT is OPEN!!
Are you curious about your growing in faith? Consider
Education for Ministry
(EfM), a small-group experience with a big impact. Fall enrollment is now open. The Tuesday morning EfM group has 3 spaces available, and the Sunday evening group has 6 spaces. NEW for EfM ALUMNI: alumni may participate in ANY year of study under the new curriculum for the cost of your books-no tuition. NEXT STEP:
Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau and
Kathleen Chandler or
Fr. John Jenkins
to explore this opportunity.
Donate Summer Music
On the summer Sundays when the choirs are on vacation special music is provided by guest instrumentalists or singers. If you'd like to donate the music on these Sundays please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call him, (706) 724-2485 ext. 215 for further information and cost. Gifts can be made as thanksgivings or memorials.
Independence Day Service
July 7, 11 AM
Invite someone to join you at Saint Paul's for our Independence Day Service & BBQ Parish Dinner July 7, at 11:00
AM. Our scripture readings, prayers, and music will help us give thanks for the blessings of liberty with which we have been entrusted.
Parish Barbecue July 7, The River Room
Following our Independence Day service, we will gather in the River Room for a BBQ Parish Dinner. Come share your BBQ pork, chicken, or beef specialty. If the smoker or grill is not your passion, bring your favorite side dish to share!
BECOMING BELOVED COMMUNITY Topic: Where Does Racism Come From? Exploring Racism and the Evolution of Racist Ideas Facilitator: Fr. Jenkins
Sunday, July 7, 6:45-8:30 PM, The River Room
Parishioners throughout the Augusta Convocation of Episcopal Churches and guests are invited to participate in our next Becoming Beloved Community event. Before this event begins in the River Room, consider grounding and renewing your spirit in the Celtic liturgy of The Holy Eucharist offered at 5:30 PM in the church.
Our program will have four parts:
- introduction, sharing hopes and concerns
- view excerpts of an interview with Dr. Ibram Kendi about his book Stamped from the Beginning
- table sharing
- Next steps and closing prayer
engage in shaming, blaming, or disrespect. We engage in this work in
to live our Baptismal promises to
in resisting evil, to
in word and example the Good News of God in Christ, to
Christ in all persons, and to
for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being. (
BCP - Baptismal Liturgy
Contact Fr. John Jenkins with inquiries.
Topic: The Holy Eucharist - What, How, Your Questions, and More
Sunday, July 14, 9:30-10:30 AM, Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul Instructed Eucharist without celebration of the liturgy
Wednesday, July 17, 7-8:30 PM,
Instructed Eucharist with celebration of the liturgy
A lot happens every Sunday in the short span of The Holy Eucharist. You have questions, we do too! Why stand or sit, bow or kneel here or there? "I've always wondered, what does [fill in the blank] mean, or why do we do [or not do] that?"
We are delighted to offer two opportunities designed to provide structure, insight, and practices that enable you to deepen your participation in The Holy Eucharist.
I invite you to email your questions-however large or small-so I may address them at these gathering. This way, there is no barrier or embarrassment about asking questions in public.
An "Instructed Eucharist"
is an experiential and interactive learning experience
. At the
Instructed Eucharist offered on Sunday, July 14, we will use the 11 AM bulletin to proceed step-by-step through the liturgy, stopping to address meaning, structure, and practices; we will not, however, pray the liturgy since that will happen at 11 AM. At the Instructed Eucharist offed on Wednesday, July 17, we will in fact pray the liturgy (without music), occasionally pausing to address theological meaning and practice.
we recommend this new
online Instructed Eucharist series
, which is an excellent way to learn on your own and to prepare to participate in our Instructed Eucharist events.
As always, I welcome your inquiries and reflections and hope you find all these offerings to be timely, helpful, and enriching.
Open Sundays for Altar Flowers Third Quarter July 21, September 1 & 8
Open Sundays for altar arrangements: July 21, September 1 & 8. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones, please
contact the Parish Office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time.
Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field
From the Search Committee:
A Prayer for the Election of a Bishop
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
1979 Book of Common Prayer, page 818
Are we missing your birthday?
Our "Second Sunday"
Birthday Celebration for June
will be June 9.