November 4, 2019
Where Dreams Come True
Magic, mouse ears, and memories. My senior class returned from our class trip to Orlando last night, and although tired, we're excited to begin our next to last term. Spending two days in Disney and one in Universal, we truly made the most out of every minute. My favorite ride was the Millennium Falcon, not just because of the actual ride, but because of the memory that's associated with it. Two other friends and I decided to ride it with Mr. Dolbeare, Dr. Ortell, and Dr. Hoyle. With our pilots not knowing up from down, and our engineers getting stuck in their seatbelts, it was an adventure to say the least. Overall, out of our class trips, this has been my favorite. This trip has helped us all confirm that it truly is #seniorseason.

Zoe Blair
ASMS Senior, Yearbook Editor
Smile for the Camera
We need students for photo and video shoots this Friday, Nov. 8!
The photos will be in groups around campus that highlight student life, the school experience, and studying/academics. If you're willing to participate, submit your availability here by tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 5).
Visit the Big Apple! 🍎
Sign ups for the New York Special Project are open. Parents can attend too! Airfare, airport transfers, hotel, breakfast, dinner, sightseeing tours, and subway package are included in the cost! The deadline to sign up is Tuesday, Nov. 5 . Sign up here . Contact Mr. Kickliter ( ) with questions.
Apply to Win! 🖥️
Deadline approaching!! Applications for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing must be completed online by Monday, Nov. 4 at the latest ! Winners receive access to exclusive internships and scholarships. ASMS has had a history of winners and honorable mentions. Apply here . View the application guide here . Questions? Contact Ms. Gray ( ).
Artists and Writers!
Submit your work to Oculus Magazine - the literary and arts magazine, showcasing the school's creative talents. More info. here . Submit to
Schedule Changes
Students may submit requests to have their scheduled changed at this time. Drop/Add will be held November
4 & 5 and all changes need to be submitted no later than November 5.
New Prom Date
The ACT moved the April test date from the 18th to the 4th. This also was our original Prom date. SGA met and decided to change the date for Prom to April 25th . Please save the date.
ASMS Days are coming up on Nov. 16 and Dec. 7. ASMS Days are one-day preview events for Alabama 9th & 10th graders interested in attending ASMS to visit campus. Help us spread the word by inviting prospective students and families to attend! Here is the link for them to register.
ASMS Alumna Researches Cancer Immunology
ASMS alumna, Anna Word (class of 2014) is helping to found a new research lab at Yale University. Anna graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in Biomedical Engineering. She has been working with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute as a technician researching cancer immunology where she connected with a post-doc member of her team, Dr. Jeffrey Ishizuka. Word and Ishizuka will establish the lab at Yale and continue their research with a focus on how to utilize the processes of the immune system to treat and perhaps one day cure cancer. Read more here.

ASMS was featured in the National Teachers of German Newsletter for the traveling exhibit that was recently on campus! Click here to read more.
School Calendar
Scholarships with November Deadlines
Parent Association Winter Term Fundraisers
The Parent Association is offering an assortment of fundraisers during the winter term / holiday season to raise additional funds for our students and school.
ASMS Ornaments, 2020 Senior Ornaments, Tumblers & Blankets
  • Click here to see pictures.
  • Deadline to receive by Thanksgiving Break: 12 p.m. (Noon) on Tuesday, Nov. 19 (They'll be sent home with your student).
  • Deadline to receive your items by Holiday Break: 12 p.m. (Noon) on Tuesday, Dec. 17.
Yankee Candle
Now through January 8, 2020
  • Our link!
  • You MUST order through this link for us to receive the fundraising match. We make 40% profit on items sold.
  • All Online Purchases will ship direct to the purchaser or address you assign for shipping.
Now until the until end of school year
  • Our link!
  • We will earn funds from your shopping for e-gift cards and everyday items.
  • You receive discounts while raising funds for our school.
  • To shop, you MUST go to link as your starting point. Once you click on the retailer you wish to purchase e-gift cards or shop from, you will be redirected to their official website but in order for FlipGive to trace purchases, be sure to start with the link.
Join the PA competition!
Now through 12 p.m. (Noon), Monday, November 11th
  • All students received information about a student drive to recruit parents to join Parent Association.
  • The winning hall will be decided based on which one has the largest % of members at the end of the competition, and the winning hall (boys & girls combined) will win hall points.
To have your dates featured in Dragon News, e-mail