IPUL's Social Media Recap: June 28, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
Benefiting Idaho Parents Unlimited and the Idaho Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
We are happy to announce that on September 8 and 9, 2019, the Graham and Ruby DeLaet Foundation will hold their annual charity event – Graham Slam – to raise funds to improve children's health and wellness and the development of junior golf across North America.
In 2019, the Foundation will continue its fundraising efforts through the Graham Slam event in their hometown of Boise, ID. The Boise community has been Graham and Ruby's home since they met at Boise State University, and where they have built their lives and family over the past decade.
SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 | Superhero Soirée | The Club at Spurwing
SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 | Golf | The Club at Spurwing
The Graham and Ruby DeLaet Foundation Vision:
Our vision is to foster an environment where children and families that are affected by emotional, behavioural, or mental illnesses are supported, not only in their home, but also in their workplaces, schools, and communities.
Our aim is to help put an end to mental health stigmas through promoting open conversations, where children feel safe to discuss their struggles and feel supported.
In addition, we hope to provide equal opportunity for junior golfers at all stages. We will strive to ensure that no golfer is held back due to lack of funds or resources.
Read more about this exciting upcoming event, or to register as a sponsor, click here:
From our community members at St. Mary’s Church and Spanish speaking families...
"Thank you Rosario Beagarie for bringing important information in regards to how to prevent child abuse, like bullying and harassment in schools. Rosario thank you for your love, commitment and dedication to St. Mary's Catholic Community."
Updated Idaho Service Dog/Dog in Training Statutes!
We shared this Press Release – Updated Idaho Service Dog/Dog in Training Statutes!
1 July 2019 effective date for S1075 Title 56, Chapter 7, Individuals with Disabilities who have or need service dogs in Idaho.
Idaho Service Dog and Service Dog in Training Statutes will be changing and the most important changes are:
1) ALL disabilities are now covered under STATE statute (this is a big change from current statute)
2) There are now two categories for “dogs in training.”
a) individuals who are disabled have RIGHTS in non pet friendly places as long as the dog is behaving.
b) other than disabled (trainers, puppy raisers) have PRIVILEGES to remain in non pet friendly places as long as the dog is behaving.
3) ALL dogs in training MUST display some type of “in training” marking. It must be visible to the public. If the handler is “other than disabled” and the dog is misbehaving and the gatekeeper asks the “two allowable questions” under STATE STATUTE, and the handler is unable to provide the necessary responses and an ID Card from the training organization or produce identification that the handler is a trainer, then the team can be asked to leave.
The focus of the new, updated statute is the behavior of the dog. The statute provides clear and concise language regarding the process to remove a service dog and/or dog in training from a place of public accommodation under Idaho State Code, Title 56, Chapter 7.
If there are any questions, businesses, gatekeepers, handlers, trainers or training organizations may contact the following people or agencies:
Cheryl Bloom at Idaho Service Dog Advocates at advocacyidaho@gmail.com or 208-860-0679
Dana Gover at NW ADA Center – Idaho at dananwadacenteridaho@gmail.com or 208-841-9422
Disability Rights Idaho @ dina@disabilityrightsidaho.org
Thank you!
Reminder - Coming at the end of July
Parents in N. Idaho - be sure to get registered for the upcoming respite summit. We want to have a rich discussion about caregiver needs and respite in all of our communities. To register go to: https://arch.wildapricot.org/event-3422904
Also, if you need a stipend for childcare to attend, please contact us at IPUL to help with that. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Idaho Caregiver Alliance
July 30, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
North Idaho College
1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
"Respite is a fancy name for a break for caregivers." (WebMD)
Do you:
• Coordinate services for your child with disabilities/special needs?
• Make phone calls to check in on an older loved one?
• Drive a family member or friend to doctors appointments?
• Help someone manage their medications?
• Provide for grandchildren in the absence of parents?
• Help someone with household chores or making meals?
• Help someone make healthcare decisions?
Come join us and share your story.
This event is FREE
(Preregistration is required)
To register go to:
Email questions to:
Light breakfast and lunch provided
Brought to you by the Idaho Caregiver Alliance - a consortium of state, regional and local governmental, private and non-profit organizations and individuals working together to improve community-based supports for family caregivers who care for people of all ages; and ARCH - the National Respite Network and Lifespan Respite Resource Center. Many thanks to these Alliance members and event hosts for their generous support -- AARP Idaho, Boise State University, ARCH National Respite Network, Idaho Commission on Aging, Idaho Parents Unlimited, Molina Healthcare, and Blue Cross of Idaho
A Terrific Resource for Children's Mental Health
Check out one of our community partner's Facebook page to learn about their great webinar series for children's mental health. There's good stuff in here!
We want you to update your preferences!
You can now tune your email preferences! We want to be sure you are getting the mail from us that matters to you. We recently corrected an issue that was keeping people from being added to our mailing list, so if you are seeing this today for the first time, welcome!
When you join our mailing list you begin by getting everything we send out... However we know that not
wants to see
we send out, so we are making it easy to tune your preferences.
If you scroll to the very bottom of this mailing you will find a link that says "update profile" clicking this will launch a page where you can update your information, and choose what mailings you will receive from us in the future.
You will be able to deselect or select to be on the newsletter list, the social media update list, or the announcements list.
If you are happy with getting everything, then you don't have to do anything, you are all set. But should you want to adjust what we send you, that is now possible.
Upcoming Statewide Trainings
Due to changes in our workshop delivery that we made in January, we will not be hosting our scheduled July parent meet up.
Beginning in August, we are going to try some changes to make it easier for you to attend our trainings.
For August, September, and October we will be presenting two trainings on the same day, The first at Noon, the second at 6:00 p.m.
Each of these trainings will happen live from our Boise office - you are welcome to attend in person if you are in the area. We will also be broadcasting each session live via our webinar platform for anyone who finds it more convenient to attend remotely, as well.
In August we will be bringing you our IEP Basics training to prepare you for the coming school year. In September, our training will be on the Strength-Based IEP process. October will bring our Journey to Adulthood training with an added focus on bullying prevention.
Look for the registration links on our website and via Facebook for the August trainings next week.
Just a reminder that we have changed how we present our webinars - rather than a live webinar, will are now releasing a series of shorter, prerecorded modules on the same topic as our statewide training. The idea being that once we put them up, they will remain available for anyone to register to see and watch at their leisure.
You can find them here on our website: