 | Photograph by Paula Kristovich and Deja Dean Greenway Community Gardens |
Tuesday, May 6th, 2014
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In this Issue:
Meet the People behind Urban Tilth:
 | SUPPORT Our Work TODAY! |
Turning it All Around, Serving Community:
Writing and photography by Edgardo Cervano-Soto (All Rights Reserved)
Brandon Clark, 25, is the Program Coordinator of the Edible Forest Garden. Clark loves being outside, and he smiles as he lists the reasons why the Edible Forest Garden gives him so much joy.
 "Look at the location where we are at. This is the perfect location to have this place because of all the traffic that comes in and out of this place," says Clark. "When you put gardening, the outdoors, and communicating with other people, well that's a plus for me. I really appreciate it." Only minutes after our interview, while I continued to photograph the forest, a young man approached Clark, asking him questions on how to best grow plants. This is the connection that Clark valued the most about the Edible Forest Garden- the opportunity to interact with all who cross the Greenway path. Clark lived with his father and two brothers near 12th Street and Ohio. His grandmother also lived near their home. By the time he attended middle school in Richmond, Clark says he was running with the wrong crowd and carried a hot-head mentality. "I use to bully people, take their things, get into fights and miss school. I was out of control," says Clark. Clark's home was in the cross hair of neighborhood rivalries, and he was not immune to them. Clark's behavior moved his father to take a decision and relocate the entire family to Bellflower, Los Angeles. Clark was 12 years old. Bellflower, a large suburb of LA, was a restarting point for Clark. He finished middle school, began high school, joined the Army ROTC and played some football. "My father took me out of Richmond for a reason. He saw the potential in me." Yet, Clark would not remain in Los Angeles with his father. He returned to the Bay Area, and began attending the JobCorps program in San Francisco. Through the JobCorps, Clark began learning gardening and carpentry. He seemed to be making progress, but it came to a halt. In 2007, Clark committed robbery and in 2009, he was sentenced to prison at the age of 20. " I fell in the wrong hands with some hot heads and got into a situation out there in the city. I did three different prisons: San Ramon County, San Quentin and Pelican Bay" remembers Clark. Prison was a two year journey that shook Clark to his core. ...READ MORE
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Tomato Giveaway at Lincoln Elementary School
Greenway Gardens Team - Paula Kristovich and Deja Dean
What do Boxcar Willie, Big New Dwarf, and Dr. Wychee have in common?
All are tomato varieties included in Greenway Garden's recent give-away at Lincoln's Family Fun NIght. Families lined up to get tomato plants (propagated for us by C.C. Master Gardeners), bunches of radishes (picked that morning at the Greenway Gardens), and learn more about Urban Tilth.
Teachers and families alike were enthusiastic about working with us. This was a big step forward in forging a relationship with Lincoln School community - Deja Dean & Paula Kristovich.
Practical Exams: Richmond High Urban Ag Class
Richmond High Team - Adam Boisvert
 It is the final quarter of the school year at the Richmond High Urban Agriculture Course! ~Tear~ As with any ending, It is important to provide the opportunity for people to remember, and exemplify the many lessons they have learned over the course of the school year! Enter.. The Urban Agriculture Practical Exam For the next two months, our 40 students are placed into groups of 4-5, and are bestowed 170 square feet of planting space to care for per group, and additionally a "side task" (examples: compost generation, greenhouse production, fruit tree maintenance, native plant propagation, etc). Students begin each week with clipboards in hand, putting their powers of Protracted and Thought Observation to work recording down observations of crop health, moisture levels in the beds, and necessary tasks and materials needed for the rest of the week. Students are then responsible for manifesting the needs of their planting space and side task for the rest of the week, with minimal instruction. This, of course, culminates in a weekly celebration of a job well done with Food Fridays! Grading is based upon team work, documentation of observations, tasks, and materials, as well as group's ability to complete the tasks they have committed themselves to. Let The Games Begin!!
Follow us on Facebook for more updates from the Richmond High Urban Agriculture Course!
- Mr. B
Growing Together at Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church
Technical Assistance Team - Tere Jimenez & Juan Magana
 It was a beautiful and memorable day yesterday at the church garden. We spend the morning planting tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, lettuce and corn! We also harvested some onions, cha rd, mustard and beans. Sharing ideas, making connections and simply appreciating one another and nature through the act of growing food. After a couple of hours of hard work we ate a delicious lunch. I can't wait to harvest what we planted! - Tere Jimenez
Planting from Seeds:
- Basil
- Beans, scarlet runner
- Beans, snap, bush or pole
- Beets
- Carrots
- Celery
- Corn
- Cucumber
- Eggplant
- Lettuce, leaf*
- Pea
- Peppers
- Potato tubers
- Pumpkin
- Radish small
- Squash, summer
- Squash, winter
- Sunflower
Planting Vegetable Starts:
- Broccoli (plants)
- Brussel Sprouts (plants)
- Cauliflower (plants)*
- Celery (plants)
- Pepper (plants)*
- Tomato (plants)*
Source: Golden Gate Gardening by Pam Pierce
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Catahoula Market Stand
Every Sunday at Catahoula Coffee Market Stand*
@ 12472 San Pablo Ave.
9am - 1pm
Grab a hot delicious cup of coffee and a treat from Catahoula your favorite Richmond coffee roasterie and shop then come out and support Urban Tilth by bringing home a jar of local honey, jam, herbal hand salve, an apron, a vegetable plant for your garden or a fresh bouquet of wild flowers grown in our gardens.
* All proceeds from our Farm Stands go to support our school and community garden programs.
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2nd Saturday Greenway Gatherings
@ 6th Street: Gardens, Bioswale & Bike Repairs
@ 16th Street: Edible Forest
Saturday, April 12, 2014
10am - 2pm
Join Urban Tilth, The Watershed Project, The Native American Health Center, Rich City Rides and learn new skills, share your knowledge, meet your neighbors and help us grow a new future in Richmond!
5000 Patterson Circle Richmond, CASunday, April 13, 2014 10am - 2pm Come out learn and grow healthy food for Richmond with your neighbors, family and friends! Dress in layers, wear closed toe shoes, gloves, tools, snacks and a good time provided. 
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Regular weekday Greenway Volunteer Days
Join us every Friday on the Greenway @ 6th Street 11:00am - 1:00 pm For more information contact: volunteer@urbantilth.org
Bike to Work Day 2014 on the Richmond Greenway
RIDE YOUR BIKE TO WORK in celebration of Bike to Work Day ...
Thursday, May 8, 2014
7:00am - 11:00am
Harbour Way & Richmond Greenway
(Between Ohio & Chanslor Ave)
Richmond, CA
*FREE snacks, bike bags with giveaways for all who RIDE their bikes on Thursday!
Saturday, May 24,2014
11:00am - 3:00pm
Urban Tilth will be serving up free ALL FRUIT bike powered SMOOTHIES until supplies last!
For more information contact: Dulce Galicia dgalicia@bbk-richmond.org

THANK YOU Miramonte High School Students!

Thank you Performers for Progress from Miramonte high school in Orinda for choosing Urban Tilth this year as the beneficiary of your annual two-day talent show fundraiser.
The event was hilarious and inspiring. Thank you to all the students who organized this student-led initiative. 100% of all the funds raised will go to the North Richmond gardens, this will help us:
- Install water catchments: Verde
- Build more beds: Market Ave and 1st Garden and Senior Center Garden
- Buy soil for empty beds: Davis Chapel garden and much more!
Thank you a million times over!
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