June 19 -25 Scout Challenge
Here you will find a resource hub for parents and leaders to help support Scouting at home, with stay-at-home educational activities for any Scout rank, tips for continuing to work on advancements and kid-friendly content that connects Scouting with their daily lives. We will continue to add new content and resources to this hub regularly.

Scouts! Be sure to take pictures and video of you and your family having a blast doing the challenge ! Enter the contest below to be eligible to win SCOUT SWAG ! Click the contest button below for details and to enter!
June 19 -25  Scout Challenge


  Try and test your creativity with these engineering and design challenges:

Make a paper rocket out of construction paper!

Build a disposable cup tower, play around with the design to build the strongest support, and see how tall you can get!  

Pick one type of engineer. With the help of the Internet or an engineer you may know, discover three things that describe what that engineer does. 

Have a paper airplane competition - build different types of paper airplanes. Observe which designs can go the farthest or the highest!
Have each family member submit a design and have a competition together! 

With the help of the Internet or an engineer, examine a set of blueprints or specifications. Using these as a model, prepare your own set of blueprints or specifications to design a project, and then build it!

Build your own spaghetti bridge, run some tests, and rebuild a stronger bridge:

Build an aluminum foil boat and see how much weight it can hold using pennies or marbles before it sinks. Try and change your design to improve how much it can hold.
Check out our STEM Activity video on Aluminum Foil Boats coming soon!
Become a lego engineer - build a structure out of legos that is Scouting related! Share your pictures with us. 

Use recyclables and create a marble course! Race marbles through your creation. 

Virtual Training Opportunities

Adult Leaders-Complete your required training this summer! Visit our website for sign up information for each training topic. More training opportunities come soon!  

Youth Protection Training June 23rd, July 11th and August 23rd
Sign up to complete your training!

Cub Leader Training : 
Complete your Cub Leader training before Fall!  
July 14th and 16th 

Scout BSA Training Complete your Scoutmaster and Committee Training by attending Scout BSA training on June 23 and June 30.  

Virtual STEM Training Webinar Introduction to the STEM Nova and Supernova program. Register for training on June 25.


Build it up, Knock it down (1) Discuss with other Lions things that can be built and things that can be knocked down. (3) Build structures using available materials

Tigers: NA

Motor Away Requirement 3- Make two different model boats and sail them. Choose different shapes for your boats.

Super Science Requirement 3- Do a sink-or-float investigation. Explain what you learned.

Engineer (1) Pick one type of engineer. With the help of the Internet, your local library, or an engineer, discover three things that describe what that engineer does. (To use the Internet, be sure that you have a current Cyber Chip or that you have permission from your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian.) Share your findings with your Webelos den. (2) Learn to follow engineering design principles by doing the following: Examine a set of blueprints or specifications. Using these as a model, prepare your own set of blueprints or specifications to design a project.

Scouts BSA - Begin working on the Engineering merit badge! This badge has several requirements that can be done at home and help build a new appreciation for common items we use everyday. Earning this merit badge also completes a requirement for the Whoosh! and Next Big Thing STEM Nova awards .