Improving the Life Chances of Vulnerable Youth
Dear AES Friends and Family,
The past two months have been busy for AES, and we are not slowing down any time soon!
Our second
Davitto Leadership Academy
cohort graduated and was initiated into
, the youth action component of AES. Our partnerships with local schools, community colleges, and other nonprofits doing this important work, like
the HAWK Institute
, continue to grow. And AES participated in our first Big Day of Giving Campaign, which not only brought our organization together, but also helped us to realize how others think about the great work we are doing.
Thank you to our volunteers, donors, and partners in this important work! We hope you will join us in this adventure over the next year, changing lives one young person at a time.
CC Carter, AES Executive Director
DLA Graduates Become SYA-CAT Ambassadors
On May 4th, the second cohort of the
Davitto Leadership Academy
celebrated completion of their leadership and advocacy training as they were initiated into the
Sacramento Youth Alliance-Community Action Team
. Graduates presented to their families and community members the skills, confidence, and passion they developed over the past four months. As shared by DLA Program Coordinator Ana, "They spoke their truth to power about police relations, mental health, and education equity, furthering the mission of the Alliance for Education Solutions. I could not have been more proud of both cohorts 1 and 2 for being involved with the DLA because they are the founding mothers and fathers that will pioneer this youth movement towards greatness in the city of Sacramento."
SYA Summer Programs Mix Fun & Civic Engagement
SYA will be hosting bi-monthly summer socials that are both fun and civically engaging. As shared by SYA-CAT Coordinator Erica, "As summer roles around, we understand that youth want to have fun. What better way of doing that than together in the Davitto Leadership Center and our city of Sacramento?"
On June 13th, SYA honored students' academic achievements by celebrating those who graduated, advanced a grade, or are beginning community college or college this fall. Future events include a tour of the State Capitol and meeting with legislative staffers, registering youth to vote at the farmers' market, social justice movie night, and learning to cook healthy, low-cost meals. For dates and more information, check out our Upcoming Events section below.
AES and HAWK Expand Their Partnership to Further Support Boys and Men of Color
AES Board members and staff were honored to attend the HAWK Celebration of Excellence on June 8th. As shared by DLA Program Coordinator Ana, "The HAWK Celebration of Excellence demonstrated that there is a true power behind the encouragement of young men and women of color. Dr. G and the entire HAWK Board hosted a very warm celebration that highlighted the successes of their Saturday Leadership Academy, which teaches young people important skills, such as financial literacy, leadership, perseverance, and social justice." AES was humbled by HAWK's acknowledgement of our partnership, including the
Breaking the Chains Youth Summit
that young leaders from the
, and
the HAWK Institute
hosted in March.
Justice Reinvestment Community Award Will Expand Our Partnership
In early May, AES learned that it was awarded the National Boys and Men of Color 2019 Justice Reinvestment Community Award. As shared by AES Executive Director CC, "This opportunity has led to our collaboration with multiple school districts, a UC, 2 state colleges, and 3 community colleges. We have partnered with HAWK to provide a comprehensive mentorship program that will focus on a getting young people ready for the next levels of their lives. We are excited about all of the partners that we are working with and all that this will bring in transforming the lives of young men and boys of color. Stay tuned - this is BIG!"
Thank YOU to Our Volunteers!
AES could not do what it does without the support of our volunteers. As shared by Director of Development Jen, "From Board members, to DLA mentors, to fundraising Dream Team members, AES volunteers are the heart of AES. They give selflessly of their time, energy, and love to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable youth." Thank you to all of our volunteers! We look forward to celebrating YOU at the Youth Showcase and Volunteer Appreciation Event in October!
