Table of Contents: June 28, 2019
 Conversation Sabbath 2019 i s 4 Months Away ! CS2019

How is the rhythm of your summer going? Are you planning your sermon topics for the fall? We hope you will be including at least one sermon related to the idea of planning ahead and having values-centered conversations about what matters most about living as a way of framing what would matter most when it comes to dying.The Conversation Project has examples of sermons clergy have shared with us that you are welcome to use for inspiration. Click here to check out our faith resources.

On the Faith Resources Page, you can always find our   Getting Started Guide for Congregations , as well a video titles "Talking Matters in Faith Communities"  to inspire you to shine light on what some think is a shadowy topic. Don't be afraid to bring end of life conversations into your sanctuary! The feedback we hear is very consistent: people welcome the opportunity to hear from their spiritual guides that it is not only okay to talk about dying, it is important and relationship strengthening. If you need more encouragement, please take a look at the inspiring story of   Bethel AME Church in Boston,  and the work they are doing to help their community with Planning Ahead.   
For more examples from the field and inspiration to get started in your community, please join us for TCP's special Community Call on Conversation Sabbath: Wednesday, August 21, 3-4:00 Eastern. If you have experience you would like to share on that call, please contact Naomi   Fedna   ( to let her know. And if you have questions you want to be sure we address, please send us an email. Click here to register for the call!

For more ideas for bringing conversations about advance care planning to your congregation, read on or go to our website: 

Resource Highlight: 
Videos of Catholic and Jewish Perspectives of End-of-Life Care

 Download the Getting Started Guide for Congregations

 This guide is designed to help congregational leaders introduce The Conversation Project's mission and free resources in the communities they know and serve. It is filled with examples of how diverse faith communities are encouraging their congregants to engage in thoughtful reflection and have conversations about their end-of-life care wishes with loved ones and health care providers. Click here to download the Guide.

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Wishing you a healthy and restorative summer,
Rosemary Lloyd and  Naomi Fedna for The Conversation Project 

Want to connect? Email us at 

The Conversation Project is dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care. Our free Starter Kit can help you talk to your loved ones about this difficult topic.