Volunteer Spotlight: Gavyn Clasemann-Ryan
"Volunteering for AES as a member of the Dream Team to plan for the Sacramento Community Foundation’s Big Day of Giving was an amazing and rewarding experience. The opportunity to work alongside the awesome volunteers and AES staff to raise funds to support AES’ incredibly enriching programs benefiting vulnerable youth of Northern California was a humbling and awe-inspiring experience. I would highly recommend volunteering for AES in any way possible. It is a heartwarming experience you won’t soon forget!" - Gavyn
Gavyn is a member of AES' Dream Team fundraising committee, has volunteered to help set up events like the Davitto Leadership Academy graduation, and joined the AES Board of Directors in June. We are so thankful for Gavyn's BIG heart and willingness to go above and beyond to help vulnerable youth.
to join our Volunteer Team!
Mark Your Calendar for AES' Upcoming Events!
Join Us at the Davitto Leadership Center!
- June 27th: SYA Capitol Tour and picnic on the Capitol lawn
- July 10th and 11th: SYA at the Farmer's Market for Voter Registration Days
- July 25th: SYA Social Justice Movie Night
- August 8th: SYA Eating Healthy Social
- Sept. 14th - 15th: DLA Retreat for Cohort #3
- Oct 12th: Youth Showcase and Volunteer Appreciation Event at a location TBD
- Oct. 26th: Men of Chico Conference at CSU, Chico
- Nov. 2nd: AES Fundraising Gala at the Downtown Hyatt Capitol Room
- Nov. 9th: Police Town Hall at a location TBD
The above events will take place/begin at the DLC
at 1111 H. Street, Suite 205 unless otherwise noted
Thank You to Our Generous Donors for Making Big Day of Giving a Success!
Thank you to all of the
who supported AES' first ever Big Day of Giving (BDOG) campaign on May 2nd!
With your generous support,
we raised over $41,000
to support vulnerable youth through AES programs. As shared by AES Board Chair Lisa, "We are very excited about the great response to our first BDOG. Not only did our supporters contribute, but a large number of new donors joined the AES family." To our ongoing supporters, thank you for continuing to invest in youth through AES. And to our new donors, welcome to the AES family!
Together we are improving the life chances of vulnerable youth!
Kika Alexander
Erica Amaya
Eddie Bankston
Joanna Bautista
E Lia Bolden
Derrick Booth
Jake Brymner
Drew Calandrella
Rebekah Carlson
Midori Carter
Marcus Carter
Charles Carter
Cynthia Carter
Anthony Carter Bertha Carter
Jeremy Carter
Gavyn Clasemann-Ryan
Vanessa Coates
Denise Crosswhite
Csilla Csaplar
Fred Cunha
Bernard Davitto
Sheila Davitto
Herman Ellis
Erica Flores
Kathy Foster
Lisa Foster
Robin Frazier
Georgiana Furnish
Steve Goldstein
Jessica Gutierrez
Jennifer Halford
Regina Hobie
Amy Hormann
Abby Hurt
Stephen Irving
Matthew Jackson
Susan Jarquin
Deanna Jarquin
Kaitlyn Kaesebier
Coretta King
Sharleen Krater
Orissa Kruse
Ajamu Lamumba
Rocio Leal
Mallory Mackey
Eugene Masuda
Michelle McDonald
Matthew McKay
Cindy Nakoski
Ann Navarro
Sylvia Nelson
Citlalli Ogunnaike
Katie Peterson
Stephanie Rahlfs
Blanca Rebuelta
Thursday Roberts
Susan Ryan
Mary K. Ryan
Chio Saeyang
Sima Sheehan
Wendy Sigerson
Simpson University
Voleah Taing
Leisiliva Tanaki
Ana Taukolo
Kapani Taukolo
Celeste Teters
Koua Thao
Maikhou Thao
Dee Thao
Nan Timmons
Susan Twining
Jasdeep Uppal
Amalia Vidauri
And a Heartfelt Thank You to Those Who Invested in the Lives of Vulnerable Youth in Honor of Others:
Sharleen Krater
in Honor of Tate Meintjes (#RideforTate)
Ajamu Lamumba
in Honor of Jasmine Carol Lamumba
Eugene Masuda
in Honor of Patricia Masuda
Celeste Teters
in Honor of Ruth McCabe Farmer and William Sean Teters
Dee Thao
in Honor of Chue Hue Thao
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